"In that case, did you ask me to help me find it this time?"

Ye Tian was even more confused, since he had just analyzed the difficulty of this matter, why did Zhao Jingqi still ask him to deal with this matter.

"That's right, I asked you for help, but it wasn't me who looked for you, but her!"


Seeing Zhao Jingqi raise his hand and point out of the main hall, Ye Tian looked over.

A tall woman, dressed in white like snow, with a beautiful face and a noble temperament, was slowly walking in.

Could it be Princess Kamiyo's mother?

Ye Tian looked at the other party with some surprise, and couldn't help but guess in his heart.

Slowly, the beautiful woman walked up to Ye Tian and Zhao Jingqi, looked at Ye Tian with a flat face, and said:

"You are Ye Tian?"

"Who are you?"

"Ye Tian, this is Meng Po, the head of the Soul Hooking Division, hurry up and salute!"

Seeing that Ye Tian was a little hesitant, Zhao Jingqi immediately patted him on the shoulder and whispered.


Looking at this beautiful woman with a dignified temperament, Ye Tian would never have thought that she would be the famous Meng Po!

Shouldn't Meng Po be an old woman hunched over and standing on the bridge?

How could it be like this!


Meng Po looked at Ye Tian with some displeasure, and said lightly.

"Humble Ye Tian, meet Master Meng Po!"

Ye Tian put away the surprised expression just now and bowed down.

And Meng Po looked at Ye Tian in front of her, but she said unhappily:

"Is it that you bewitched Shenxiao?"


Seeing Meng Po looking at him with a displeased face, Ye Tian was a little surprised, and his heart was full of suspicion.

Fooled the gods themselves?

Where did this start?

"Hmph, don't admit it yet!"

Meng Po's face was full of anger, and then she raised her hand and shook it, and one by one the comic books fell at Ye Tian's feet.

"There's a mess of books on it, you gave it to Shenxiao, didn't you?"

"What kind of book is this, I've never seen it before!"

Zhao Jingqi looked surprised, in fact, he didn't understand why Meng Po named Ye Tianlai to take on the important task of finding Shenxiao.

Seeing these strange books now, it is indeed a bit of a surprise what happened!

Where did Ye Tian come from, he got these books and gave them to Shenxiao!

"That's right, these books are my gift to Princess Shenyo, why do you want to be confused?"

Ye Tian recognized the book under his feet at a glance, it was nothing else, it was the complete set of "Dragon Ball" manga collection that the system rewarded last time, and he took out a set and gave it to Princess Shenxiao.

In Ye Tian's view, although the storylines depicted in these comics are full of imagination for this era!

But to say that it is to bewitch others is simply nonsense.

couldn't help but feel a little displeased with this Meng Po in Ye Tian's heart, straightened his waist, and continued:

"Princess Shenxiao, as the deputy director of the Soul Crossing Division, has her own behavior judgment, where she is going, what kind of judgment she makes, and what does it have to do with the gift I gave her?


Unexpectedly, Ye Tian actually bluntly contradicted Meng Po, which shocked Zhao Jingqi.

Perhaps in Ye Tian's opinion, this Meng Po is just the main thing of the Soul Crossing Division, but Zhao Jingqi knows very well how terrifying this Meng Po's true identity is.

At the moment, he was afraid that Ye Tian would annoy the other party by saying a contradiction, so he hurriedly walked between the two and opened his mouth to persuade:

"Meng Po, Ye Tian, this kid is young and vigorous, and his speech is a little reckless, don't be like him!"

Ye Tian, how can you talk to Meng Po like this, hurry up and apologize, hurry!"

Seeing that Zhao Jingqi kept glaring at him and frowning, Ye Tian felt unhappy with Meng Po's handling in his heart, but he couldn't bear to refute Zhao Jingqi's face, and then bowed and said lightly:

"Master Meng Po, I was a little impulsive just now, and I bumped into the adult, please forgive me!"


Meng Po squinted her eyes and looked at Ye Tian, the expression on her face was cloudy, and Zhao Jingqi on the side saw this, and also opened her mouth to persuade:

"Meng Po, let's discuss how to get Princess Shenxiao back, don't care about these things now!"

"Hmm. "

Hearing Zhao Jingqi say this, Meng Po nodded after all, and then continued to speak:

"The matter of Shenxiao's departure from the sun is a crucial secret, and it must not be revealed. I suspect she went to the Underworld because she read the books you gave her and had some ideas, maybe she was looking for you!"

"Looking for me?"

Ye Tian pointed at himself, a little surprised.

"What Meng Po said is right, during the time you are not in the underworld, Princess Shenxiao has come and gone to the main hall of the inspection department many times, and each time she asks when you will come again!

I didn't take it seriously at the time, I just said that you would come back in a while, who would have thought that Her Royal Highness would disappear!"

Listening to Meng Po's analysis and looking at Zhao Jingqi's speculation, Ye Tian finally made a clear decision.

The two principals who dare to love attributed the reason for Shenxiao's departure to themselves!

"Can this be relied on by me? It's a bit too much to say, isn't it?"

If it weren't for the sake of maintaining Zhao Jingqi's face, Ye Tian wouldn't mind reasoning with Meng Po.

After thinking about it, he still gave up the idea, but he still expressed his dissatisfaction.

"Ye Tian, now is not the time to argue about this matter, I came to you, I just want you to help find the whereabouts of the Shenxiao princess in the yang world, now the fewer people who know these things, the better, you are in the yang world, you can help me with this!"

"Hmmm... "

Ye Tian was a little hesitant, looking at Zhao Jingqi, not knowing how to answer.

"If you help us find Princess Shenyo, I can promise you to do one thing for you within my ability!"

What Ye Tian didn't expect was that Meng Po, who had always been prejudiced against herself, took the initiative to speak and promised herself a condition, which was indeed a bit unexpected.

"Ye Tian, don't hurry up and agree! Meng Po's conditions are absolutely no harm to you!"

was also surprised, as well as Zhao Jingqi, who didn't expect the other party to offer this condition, and hurriedly pulled Ye Tian to persuade at the moment.

"In that case, then I agreed!"

Seeing this, Ye Tian nodded and agreed to the conditions of the two, but he still said with some doubts:

"But this world is so big, where has Princess Shenxiao gone, I really don't know where to find it!"

"I know your concerns, and that's why I came to you for help!"

Meng Po heard Ye Tian's inquiry and explained:

"Shenxiao has always stayed in the underworld, although he is a little naughty, but he also knows how to measure and rules. But since she accepted the books you gave her, she has become restless every day, holding those books from morning to night, not knowing what to think!

This time her disappearance was something that had never happened before. I believe that her disappearance must have something to do with the books you gave her, as long as you pay close attention to the situation around you, she will definitely take the initiative to look for you, and you don't have to look for her traces like a needle in a haystack!"

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