Yunquan Mountain, located in the southern suburbs outside Jinling City, stretches for more than ten miles.

There are many temples on Yunquan Mountain, and the incense of tourists on weekdays is not interrupted.

However, on this day, Yunquan Mountain was much more deserted than usual, because all the people of Jinling City knew that today's Hua family's semi-annual family internal door assessment was about to be held here!

At this time, two young men and women in their early twenties were walking towards the top of the mountain with the middle-aged man in front of them.

"Ying'er, Ling'er, do you have confidence in this assessment?"

The middle-aged man didn't look back, but still walked towards the top of the mountain step by step, and the words in his mouth were asked to the two people behind him.

"Dad, don't worry, my brother and I are now the cultivation of the Sixth Grade Earth Master, and I will definitely not disgrace your old man!"

"Yes, Dad, you can rest assured!"

The young man and woman smiled brightly and answered.

If anyone is here, they will definitely recognize the identities of the three people in front of them.

They are the inner branch of the Hua family, Hua Manlou, the second master of Hua, and his two children, Hua Yingcai and Hua Ling'er.

Hearing the two children's answers, Hua Manlou nodded with satisfaction and said:

"It's good to have confidence! This time the yin and yang spells are compared, and my father depends on your long face!"

"Don't worry, Dad, my sister and I will definitely win glory for you!"

"Yes, Dad, when the time comes, let's also let the uncle, the third uncle and the aunt take a look, our skills are not bad! Why does Grandpa want to pass on the position of the heir of the family to the uncle and not to the father!"

"That's it!"

Hearing her sister Hua Ling'er say this, Hua Yingcai also lost her temper and said dissatisfiedly:

"Uncle has a daughter, Hua Yanyan, every time the competition of medical skills and yin and yang techniques is not as good as the two of us, the uncle doesn't even have a son, why should he pass on the position of the heir of the family to him instead of his father, it's not fair!"

"Shut up!"

I only heard Hua Manlou's reprimand, and saw him turn around, glaring at the two of them angrily, and angrily reprimanded:

"Your grandfather's decision, how can you two little hairy children understand! Your uncle can become the heir of the family, he must have his real ability! If you dare to speak presumptuously, be careful that I will abolish you!"

"Yes, Dad!"

"Dad, we don't dare!"

Hua Yingcai and Hua Ling'er saw that their father Hua Manlou was so angry, and immediately lowered their heads and didn't dare to say more.

Hua Manlou looked at the two of them with displeasure, but was soon attracted by a figure at the bottom of the mountain road.

"Hmm, who is he?"

Hua Manlou looked at the figure with an unfamiliar face, as if he had never seen it before.

Seeing Hua Manlou's expression, Hua Yingcai and Hua Ling'er both turned around and looked over.

I saw a young man walking towards the top of the mountain, handsome, tall and majestic, and a unique temperament highlighted, eye-catching.

"So handsome!"

Looking at the young man, Hua Ling'er's eyes were filled with love, and she couldn't help but say.


At this time, the young man that the three of them were looking at was none other than Ye Tian.

Today is the time for the assessment of the heirs of the inner door of the Hua family, and Hua Yanyan was pulled to the top of the mountain by Hua Manjiang early in the morning, responsible for welcoming the upcoming VIPs.

By the time Ye Tian woke up and left the room, the two of them had already disappeared.

Fortunately, Hua Yanyan arranged in advance for the family to give the Hua family token specially prepared for Ye Tian.

In this way, Ye Tian could only smile bitterly and shake his head, strolling alone, towards the top of this Yunquan Mountain.

Ye Tian now also noticed the gaze of the three people in Huamanlou not far in front of him, and he couldn't help but have some doubts, but he didn't do much, but walked forward with a stroll.

"It is estimated that the young master in Jinling City who likes to watch the excitement asked the uncle for a token and followed the mountain!"

Hua Yingcai saw that Ye Tian did not have a trace of cultivation on his body, but his temperament and appearance were a little outstanding, so he classified him as a child of a rich family.

In previous years, in the assessment of the inner disciples of the Hua family, other clansmen or friends of the Yin and Yang family would be invited to observe, and everyone was accustomed to this.

Hua Manlou glanced at Ye Tian roughly, then didn't say anything more, but ordered the two to continue walking.

"Let's go, don't waste time!"


Hua Yingcai and Hua Ling'er agreed, and then followed Hua Manlou's pace again and walked forward.

It's just that Hua Ling'er was thinking about Ye Tian's handsome and extraordinary appearance, and couldn't help but look back from time to time, but her face was full of joy.

"Master, that girl seems to have a liking for you!"

Ye Tian walked forward, but in his mind, Ah Zi's voice came.

"Perhaps, who made your master handsome?"

Ye Tian also noticed Hua Ling'er's eyes in front of him, and couldn't help but joke with a smile.

"Hehe, you're so shameless, you're really narcissistic!"

However, at this moment, before Ah Zi's voice came, Ye Tian's ears heard another girl's silver bell-like voice.


Ye Tian was startled, this sudden voice was not Princess Shenxiao's, who could it be?

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