"Mr. Ye!"

Ye Tian's sudden appearance and lifting the ban on everyone made Anthony and the others feel extremely happy.

Ye Tian, on the other hand, ignored the other party, his body moved, and in the blink of an eye, he came to Edward's approach!

With a flick of his hand, Edward's figure fell into Anthony's hands.

"Stand aside!"

"Yes ... Yes!"

Anthony was horrified, but he didn't dare to say more!

Especially when he saw Edward in his arms scarred at this time, he was extremely worried.

At that moment, he retreated to the courtyard with the remaining blood clan guards, not daring to approach.

The scene that happened in front of him was all seen in the eyes of Grand Duke Laika and his two men.

In the face of Ye Tian's sudden rescue, Grand Duke Laika did not make any moves, on the contrary, he looked at Ye Tian with a group of strange eyes, and said with a sneer:

"You're the murderer of my son?"

"You did the corpse found in the city that had been drained of blood?"

Ye Tian did not answer Grand Duke Nalaika's question, but narrowed his eyes and asked seriously.

On the way to this manor, Ye Tian had put the target of his suspicion on Edward and the others!

However, after seeing everything that happened in front of him, Ye Tian could be sure that it was all caused by this strange vampire in front of him!

"The little Huaxia monk dares to be so rude to the Grand Duke, it's like looking for death!"

Without waiting for Grand Duke Nalaika to speak, the subordinate who had attacked Edward critter just now immediately turned into a blood-red figure and appeared in front of Ye Tian, waving a fist as big as a sandbag, and roared angrily:

"It is their honor that those Huaxia people can become the blood food of the Grand Duke! Since you sympathize with them so much, then you should also die with them!"

As he spoke, the Blood Clan's subordinate attacked Ye Tian's chest with a punch, but in the next second, he pounced in the air and hit the ground straight and hard!


The blood clan's subordinates were shocked, the speed of this Ye Tian's action was simply staggering!

You must know that speed is the innate ability of blood vampires, but what I didn't expect was that there were people who would be faster than their own speed!

You can't even notice the slightest trace of whereabouts!

"Then you go to die!"

Just when the blood clan's subordinates were surprised, they only heard Ye Tian's cold words behind him.

When the Blood Clan's men looked back, they saw a golden flame coming towards them!

Before he could dodge anything, he was engulfed by this golden flame in an instant, wailing and screaming!



With just two screams, the Blood Clan's subordinate was completely incinerated by the Samadhi True Fire, and his bones were gone.

Seeing this scene, the other subordinate was furious, and just as he was about to make a move, he was stopped by the Grand Duke of Laika beside him!

"Samadhi is really hot, it's kind of interesting!"

The golden flame that wiped out that subordinate just now was the Taoist Divine Fire Samadhi True Fire, and Grand Duke Laika recognized it at first sight.

Then he clapped his hands with some admiration and said with a smile:

"After so many years, I almost forgot what your Huaxia monk's samadhi true fire looks like, but what I didn't expect is that today I saw it again in you, a little child! No wonder Edward will choose you as a partner, my son can die at your hands, there is indeed a reason!"

After speaking, Archduke Laika showed a regretful expression, shook his head and said:

"But so what? I'm not a waste of them, but a dignified Duke of the Blood Clan! Even if the powerhouse of your Seven Rank Golden Pill in the Huaxia Cultivation Realm is in front of me, I am not afraid at all!"

While speaking, Grand Duke Laika observed Ye Tian with interest and said with a smile:

"Boy, you do have some skills in the true fire of Samadhi, but for me, it's not enough to see at all!"


I only heard a loud explosion, and Grand Duke Laika instantly turned into a black shadow and came to Ye Tian's side.

With a cruel and excited expression on his face, the yin qi around his body instantly rose and shrouded the hall, and in the next second, the sharp claws like King Kong grabbed Ye Tian's chest.

"Mr. Ye!"

Edward also woke up at this time because of the disappearance of the restraints, and saw that the Grand Duke of Nalaika finally made a move on Ye Tian, and couldn't help but scream.

And the blood clan subordinate of Grand Duke Laika looked at all this coldly in front of him, sneering and speechless.


Then just when everyone thought that Ye Tian was about to fall on the spot, they didn't expect an accident to happen suddenly!

I saw a purple figure flash in front of Ye Tian in the blink of an eye, but the Grand Duke of Laika, who was still imposing, was knocked out by a huge force, knocking over several walls in a row, and then fell in the ruins.

"Grand Duke!"

The Bloodclan men were shocked and rushed into the smoke-filled ruins to find the whereabouts of Grand Duke Laika!

He couldn't believe that Grand Duke Laika, as the top powerhouse of the family, could be hit hard by the other party, it was unbelievable!

Not only the Blood's men, but even Edward, Anthony, and the rest of the Bloodclan couldn't believe what they saw!

In the past, they were still a little worried about Ye Tian's lack of fear at that time!

After all, what is the strength of Grand Duke Laika, he and the others couldn't be clearer!

Even the Duke of Laika, who was not necessarily his opponent, was beaten out even if he was a seventh-grade Jindan powerhouse, was actually sent flying, it was incredible!

The next second, under everyone's gaze!

Two figures, one purple and one red, appeared in front of Ye Tian, as if they appeared out of thin air!

"Dare to hurt my master, look for death!"

Just now, I talked about the figure of Grand Duke Laika flying with a punch, it was none other than Ye Tian's spiritual servant, stiff Ah Zi!

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, the existence of a powerhouse like Grand Duke Laika who is comparable to the seven-rank golden pill is indeed invincible!

But what they didn't expect was that Ye Tian's spirit servant would be a super top zombie!


The existence of a powerhouse comparable to the seven-grade Jindan is not enough in Ah Zi's eyes!

Now that he has already regained his eyesight, unless a master of the Tribulation Realm like a Heavenly Void True Man appears again!

Even if he is a powerhouse of the seven-rank incarnation, Ah Zi is confident that he can defeat him!

"Well played! Well played!"

Appearing with Ah Zi was also the spirit servant Yue Qiluo who Ye Tian had just subdued.

In fact, just now, Yue Qiluo and Ah Zi had been paying attention to everything that was happening in front of them.

It wasn't until the sudden attack of Grand Duke Nalaika that Ye Tiancai released the two of them at the same time and appeared in front of him.

"Ah Zi, that bullshit bus is for you, remember, don't kill me!

"Yes, master!"

Grand Duke Laika is right, Ye Tian at this time is indeed not his opponent!

He never expected that a super top zombie comparable to the powerhouse at that time would be Ye Tian's spiritual servant!

In the next second, a cloud of purple corpse qi surrounded Ah Zi's body!

And Grand Duke Laika was finally found by the Blood's men, and stood out of the ruins in pain!

But he didn't know what a powerful existence he was going to face!

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