"Damn bastard!

At this time, Grand Duke Laika was already furious, and he couldn't believe that his dignified Blood Clan Duke would be knocked away by a force that he didn't see clearly at all in an instant!

Such a shame cannot be beared!

Thinking of this, Grand Duke Laika's yin qi soared, and in an instant, his entire face became extremely hideous, and a pair of scarlet double passes burst out with an eerie light!

Two sharp fangs burst out in unison, as if they could bite through everything in the world!

Suddenly, Grand Duke Laika turned into a streamer of light and flashed in front of Ah Zi like a ghost!

"It's a girl!

I never thought that the purple figure that attacked me just now would be the beautiful girl in a purple gauze dress in front of me!

In an instant, Grand Duke Laika had already become a demon in the night, and the yin qi around his body was instantly shrouded around Ah Zi.


Ah Zi looked at everything in front of him indifferently, and the dark yin qi that surrounded him did not pose any threat to him at all!

I saw that his body moved, and all those black surrounding yin qi entered Ah Zi's body in the blink of an eye.

Without waiting for Grand Duke Nalaika to react, he saw Ah Zi's figure suddenly flash, like a dazzling light, and suddenly hit his chest!


Grand Duke Laika only felt that his throat was sweet, and in the next second, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.



However, this attack was just the beginning for Grand Duke Laika!

With the sound of bones cracking, the body of Grand Duke Nalaika took on a strange twisted posture!

The originally sturdy body was like a twist at this time, and its whole body was twisted together, unable to move!

"Grand Duke!"

The remaining bloodstained men saw that Grand Duke Laika was in such a crisis, and roared and rushed forward with their fists swung.

But in the end, his speed was still a step slower, and the toes that had just taken left the ground, and pieces of paper fell from the sky, like a heavenly maiden scattering flowers, shrouding the body of the blood clan's men!


A sound of laughter came from the middle of the hall, and as soon as the picture turned, Yue Qiluo's red figure floated in the air.

Looking at the Blood Clan's subordinates below who were trapped by the layers of paper people and couldn't move, Yue Qiluo's face showed an evil smile.

Yue Qiluo is an ordinary cultivator in the realm of the Ghost King, even if a master of the Huaxia Real Realm encounters her, it is extremely difficult!

The strength of these two blood clan subordinates of the Grand Duke of Laika is comparable to Edward, maybe in the West, it is really the existence of the strong!

But in front of Yue Qiluo, it was not enough to see it at all.

Just the piece of paper that flew out of his body had already made the Blood Clan's subordinate unable to get out, and he was almost dying.

Looking at everything that was happening in front of him, Ye Tian stood aside and watched quietly with a smile.

Outside the courtyard, Edward, Anthony, and the Blood Clan's internal guards all had their eyes wide open, as if their jaws were about to fall to the ground!

Now, Edward finally understood why Ye Tian had so much confidence!

This is simply crushing, an extremely cruel crushing!



With the sound of bones cracking one after another, the Blood Clan's subordinate had become a mummy-like existence and fell to the ground.

And the Grand Duke of Laika in front of Ah Zi fell to the ground like a puddle of mud, and all the bones on his body were shattered!

And its body was surrounded by purple corpse qi, wrapped around its body like maggots on tarsal bones!

There is no way to restore the Bloodline's self at all!

For a while, Grand Duke Laika and his two subordinates, who were still high, all turned into a lost dog at this time.

"Master, he has been controlled by my corpse qi, and there will be no more resistance!"

Seeing that the Grand Duke of Nalaika was covered in devastation, like a puddle of mud, Ah Zi turned around and nodded at Ye Tian, and replied with a smile.

"And me, and me!"

As soon as the words fell, Yue Qiluo's figure also flashed in front of Ye Tian, as if he wanted to invite merit, pointing to the blood clan's subordinates who were wrapped in paper men on the ground not far away, and said with a smile:

"They've subdued a vampire too, master, do you think I'm awesome!"

"Well, it's amazing!

Ye Tian smiled, then turned to look at Edward and the others outside the courtyard behind him, and said lightly:

"Come in!"

"Yes, yes!"

Only then did Edward react, clutching his still aching chest, and slowly walked in with Anthony's support.

Along with the devastated Blood Clan guards, they all walked into the hall.

"This guy is the duke of your family?"

Ye Tian pointed to the voiceless Grand Duke Laika on the ground, and asked Edward, who was a little weak.

"Yes, Mr. Ye, Grand Duke Laika is William's father and the son of the patriarch Prince Filson!

"Woo... Whining... "

As if he had heard Edward's introduction to himself, Archduke Nalaika was unable to speak, but he was still struggling to speak.

As if warning Ye Tian, if he dares to move himself, he will definitely suffer revenge from the Rothschild family!

"Ah Zi!"

Of course, Ye Tian knew what Grand Duke Nalaika was thinking at this time, so he didn't bother to look down at him at all, but commanded plainly.

"Ah Zi understands!"

Ah Zi nodded, and then his toes moved slightly, and a blood hole was instantly pierced through the body of Grand Duke Nalaika, and blood flowed forever in an instant.

In extreme pain, his whole face was already red, and his whole body was bruised, although he couldn't speak, but from his expression, it could be seen that the great justice of Laika at this time was suffering the greatest suffering in his life!


Seeing this scene, Edward gasped and did not dare to speak.

Ye Tian shook his head, pointed at Grand Duke Laika and said:

"This time I came late, and I made you suffer a little, and he handed it over to you!"

"What... Give it to me?"

Edward couldn't believe what Ye Tian said, and looked at each other with wide eyes.

"What? You're not interested in his nucleus?"

"No... No... "

Seeing Ye Tian speak, Edward hurriedly shook his head and waved his hand, his face full of surprise!

All the sources of the bloodline's energy are stored in a core in the heart!

As long as the heart core is not destroyed, even if the body of the blood vampire is strangled and killed, it can still rely on the heart core energy to take rebirth!

It can be said that the heart core is the whole of the blood clan!

Grand Duke Laika is the Duke of the Blood Clan, and the energy in his heart core is so strong and pure that Edward can't imagine it at all!

If Ye Tian really let himself absorb the heart core energy of Grand Duke Laika, Edward believed that it wouldn't be long before he could break through the boundaries of the layers and become a powerful Duke of the Blood Clan!

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