
"Alright, alright, let's go inside!"

Hua Yanyan stepped forward and grabbed Ye Tian's arm very affectionately and walked into the compound.

And Xiao Liuzi looked at Hua Yanyan and Ye Tian's intimate appearance in great surprise, and sighed and said:

"Well, Miss actually took the boy back home, this is great news!"

Entering the courtyard, Ye Tian was pulled forward by Hua Yanyan all the way quickly, making Ye Tian feel a little speechless.

How can it be seen that Hua Yanyan is a runaway child!


As Hua Yanyan's happy cry came out, I saw that she immediately let go of the arm holding Ye Tian, and rushed into the arms of a middle-aged man with a heroic face in front of her.

This person is Hua Yanyan's father, Hua Manjiang!

"You damn girl, you've been away from home for so long, and you're finally willing to come back!"

Hua Manjiang frowned and looked at Hua Yanyan, although it was a reproachful expression, but he could see the doting and joy of being a father.

"Dad, look at what you said, I went out to experience and experience, which is helpful for my knowledge and cultivation!"

Hua Yanyan hugged Hua Manjiang and kept being coquettish, which made Hua Manjiang a little embarrassed, and hurriedly whispered:

"Well, there's someone else here!"


Hua Yanyan smiled and grimaced, and then quickly pulled Ye Tian closer, and introduced to Hua Manjiang and said:

"Dad, this is Ye Tian, my aunt's junior brother, and the only disciple of Maoshan Tianxu Zhenren!"

"Hello Uncle Hua!"

Ye Tian was polite, bowed to Hua Manjiang, and then handed over the gift box that had been prepared in his hand.


Hua Manjiang looked at Ye Tian approvingly, took the gift box, and said with a smile:

"Ye Tian, we still met when we were children, do you remember?"

"I'm sorry, Uncle Hua, I was too young to remember!"

Of course, Ye Tian had never seen Hua Manjiang, so he could only answer stubbornly, and pushed all the things onto the former owner of this body.

"It's okay!"

Hua Manjiang waved his hand and said with a smile:

"You don't have to call me Uncle Hua, if it's really according to seniority, the two of us are the same generation!"

"Juniors don't dare!"

Hua Manjiang's words are right, his sister-in-law Aunt Sue is Ye Tian's senior sister, once when Hua Yanyan appeared in Renjia Town, Ye Tian was the other party's uncle for a period of time.

Although he heard Hua Manjiang say this now, after all, he is Hua Yanyan's father, and Ye Tian does not dare to easily disrupt this generation.

"That is, if he were your contemporary, wouldn't I have to call him uncle again?

Sure enough, as soon as Hua Manjiang's voice fell, it instantly attracted Hua Yanyan's dissatisfaction.

pursed his mouth angrily, looking unhappy.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about it, you girl is spoiled by me!"

Hua Manjiang was very happy when he saw his daughter returning, and he looked at Ye Tian at the moment, and said with a smile:

"Your senior sister Aunt Sue sent a letter early to inform you of your relationship with Yan Yan, and I have nothing to object to this. Originally, I wanted to marry Yan Yan to the Xiang family, which was also a temporary idea, and I didn't count it! Since Yan Yan likes you, and you also like Yan Yan, then there is nothing to say, I agree!"

"Thank you Uncle Hua for making it perfect!"

Hua Manjiang's words Ye Tian listened to it in his heart, and bowed here with a smile.

After all, he is the descendant of Maoshan Tianxu Zhenren, and his status is one level higher than that of the ordinary Yin and Yang families.

Hua Manjiang once wanted Hua Yanyan to marry the Xiang family, firstly to find a husband for his daughter, and secondly, to continue the marriage and consolidate the alliance between the Hua family and the Xiang family.

After all, the Yin and Yang family is also a force to be reckoned with in the cultivation world, and if they join forces, they will be stronger than some cultivation sects.

But now the combination of Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan is a very satisfying thing for Hua Manjiang.

The Maoshan School has been inherited for thousands of years and has become the top cultivation school in the Chinese cultivation world.

If you can form an alliance with the Maoshan faction because of this, it will be much more beneficial than forming an alliance with a yin and yang family like the Xiang family.

"Daddy's the best!

Hearing that Hua Manjiang had done that about her and Ye Tian's family, Hua Yanyan was happy, holding Hua Manjiang's arm and shaking it constantly.

"By the way, grandpa, why isn't grandpa here?"

Suddenly, I thought that my grandfather Hua Qianqiu didn't appear, which made Hua Yanyan a little surprised and asked curiously.

"Your grandfather said that he wanted to travel all over the world and dump this mess to me, hey!"

When Hua Manjiang heard Hua Qianqiu say this, he waved his hand helplessly, and then continued:

"In three days, it will be the time for the semi-annual assessment of the inner disciples of the family, and now that your grandfather is not here, these things are all on my shoulders!"

"Why is it going to be assessed so soon?"

When Hua Yanyan heard her father Hua Manjiang say this, she immediately showed a look of surprise.

Ye Tian, on the other hand, was listening to the conversation between the two on the side, a little puzzled.

Inner disciple assessment?

Although he had not seen the assessment of the inner disciples of the Yin Yang Family, Ye Tian could guess that this was not much different from the things that had been held in Maoshan between the disciples to learn from each other.

In order to assess the progress of the disciples' exercises and the realm of cultivation!

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