Zombies, abandoned by the Three Realms and Six Realms, live on resentment and feed on flesh and blood, and can be said to be a group of extraordinary existences!

As a zombie zombie second only to the existence of the zombie, Ah Zi's strength is unpredictable, Ye Tian estimates that even if a strong person in the Transformation God Realm wants to destroy Ah Zi, he will definitely pay a great price!

"Let's not talk about this matter for now, why did you suddenly find here?"

There is a mark of master and servant between Ah Zi and himself, and it is not difficult for the other party to find himself.

But after all, he had arranged the task for him, and now he came rashly, which must have raised doubts in Ye Tian's heart.

"I have completed the task entrusted to me by my master, and I will come back to report to my master!"

Ah Zi's tone was flat, and there was always that shallow smile on his face.

"Mission done?"

"Yes, master!"

Ah Zi nodded and explained:

"Edward has lived up to his master's cultivation and has successfully advanced to become a blood duke!"

"What? How can it be so fast?"

After listening to Ah Zi's answer, Ye Tian was stunned!

It has only been a few days since he left the provincial capital, and it is incredible that Edward has successfully advanced to the strength of a duke as an earl!

"That's right, Edward is really the rank of the Duke of the Blood Clan, and I have completed the task entrusted to me by my master. "

"Could it be because Edward and Grand Duke Laika belong to the same family, so all the energy in their heart cores can be absorbed so quickly?"

Ye Tian still couldn't believe what Ah Zi said, and guessed in a low voice.

"I guess so, but I saw that Edward's injuries were a little serious, and his recovery was a little slow, and I was afraid that he would delay what his master expected, so I gave him a drop of my zombie essence blood!"

Seeing Ye Tian guessing, Ah Zi also continued to explain in a low voice.

"Zombie Blood?"

When Ye Tian heard this, he instantly understood everything.

It's no wonder that this Edward's strength realm has improved so quickly, and in just a few days, he can cross the marquis level and directly advance to the strength of the Duke of the Blood Clan.

Looking at this, the biggest credit is in the zombie essence blood given by Ah Zi.

What is the relationship between the native zombies in China and the dark creatures vampires in the West, Ye Tian doesn't know.

But what they all have in common is that they feed on blood to obtain powerful energy.

And Qi Yetian has also been in contact with two mutant zombies with the characteristics of Western blood vampires and native Chinese zombies, maybe there is really a relationship between the two.

Ah Zi is a zombie, a super-top existence among zombies, and the energy contained in the zombie essence blood in her body is definitely greater than the energy of the blood prince.

This can completely explain why Edward's strength realm has improved so quickly.

"Yes, I gave him a drop of zombie blood. "

Ah Zi saw that Ye Tian looked at him in shock, as if he didn't believe what he said, so he opened his mouth to answer.

"Well, I see!

Ye Tian nodded, and then continued to ask:

"What's going on with Tingting and Yue Qiluo?"

"Miss Tingting is very good, and her business has also been helped by several major families in the provincial capital, which is better than before. As for Yue Qiluo's little girl, she follows Miss Tingting every day, chattering non-stop, and she can make Miss Tingting cover her mouth and laugh if she has nothing to do, I don't know, I really think she is the maid of the Ren Mansion!"

"Yes, it seems that this girl is quite capable, not bad!"

When Ye Tian heard this, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Now that she and Hua Yanyan are not by her side, Ren Tingting is alone in the provincial capital.

With Yue Qiluo by her side, telling her jokes from time to time to relieve boredom, it can indeed reduce Ren Tingting's longing pain.

"Yes, she knew that I was going to come to the master, leaving her alone in the provincial capital, and she lost her temper, but the master doesn't have to worry, Yue Qiluo is by Miss Tingting's side, and she is absolutely safe. "

"Well, there's nothing to worry about, it's hard work for you two!"

"It's not hard, it's not hard to do things for the owner!"

"Okay, then you go back to the spirit servant space first, and as soon as this Hua family's inner door colonel is over, let's go back to the provincial capital!"

"Yes, master!"

Ah Zi bowed down and agreed, and instantly turned into a cloud of green smoke and dissipated.

And Ye Tian also returned to the bed and slowly closed his eyes.

There are only two days left before the time of the colonel of the inner gate, and the whole of Washington is busy preparing for the preparation of the colonel, which can be said to be quite busy.

Although Hua Manjiang had no special requirements for Hua Yanyan, he just hoped that she could do her best, but he still took her to the practice room alone for the final training and sprint.

In this regard, Hua Yanyan's face was full of bitterness at that time, and Ye Tian was helpless, so he could only stand aside and be powerless.

After all, this is a major matter for the Hua family, and Hua Manjiang did this for the sake of his future family heir's face.

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