"This is the murderer!"

Ye Tian knew that Captain Cao was worried, and immediately raised his hand and pointed at it, and a True Qi instantly flew out, piercing the vampire's left shoulder.


Suddenly, a bloody hole exploded and appeared on the vampire's shoulder!

Captain Cao and other members of the security team were all shocked, and subconsciously took a step back and looked down in surprise.


And the vampire was hit by the pain of this heart-piercing heart, and instantly screamed miserably!

What appeared in front of everyone's eyes was a hideous face with red eyes and two sharp fangs!

"Damn! zombies!"

I don't know who shouted, and the team members threw away the spears in their hands and scattered in all directions.

And Captain Cao looked at this vampire with a pale face, his legs were trembling, and he wanted to dodge, but he couldn't take a step at all!

"Ye... Mr. Ye: This is a Western zombie?"

Looking at the vampire with a painful face on the ground, Team Cao pointed at the other party tremblingly, and asked Ye Tian cautiously, for fear that the vampire would break free from the shackles and pounce on him!

"No, this is a vampire in the West, just like the zombies in China, they also live by sucking blood!"

Ye Tian smiled and stepped on the vampire's body and explained:

"The murderer of those two people is this vampire!

"Woo... Whining... "

For Ye Tian's explanation, the vampire kept shaking his head, but he couldn't say a word at all, so he could only lie on the ground and keep struggling.

"Damn it, there's such a thing in this foreign country! Damn, I'm scared to death!"

Captain Cao couldn't help but admire Ye Tian's explanation.

It's the first time I've heard of the legend of Western vampires, but I didn't expect that not only in China there are demons and monsters, but even abroad, they are just as terrifying!

"It's okay, don't be afraid, he doesn't have any room to fight back now!"

"That's good, that's good!"

Captain Cao wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and asked in a low voice:

"Doctor Ye, now that the murderer has been found, you better eliminate it as soon as possible, I'm scared!"

"Okay, listen to you!"

Ye Tian didn't have any opinions, the reason why he kept this vampire's life until now was nothing more than to give Captain Cao and the squires an explanation!

Seeing this, Ye Tian raised his hand and waved, and the golden Samadhi True Fire turned into a ball of fire, and instantly devoured the vampire who was still breathing!


Seeing that the fire was fierce and powerful, Captain Cao and those members of the security team were all amazed at Ye Tian's Dao cultivation on the side, and secretly nodded in praise!

Soon, the vampire was completely wiped out by the Samadhi True Fire, and the prompt sound in Ye Tian's mind sounded again.

"Ding! Destroy a Blood Clan, get 150 merit points, 150 oceans!"

Host: Ye Tian

Cultivation is: a real person

Merit: 1930/2000

Exercises: Maoshan Eighteen Needles, Maoshan Fu Gong Technique, Maoshan Dao Technique, Maoshan Medical Technique

Divine power: Samadhi true fire, shrinking the ground into inches

Skill: Martial arts masterpiece, the power of ten thousand jun

Attributes: Gold bone and silver armor


Seeing that the vampire was completely eliminated, Captain Cao let out a long breath.

Then he gratitatively grabbed Ye Tian's hands and said sincerely:

"Doctor Ye, thank you so much! During this time, thanks to the appearance of you and the Venerable Master, the people of our provincial capital have escaped the crisis twice!

My gratitude and admiration for you is like the continuous water of the Yellow River, and the respect in my heart is even more. "

What Ye Tian didn't expect was that as soon as Captain Cao opened his mouth, he was constantly talking about all kinds of words, and after a dozen sentences in a row, there was no repetition at all, and he had to feel admired.

"Mr. Ye, in this way, I will set up a table in the Drunken Immortal Building in the evening to thank you for your help, you must appreciate your face!"

Finally, after all those sycophant words were finished, Captain Cao still enthusiastically held Ye Tian's hands and said excitedly.

"No need!"

Ye Tian smiled and pulled out his hands, waved his hand and said:

"Tingting and Yanyan are waiting for me to go back at home, so I won't trouble you Captain Cao!"

"Yes, yes, Miss Ren and Miss Hua are still waiting for you at home, then I won't disturb Dr. Ye that you and the beauty are together!

"Well said, well said!"

For fear that this Captain Cao would pull himself to boast and pat again, Ye Tian hurriedly agreed, and ran out of the yamen compound quickly.


At this time, in the Ren Mansion, Ren Tingting and Hua Yanyan sat in the hall, looking out from time to time, hoping to see Ye Tian's figure appear.

"Tingting, don't worry, the stinky guy is so capable, nothing will happen!"

Although she was also a little anxious, Hua Yanyan was calmer than Ren Tingting.

Of course, he knew that Ye Tian went out this time to ask that Edward to understand, after all, it was a vampire who harmed people, and the other party was the first suspect.

"Well, I also know Brother Ye's ability, but I'm still a little worried!"

Seeing this, Ren Tingting sighed and whispered.

At this moment, Xiao Ru ran in with a happy face, looked at Ren Tingting and Hua Yanyan, and said excitedly:

"Miss, Doctor Ye is back!"

"Ha, what's the matter, I'll just say that stinky guy will be fine!"

Hua Yanyan was overjoyed when she heard this, and Ren Tingting's brows, which had been tightly locked, also expanded instantly.

Sure enough, as Xiao Ru said, Ye Tian walked in from outside the courtyard with a smile on his face.

However, what was a little surprising was that behind Ye Tian was a little beggar dressed in tatters and covered with dirt.

Looking at this scene, Hua Yanyan and Ren Tingting first stepped forward to greet warmly, and then set their eyes on the little beggar.

"Brother Ye, who is this little girl?"

Although this little beggar was unkempt and his clothes were tattered, Ren Tingting and Hua Yanyan could still see that this was a little girl!

"Hello two sisters!"

The little beggar blinked his eyes, said something softly, and quickly hid behind Ye Tian without saying more.

"I've found the murderer, it's a vampire! It just so happened that when I felt it, the vampire was about to suck the little girl's blood, and I saved it!"

"Huh, vampires?"

Ren Tingting has received some education in the West and has a certain understanding of dark creatures like vampires.

I didn't expect that the murderer would be a vampire in the West, which was indeed a big surprise to Ren Tingting.

And Hua Yanyan didn't show much surprise, but looked at the little beggar behind Ye Tian, full of sympathy and pity!

If it is really as Ye Tian said, your little beggar's life is too big!

If Ye Tian arrives a little late, I'm afraid that he will die under the minions of that vampire!

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