"Come, little girl, don't be afraid, come to my sister!"

Seeing that the little beggar was hiding behind Ye Tian, with a frightened look, Hua Yanyan stepped forward, pulled the little beggar closer, and said with a smile.

And Ren Tingting also looked at the other party sympathetically, and did not feel disgusted because of the identity of the other party, and said with concern:

"Little girl, what's your name and where is your home?"

"My name is Yue Qiluo!"

As he spoke, the little beggar showed a mouthful of bowing teeth, looked at Ren Tingting and Hua Yanyan in front of him, and blinked his smart eyes.

That's right, this little beggar is Yue Qiluo!

The reason why he was dressed like this was also because Ye Tian still remembered the scene when Yue Qiluo and Wuxin met in the original book.

At that time, Yue Qiluo was a little beggar.

Time passed quickly, and the master Tianxu Zhenren also reminded himself that it was time to go to the Hua family to meet the head of the Hua family and explain his relationship with Hua Yanyan.

Although Ye Tian had already left Ah Zi in the provincial capital as a guarantee!

But after all, Ah Zi is in Edward's manor, and he lacks skills, in case something happens to the Ren Mansion, I am afraid that he will not have time to arrive at all.

That's why Ye Tian made the decision to bring Yue Qiluo into his real identity as a victim.

Ren Tingting is kind-hearted and will definitely leave Yue Qiluo to find an errand in Ren's mansion.

In this way, Yue Qiluo can justifiably stay by Ren Tingting's side and secretly protect the other party.

With such a double insurance, Ye Tian was relieved and could leave the provincial capital with Hua Yanyan.

"Yue Qiluo, what a nice name!"

Hua Yanyan and Ren Tingting were both surprised, they didn't expect such a sloppy-looking little beggar to have such a nice name.

When Yue Qiluo heard this, he smiled even more happily, and couldn't help but glance back at Ye Tian, leaking a smug smile.

Now that this Yue Qiluo has hidden all his strength, Hua Yanyan's cultivation is not at the realm of an earth master, and she can't recognize the identity of this other party's ghost king at all.

"Tingting, I saw that the little girl was pitiful and homeless, so I brought it back here, you see that this is to arrange an errand!"

"Well, it must be arranged! The little girl is so pitiful!"

Listening to Ye Tian's suggestion, Ren Tingting nodded again and again without any hesitation.

And Hua Yanyan carefully looked at Yue Qiluo's appearance, and secretly admired in her heart, if this girl freshened up, she would definitely be a beautiful embryo.

couldn't help but step forward, Hua Yanyan stepped forward, patted Ye Tian on the shoulder, and said jokingly:

"Stinky guy, you guy has such a good woman wherever he goes!


Ye Tian didn't expect Hua Yanyan to be able to ridicule herself because of this incident, and she felt a little speechless at the moment.

And Yue Qiluo seemed to be very happy to hold Ye Tian's arm, and said very proudly:

"That's right, the master is the best!"


The contrast between Yue Qiluo and before and after made Ren Tingting and Hua Yanyan a little surprised, while Ye Tian secretly shook his head in his heart, and immediately looked at the petite Yue Qiluo on the side and blinked.

Only then did the other party realize that he had said the wrong thing, and hurriedly put on a very embarrassed look, and whispered:

"I'm sorry, because Dr. Ye saved me, so I will treat him as the master, sorry, sorry!"

"Look, look, this stinky guy of ours is even a little girl!"

Hua Yanyan laughed again, and then beckoned Xiao Ru, who was standing at the door, and ordered:

"Xiaoru, you take Yue Qiluo down to wash up first, change into clean clothes, and get her some food!"

"Yes, let her rest for a few days first, look at this small body, she must have never eaten enough!"

Listening to Hua Yanyan's instructions, Ren Tingting also interjected on the side, and Yue Qiluo felt a little warm in her heart.

"Yes, Miss!"

Xiao Ru agreed, and then led the dirty Yue Qiluo out of the hall.

Then Ye Tian told Ren Tingting and Hua Yanyan about what happened just now, but he didn't say a word about Edward and others.

Ren Tingting was shocked when she heard this, and Hua Yanyan didn't expect that the murderer was not Edward's gang, but someone else.

Yue Qiluo, who had changed into clean clothes, was particularly beautiful.

After those housekeepers saw that the new maid was so beautiful, they all showed their favorite eyes.

Ren Tingting looked at Yue Qiluo, and she was also happy, so she left her by her side to serve herself with Xiaoru.

However, he did not let him work immediately, but told him to rest for a few days to recuperate.

At dinner, Ye Tian proposed to leave the provincial capital with Hua Yanyan and go to Hua's house.

In this regard, Ren Tingting was a little reluctant, but she also understood Ye Tian's behavior and did not do much to keep it.

just told the two to go early and return early, and waited for the return of the two in the provincial capital.


At midnight, the entire Ren Mansion had fallen asleep.

Ye Tian lay on the bed and slept quietly, but the press token on his body kept coming from bursts of buzzing sounds.

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