
Feeling the strangeness of the token on his body, Ye Tian woke up.

Immediately took it out of his body, and the token of the press kept humming and flashing with a faint green light.

"Inspector summons?"

Ye Tian was a little surprised, since Zhao Jingqi, the director of the Inspection Department, granted him the position of inspector, he had not been contacted for a long time.

However, although he is an idle job in the underworld, he does not have to participate in the affairs of the underworld on weekdays.

But in the face of the call of the Inspection Division, Ye Tian certainly would not ignore it.

At that moment, as soon as his mind moved, a green light flew from the token of the Observer.

Then a quaint gate appeared in front of Ye Tian.

With the experience of the last time, this time Ye Tian walked into the gate and came to the Yin Si Difu.

Soon, Ye Tian came to the outside of the main hall of the Inspection Division in less than a moment.

But in Ye Tian's opinion, there is nothing special about this inspection hall and what I saw last time.

The Yin soldiers are still stationed and patrolling, and the other Yin Men are also very busy.

Only this time, after they saw Ye Tian, they would all smile and nod their heads.

"I've seen the Inspector!"

"I've seen the Inspector!"


Greeting all the way, Ye Tian walked into the hall quickly.

At this time, in the empty hall, only Zhao Jingqi, the director of the Inspection Department, sat behind the desk and reviewed the case file.

Seeing Ye Tian come in, Zhao Jingqi immediately put down the brush in his hand and said with a smile:

"Xiao Yezi, you're coming very fast!"

"Elder Zhao, do you have anything to tell me to come here?"


Seeing this, Zhao Jingqi walked out of the back of the desk quickly, looked around carefully, and then whispered:

"Princess Kamiyo is gone!"

"Huh, the princess is gone?"

What Ye Tian didn't expect was that Zhao Jingqi came to him to talk about this matter.

That Princess Shenxiao is the deputy director of the Soul Crossing Division, Meng Po's deputy, and the daughter of the Eastern Ghost Emperor Shendi, she is gone, what is the matter with the Inspection Division?

Of course, Ye Tian would not explain his thoughts like this, but stood aside and continued to listen to Zhao Jingqi's words.

"That's right, Princess Shenyo hasn't been seen for a few days!"

"Could it be hiding in some corner of the underworld, and everyone hasn't found it?"

"You don't understand, you don't understand! There is no trace of her in the underworld, she secretly ran to the yang world!"

Zhao Jingqi saw that Ye Tian was puzzled, shook his head and said helplessly:

"Princess Shenxiao, as the deputy director of the Soul Crossing Division of the Difu and the daughter of the Ghost Emperor, such a respected Yin God cannot enter and exit the Yin and Yang worlds casually!

Emperor Shentu is now dealing with major matters with Yin Tianzi in Xudu City, and the people who know that Princess Shentu is missing are only known by the Soul Crossing Division and a few Yin Men from our Inspection Division!

If other Yin Gods know that Princess Shenyu has gone to the Yang Realm, I am afraid that it will attract criticism and trouble! The top priority is to find the trace of the Shenxiao Princess in the Yang Realm and bring her back to the Yin Division before the other Yin Gods find out about this!"

Finally, under Zhao Jingqi's explanation, Ye Tian figured out why Shenxiao's disappearance made him so anxious.

However, Ye Tian was still very confused, and couldn't help but ask:

"Elder Zhao, that Princess Shenxiao is the daughter of the Ghost Emperor, her status is noble, and her strength is unfathomable, if she is hidden in the yang world, I am afraid that it will not be easy to find!"

"You're right!"

Zhao Jingqi nodded, agreeing with Ye Tian's analysis.

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