
Listening to Meng Po's analysis of the Tao, Ye Tian didn't know whether to be angry or laugh.

After a long time, I had a problem with giving gifts by myself.

Seeing that Ye Tian didn't say anything, Zhao Jingqi was afraid that he would contradict Meng Po again, so he hurriedly pulled him aside and whispered:

"Ye Tian, you can help deal with this matter, the relationship between Princess Shenxiao and me is also very good, and I don't want to see her punished for this matter!

"Okay, I'll do my best!"

Seeing Zhao Jingqi's whispered request, Ye Tian had no choice but to take it.

Immediately, he turned around, looked at Meng Po in front of him, and said:

"Master Meng Po, I promised to help with this matter, but I will only try my best to do it, if I can't find Princess Shenxiao, I can't make a guarantee!"

"Yes, yes!"

Meng Po didn't say much this time, just nodded lightly.

"In that case, let's continue to be busy, and retire first!"

Seeing this, Ye Tian was unwilling to stay here, so he bowed again and turned around and walked out of the main hall of the Inspection Division.

Looking at Ye Tian's disappearing back, Zhao Jingqi sweated in his heart, then looked at Meng Po and asked suspiciously:

"Meng Po, why do you think that Princess Shenxiao would take the initiative to find that Ye Tian, in case she doesn't go to her, won't you worry about her whereabouts?"

"Zhao Jingqi, there are some things that you don't know are the best!"

Meng Po turned around, glanced at Zhao Jingqi unhappily, and said lightly:

"I know best what Shenxiao is thinking, I said she would go to find that kid, and she will!"

"Hopefully, I hope to find Her Royal Highness the princess as soon as possible!"

"Zhao Jingqi, can't you see it? That kid seems to be very dissatisfied with me!"

"Ahem, Ye Tian is young and vigorous, and his temper is a little more straightforward, Meng Po, don't take it to heart!"

"Hehe, it doesn't matter. "

Meng Po laughed twice, did not continue to deal with Zhao Jingqi, but turned around and walked out of the main hall of the inspection department, and disappeared.

Seeing that Meng Po also left the Inspection Division, Zhao Jingqi breathed a sigh of relief.

Shaking his head helplessly, he sighed and said:

"Ye Tian, Ye Tian, you scared me to death just now! Fortunately, Meng Po was not angry, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to protect you with ten! "


The next day, after breakfast, Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan said goodbye to Ren Tingting and embarked on the journey to Hua's house.

The Hua family is located in Jinling City, Jiangsu Province, is the first local family, and is also one of the best yin and yang families in China.

After taking the train for a whole day and night, Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan finally came to this ancient city, which was once the capital of the Six Dynasties.

"I can't imagine that Jinling City is so lively!"

Looking at the pedestrians coming and going, and the bustling crowd, Ye Tian couldn't help but sigh.

This Jinling is really quite different from what I have in my impression.

"Hehe, our Jinling is gone! Especially the scenery on the other side of the Qinhuai River, it will definitely make you forget to return!"


Listening to Hua Yanyan proudly showing off to herself, Ye Tian smiled and said jokingly:

"Then if you settle in Renjia Town with me in the future, won't you be able to see the beautiful scenery of the Qinhuai River?"

"Phew, stinky and shameless, who wants to settle in Qinhuai River with you, no shame or shame!"

seemed to be accustomed to Ye Tian's jokes about herself on weekdays, Hua Yanyan stuck out her tongue at Ye Tian with disgust on her face and made a grimace.

With a smile, he took Ye Tian towards the Hua family's mansion, very happy in his heart.

"I can't imagine that the family of medicine and Taoism that has been inherited for thousands of years, but the house where I live is not as good as Tingting's house in the provincial capital, but it is a bit unexpected!"

Soon, Ye Tian followed Hua Yanyan to the door of the Hua family's compound.

Looking at the compound in front of him, which was full of quaintness and vicissitudes, Ye Tianpo was a little surprised.

"Hey, what do you know, there aren't many people in our Hua family's main family, why do you live in such a big yard?"

After saying that, Hua Yanyan threw off Ye Tian's sleeves and ran towards the gate of the mansion quickly.

"Ah, it's Miss back!"

The two family members who were originally standing at the door felt surprised and surprised when they saw Hua Yanyan's sudden appearance.

At that moment, one of the family members ran into the courtyard with a smile to report the news, while the other family member looked at Hua Yanyan with a happy face and said excitedly:

"Miss, you can count it back, you don't know, how much we who are subordinates miss you!"

"Hey, little Liuzi, I haven't seen you for so long, my mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter!

"Hehe, that's not because we miss Miss, is it?"

The family named Xiao Liuzi nodded again and again, and then looked at Ye Tian, who was standing outside the door, and said suspiciously:

"Miss, who is this?"

"Hey, this is Ye Tian, a Taoist priest from Maoshan Mountain!"

"Ye Dao is good!"

Xiao Liuzi, as a member of the Hua family, knew the name of Maoshan very well, and hurriedly nodded at the moment, not daring to slack off.

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