Ye Tian's words exploded in the ears of Edward and the others, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, shocking!

Ye Tian is right, their current master has only one person to be loyal to, and that is Ye Tian himself!

"Yes! Mr. Ye!"

Edward and all the vampires nodded respectfully, not daring to question his words.

Seeing this, Ye Tian nodded, and then commanded:

"You don't know anything about the vampire killing in the city, and I will personally hand over that vampire and finish it all!"

"Yes, yes!"

Seeing that Ye Tian pointed to the vampire on the ground who was wrapped in a piece of paper by Yue Qiluo, Edward nodded again and again, and then he still mustered up his courage and said:

"Mr. Ye, thank you very much for your help in this incident, but after all, it was the Duke of the Blood Clan who died, I am afraid that this incident will attract the revenge of the family!"

Although he absorbed the blood heart core of the Grand Duke of Nalaika, it would be of great help to his strength.

But after thinking about it, one of the dukes of the family died, and I was afraid that the whole family would be furious!

Maybe there will be stronger blood clan masters coming at that time, but I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with!

"Afraid of what?"

Ye Tian frowned and looked at the other party, and said unhappily:

"You absorbed the heart core of that grand duke and gained all his strength, if you still can't improve your strength and also become a blood duke, then do you think you still have any value in existence?"

"I... I will definitely cultivate diligently to ensure that in the shortest possible time, I will be promoted to the strength of a duke!"

"Well, that's good!"

Ye Tian nodded, then looked at Ah Zi behind him, and said:

"Ah Zi, in the next period of time, I want to leave here temporarily, it will take a certain amount of time for Edward to be promoted to the Duke of the Blood Clan, everything here will be managed by you for the time being!"

"Yes, Ah Zi understands!"

Ye Tian's meaning couldn't be clearer, the reason why Ah Zi was left here was to give Edward a safe guarantee!

If during Ye Tian's absence, there are continue to be masters and powerhouses of the blood clan appearing one after another, then Ah Zi will become the strongest trump card and stay here.

What is Ah Zi's identity, Edward doesn't know!

But Ah Zi's strength is no matter how clear it is, and the dignified Duke of the Blood Clan can be easily crushed by it!

I'm afraid that if the Prince of the Blood Clan comes, he won't be this Ah Zi's opponent!

Edward's heart couldn't help but feel sincerely relieved and wise that he had chosen to surrender to Ye Tian!

He believed that with Ye Tian's existence, the height he wanted to reach in this life would definitely not be only the rank of duke!

"Thank you Mr. Ye, thank you Miss Azi!"

"No thanks, in the future, you will still be in charge of the affairs here, what Ah Zi can do is to deal with the situation that you can't handle, understand?"

"Yes, my subordinates understand!"

Edward bowed again, nodding in response.

"Master, master, where are you going! You left Sister Ah Zi here, so what should I do?"

Yue Qiluo and Ah Zi are both Ye Tian's spiritual servants, and now they see that they have left Ah Zi alone in the Rothschild family's manor.

At that moment, his face showed a look of unhappiness, grabbed Ye Tian's arm, pouted and asked.

"You, there's something else for you!"

"Huh, what's the matter, what's the matter?"

Yue Qiluo instantly smiled, grabbed Ye Tian's arm excitedly, and hurriedly asked.

"Let's go, talk as we go!"

Ye Tian smiled and patted Yue Qiluo's forehead, then raised his hand and pointed, and a True Qi turned into a white horse and flew out, wrapping around the immobile vampire on the ground.

With Yue Qiluo, who was full of doubts, he walked out of the manor compound and disappeared in front of the eyes of several people.


Although Ye Tian had already gone out to investigate the cause of death of the corpse at this time, Captain Cao, who was the captain of the security team, was full of sorrow and didn't know what to do.

"Captain Cao, you have to assist Dr. Ye to investigate the matter clearly, and give justice to the family of the deceased, otherwise, we squires will not let you go!"

These words exploded in Captain Cao's mind like a thunderbolt from the sky, lingering.

Thinking of this scene, Captain Cao could only sigh, shake his head and smile bitterly.

"Captain, we're back!"

At this time, several members of the security team walked in with embarrassed faces, and then one of them found a place and sat down.

"Didn't I ask you to look for clues, why did you come back so soon?"

"Captain, what's the clue!"

Hearing Captain Cao's reprimand, one of the team members looked at each other with a sad face and said:

"A discerning person can see at a glance that those two people were killed by monsters, even if they are not zombies, they must be demons such as ghosts!

We're all ordinary people, just a few broken guns, do you think we'll find any clues?"

"Oops, you've learned to talk back to me, haven't you?"

Captain Cao was already in a depressed mood, but now when he heard the complaining of the team member, he immediately walked closer, stretched out his hand and twisted the other party's ears vigorously!


For a while, the team member's face was full of pain, and he hurriedly begged for mercy and said:

"Captain, if you tap it, your ears will be ripped off!"


Captain Cao scolded, but still let go of his hand and said dissatisfiedly:

"Of course I know that the murderer is not human, but what can I do if the squire has put the burden on my shoulders?"

However, just when Captain Cao was venting his dissatisfaction, a team member excitedly pointed to the direction of the door and said happily:

"Captain, captain, Doctor Ye is back!"

"Huh, Dr. Ye is back?"

Captain Cao was shocked and immediately looked over.

Sure enough, at this time, Ye Tianzheng was walking towards the yamen courtyard alone, and he was still carrying a strong Western man in black in his hand.

The piece of paper that Yue Qiluo had applied had already been taken back by him, and Yue Qiluo himself had also returned to the spirit servant space at this time.

Ye Tian used Zhen Qi to turn into a match to trap the dying and devastated vampire, and at this time he had already come to Captain Cao's approach.

"Doctor Ye, what's going on?"

Looking at the strong western man who Ye Tian threw on the ground with a lot of breath and little breath, Captain Cao hurriedly walked up to Ye Tian and asked in a low voice.

Provincial capitals are metropolises, and there are many Westerners living in the area.

For these Westerners, everyone is respectful, and there is nothing that they dare not provoke at all.

But he didn't expect that Ye Tian would seriously injure a Western man and throw him into his yamen.

If this matter is known to others or the consulate, I am afraid that not only will my position be lost, but I may even have to give an account of my life here.

Recommend a new book by the big guy: Elf: Ambush Little Nebula at the beginning!

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