"Young master, what are you waiting for!

Seeing that Edward beside him was still so stunned and did not act, Anthony, who was his loyal subordinate, immediately hurriedly persuaded him.

"Hmm. "

At this time, Edward finally came to his senses, and without a moment's hesitation, he immediately came to the approach of the Grand Duke of Nalaika.

Looking at the once high Archduke Laika on the ground, Edward's mind was reminded of the humiliation and hatred he had received.

I couldn't help but feel that the yin qi in my body was rising at an extremely fast speed, as if I had turned into a man-eating devil!

"Woo... "

"Woo... "

How could Grand Duke Laika not understand the crisis he was in at this time, and he could only again and again, hoping that Edward would spare his life.

But he was wrong, for Edward, he was no longer the former Grand Duke of the Blood Clan!

Now, it's just a tonic that can improve Edward's strength realm!

"Don't worry, he has no ability to resist, just do it!"

Ah Zi saw that Edward had not made a move, and thought that the other party was worried that he was not the opponent of Grand Duke Nalaika, so he opened his mouth to explain.

Hearing this, Edward nodded gratefully and bowed deeply towards Ye Tian.

In an instant, his right palm turned into a sharp steel claw, which pierced through Archduke Laika's chest in an instant.


Grand Duke Laika's eyes widened as he looked at Edward with a cold face in front of him, spurting several mouthfuls of blood from his mouth.


Another sound of speed was heard, and Edward straightened up again, still holding a bloody beating heart in his hand!

Archduke Laika's chest had a huge bloody hole open, and he fell to the ground in shock, with a look of disbelief still on his face.

In less than a moment, Archduke Laika's corpse shrunk into a black, dried corpse, without a trace of life.




Grand Duke Laika's heart was still beating in Edward's hands, as if he had life, and he wanted to escape from this place.

Edward knew that all of this was due to the nucleus in the heart.

Thinking of this, Edward opened his mouth directly, and the bloody heart was instantly stuffed into his mouth.

Looking at this scene, Ah Zi didn't react, while Yue Qiluo stood aside in disgust, pouting and saying:

"Hey, it's disgusting!"


As the heart and concentric nuclei fell into Edward's mouth, a blood-colored light rose from Edward's body!

"Strength! power!"

Edward could clearly feel that his whole body was filled with an unimaginable power at this time!

As if these forces were swimming all over his body, washing away the meridians of his body, Edward only felt as if he had fallen into a hot spring, which was extremely refreshing!

Seeing that Edward absorbed the heart core of the Grand Duke of Nalaika, Ye Tian nodded, and then with a wave of his hand, more than a dozen golden rays of light fell into the hands of those blood clan guards.

"This... "

The blood clan guards looked at the golden pills in their hands, and they were a little confused.

But Anthony didn't get anything, looking at Ye Tian with a puzzled face, wanting to ask the reason, but he didn't dare to speak.

Of course, Ye Tian saw everyone's expressions clearly, and Ye Tian didn't pay attention to Anthony's appearance at all, but said to the rest of the blood clan guards:

"This is Pei Yuan Dan, which can help you recover from your injuries and strengthen your Pei Yuan!"

"Thank you, Mr. Ye!"

When the blood clan guards heard this, they all bowed down in thanks, their faces full of gratitude.

Ye Tian smiled slightly, then turned his head to look at Anthony, and said:

"You must be wondering, why didn't I give you Pei Yuan Dan!"

"Yes. "

For some reason, Anthony looked at Ye Tian's eyes, as if he felt a huge coercion, and his legs couldn't stop trembling.

Edward, who was in a state of transformation on the side, seemed to have guessed something, and wanted to step forward to stop him, but was blocked by Ah Zi, who suddenly flashed in front of him.

"Master, you stand aside!"

"But... Can... "

Edward wanted to say something more, but after seeing Na Zi's cold eyes, he closed his mouth.

At the moment, he could only look at Anthony in front of him anxiously, hoping that Ye Tian could let him live.

"Just now, you were going to tell that Grand Duke what kind of duke, tell me my identity and residence, right?"

"I... I was forced to do this when I saw that Young Master Edward was seriously injured, please forgive me!"

"Forgive you?"

Ye Tian said coldly and asked rhetorically:

"If I hadn't shown up just now, I guess Tingting and Yanyan would have suffered from this at this time!

"Mr. Ye spare his life! Mr. Ye spare his life!"

Anthony couldn't resist Ye Tianyi's momentum anymore, and knelt directly on the ground at the moment and verbally admitted his mistake.

Looking at everything in front of him, Edward felt extremely anxious, and those blood clan guards were also chilling and didn't dare to say more!

"I did this because I was worried about the safety of my master, Young Master Edward, so I had no choice but to do it, and I asked Mr. Ye that you have a lot of them, spare me this time!"

"Anthony, it seems that you still don't realize what you are doing wrong!"

Ye Tian shook his head helplessly, raised his hand and pointed at it, and a golden point of light fell from between his fingers, and the ticket fell on Anthony's body.


As the golden flame fell, a golden flame instantly rose from Anthony's body.

In the blink of an eye, Anthony's entire body was wrapped in golden flames, and before he could call for help, he had disappeared from everyone's eyes.

"Ding! Destroy a Blood Clan, get 100 merit points, 100 oceans!"

Host: Ye Tian

Cultivation is: a real person

Merit: 1780/2000

Exercises: Maoshan Eighteen Needles, Maoshan Fu Gong Technique, Maoshan Dao Technique, Maoshan Medical Technique

Divine power: Samadhi true fire, shrinking the ground into inches

Skill: Martial arts masterpiece, the power of ten thousand jun

Attributes: Gold bone and silver armor

Watching Anthony dissipate, Edward collapsed to the ground, his eyes darkened.

The loyal Anthony, who had been with him for many years, died in front of him, and he was powerless!

"Edward, do you have an opinion?"

"No... Nope!"

When Edward heard Ye Tian's inquiry, although he was bitter and sad in his heart, he still stood up and answered firmly.

"Hmm. "

Ye Tian nodded, for Edward's answer, of course he knew what he was thinking in his heart, but he didn't break it!

Immediately, Ye Tian stood up straight, looked at the group of blood clan vampires in front of him, and said loudly:

"Know who you are, your past is history, and now you have only one master!

And the betrayer of me is the fate of this Anthony!

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