Unexpectedly, the reason why Master Tianxu Zhenren went down the mountain was because of the Extreme Dao Alliance, which made Ye Tian feel very surprised.

I couldn't help but hold the palm of the Tianxu real person, and hurriedly said:

"Master, those demons of the Extreme Dao Alliance are extremely insidious, or the apprentice will accompany you to Daluo Temple and the Zhuge family!"

Ye Tian didn't know much about the Extreme Dao Alliance, but he didn't hear much about their deeds.

Especially in the recent period, more and more demons from the Extreme Dao Alliance have come into Ye Tian's sight.

White girl, Liu Sanhuai, Shi Zhongyu and so on.

Ye Tian didn't know what their strength was, but Ye Tian knew that just a white girl was a pretty powerful character!

Hearing Ye Tian's concern for himself, Tianxu Zhenren laughed, patted Ye Tian's shoulder with relief, and said with a smile:

"Old man, I have been practicing in this world for hundreds of years, what kind of wind and waves have I not seen? Although the Extreme Dao Alliance is powerful, it has lost its glory after all.

There are only some shrimp soldiers and crab generals, and I don't pay attention to the old man at all! "


Ye Tian wanted to try his best to persuade again, but was stopped by the Tianxu real person:

"Okay, you have your life now, what are you doing with the old man and me, besides, what if you leave with me, what should you do if you leave your two little daughters-in-law?

When the time comes, if that stiff thing happens again, do you think they will still have a chance to escape? "

"That... Master, you'd better be careful when you turn around! "

Ye Tian knew his master's temper, and seeing that he insisted on doing so, he also knew that it was impossible for him to change his mind.

How high the cultivation realm of the Heavenly Void True Man is, Ye Tian doesn't know.

The only thing he knew was that although the Heavenly Void True Person was the youngest among the elders, he was second only to the Great True Man in charge of the sect in cultivation.

A powerhouse in the realm of tribulation, one of the best masters at that time!

Maybe it's really as Tianxu Zhenren said, the Extreme Dao Alliance back then really had the strength to provoke a lot of sects.

But today's Extreme Dao Alliance has long lost the strength it had back then.

"Okay, okay, how can I become more verbose than your master!"

Tianxu Zhenren waved his hand impatiently, then sniffed his nose lightly, and said in admiration:

"It's so fragrant, let's go and see what delicious my two good apprentices and daughters-in-law have made!"

After speaking, Tianxu Zhenren didn't mention anything else, and pulled Ye Tian and walked out of the hall of the room quickly.

The efficiency of the Ren Mansion is very fast, and when I heard that the Tianxu real people who eliminated the zombies were there, all the family members were full of energy.

In nearly half an hour, a whole table of sumptuous dishes was put on the table.

And Tianxu Zhenren didn't have those hermit masters, so he sat down and ate with Ye Tian, Ren Tingting and Hua Yanyan.

Tianxu is really funny and humorous, and he likes to tell some things about Ye Tian's childhood when he has nothing to do, and Ren Tingting and Hua Yanyan laughed, and the whole table was full of joy for a while.

And Ye Tian shook his head helplessly and put something to eat for himself on the side, obviously at this time, he had become a person on another front.

"Okay, okay, eat and drink, old man, I should continue on my way!"

The meal was very pleasant, and the innocent person stretched lazily, and then took out a small porcelain bottle from his arms and handed it to Hua Yanyan.

"Two girls, old man, I was in a bit of a hurry when I came out this time, and I didn't have anything on me.

This is a longevity pill, which was personally refined by the old man, and eating one on weekdays can make you prolong your life and stay young!

There are six longevity pills in it, you two will divide it, and it will be a gift from the old man to the two of you! "

"Thank you for the real people!"

After a meal, Ren Tingting and Hua Yanyan were also familiar with Tianxu Zhenren, and there was no superfluous politeness.

The two of them nodded happily, full of joy.

After speaking, Tianxu Zhenren turned his head to look at Ye Tian and instructed:

"Xiao Yezi, Tingting and Yan Yan are both good girls, I am very satisfied with them, and when the family affairs are decided, you can teach them the method of Maoshan cultivation!"

"Yes, thank you, master!"

Tianxu Zhenren's words can be said to have reassured Ye Tian in his heart.

According to the precepts of the inner gate of Maoshan, if a disciple of Maoshan marries a woman, he must obtain the consent of the master or head of the sect.

After investigating the identity of the other woman, it is determined that she is not a traitor, and they will agree to the relationship between the two.

Hua Yanyan is the heir of the Yin and Yang family, and has her own exclusive cultivation method, plus the longevity pill given by the Tianxu Zhenren, it is also a very easy thing to live over 100.

But Ren Tingting is a mortal, without any cultivation in her body, even if she eats the longevity pill, it is just a little longer than the life expectancy of ordinary people.

Ye Tian has already become a real person, and his longevity has been extended to two hundred and thirty years old. In the future, if you advance to a higher level of cultivation, Shouyuan will continue to extend.

Tianxu Zhenren did this, just to let the two girls have advanced cultivation, so that they can accompany themselves all the way in the future without worrying about the pain of death.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian knelt down again and kowtowed three more times towards the Tianxu Zhenren.

"Thank you for the real people!"

Seeing this, Hua Yanyan and Ren Tingting also knelt down together, and said gratefully.

"Alright, alright, all up!"

Seeing this, Tianxu Zhenren smiled and helped the three of them up, looked at Hua Yanyan and Ren Tingting with a satisfied face, and said:

"Don't be so polite, soon we will be a family, and then the two of you can change your name to me master!"


Hua Yanyan and Ren Tingting were a little shy, looked at each other, and were a little embarrassed.

And Tianxu Zhenren turned his head to look at Ye Tian and continued:

"Xiao Yezi, this Yanyan girl has been following you for a while, hurry up and take some time to go to someone's house to explain this matter clearly!

At that time, if Hua Manjiang's kid still wants to marry Yanyan to the stinky boy of the Xiang family, you tell the master, and the master will personally come to the door to teach him! "

"Knowing the master, I will take Yan Yan to visit in person in two days!"

"Well, that's good! That's it! "

Tianxu Zhenren stroked his beard with a smile, then stood up and said:

"Well, this is the world of you young people, and I, an old man, will not be here to disturb others. Xiao Yezi, remember, if anyone bullies you, go back to the mountain and tell the teacher, the sky is falling, and the teacher will give you a top! Don't be afraid! "

"Master, you go slowly!"

The words of the innocent real man were still lingering in the ears of the three of them, but the figure had already disappeared in front of them.

Seeing that the master who loved him the most left his side after a short reunion, Ye Tian felt a little bitter in his heart, and couldn't help but moisten his eyes.

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