Today, in addition to the inner men of the Hua family, there are also many big people in Jinling City who also came together, looking at this lively scene, Ye Tian looked around, looking for the whereabouts of the erratic Shenxiao princess.

"What are you looking for, you stinky fellow?"

Seeing that Ye Tian kept looking around, as if he was looking for someone, Hua Yanyan curiously grabbed the other party and asked in a low voice.

"It's nothing, it's just a little curious!"

Ye Tian came back to his senses when he heard this, and then pointed to many young men and women around him, and asked:

"Didn't you say that this is your Hua family's inner door assessment meeting? Why do I feel that there are so many people waiting for the assessment?"

"You said they!"

Hua Yanyan suddenly realized and said with a smile:

"These people are the descendants of the side branch family who have a good relationship with our inner family, and they will come every year to send some heirs to participate in the assessment.

First, they can learn some things through the assessment, and second, they can also add some popularity to the assessment conference!

Otherwise, just the assessment of the children of me and a few uncles would be too cold, right?"

"yes, I see!"

After listening to Hua Yanyan's explanation, Ye Tian also had a rough idea in his heart.

And at this moment, two teenagers, a man and a woman, came over, and they were the two children of the second master Hua Manlou, Hua Yingcai and Hua Ling'er.

"Eldest sister, I heard my aunt and uncle say in the hall just now, you have someone you like, don't you want to introduce your brother and sister?"

Hua Yingcai walked closer and looked at Hua Yanyan with a smile on her face.

But Hua Ling'er had a jealous expression on her face, she didn't expect that the handsome boy she saw at the bottom of the mountain just now turned out to be Hua Yanyan's favorite person!


Although they are cousins and brothers, the relationship between Hua Yanyan and Hua Yingcai and Hua Linger is very ordinary.

If it weren't for the fact that the two families were related by blood, Hua Yanyan wouldn't want to deal with these two people.

Especially seeing the jealous expression on Hua Linger's cheeks, he grabbed Ye Tian's arm at the moment and said:

"This is Ye Tian, the personal disciple of the Maoshan Sect Tianxu Zhenren, and also my future husband!

"Acquaintance, acquaintance!"

Hua Yingcai smiled as always, nodded and said to Ye Tian:

"Brother Ye, in Xia Hua Yingcai, this is my sister, Hua Ling'er!"


"Okay, I've said hello, there's nothing wrong, Ye Tian, let's go over there!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as Ye Tian finished saying hello, Hua Yanyan was full of displeasure, pulled Ye Tian and left here, without saying anything more to the two.

Seeing this, Hua Yingcai still didn't say anything, and was smiling as always.

And Hua Ling'er is eyes burst out with cold light, looking at the direction where Hua Yanyan and Ye Tian were walking, and said coldly:

"Hmph, Hua Yanyan, sooner or later I will take away everything that belongs to you, including him!"


Time passed, and soon it was time for the appraisal to begin.

At this time, Hua Yanyan and other people who needed to be assessed all stood under the stage of the school field.

And Ye Tian was arranged by Hua Manjiang in the seat next to him, and he could watch the assessment competition on the school platform up close.

Hua Manjiang, as the future heir of the Hua family and the organizer of this assessment, has already walked to the school at this time, telling the content of the next assessment.

As usual, the assessment of the Yin and Yang Technique includes three links!

Draw runes, lure spirits into battle and learn from each other!

Talisman drawing, as the name suggests, is to use a brush and cinnabar to draw spiritual runes on yellow rune paper, which is the most basic skill of yin and yang practice.

The drawing of the talisman is not as easy as it seems to others, it needs to recite the Taoist scriptures orally, step on the steps, and attract the aura of heaven and earth to gather in the brush in the hand.

In this way, the talisman drawn will have the real effect of seeking good fortune and avoiding evil.

The introduction of spirits into the battle is Huajia's original assessment project.

Hua Manjiang released the powerful ghost servant, and the person who accepted the assessment could not do it himself, but used magic to summon spiritual objects to attack.

Spiritual objects can be ghosts, demons, demons, and spirits, and they are not restricted.

Whoever has a spiritual creature that can persist for a minute without being knocked down by the ghost servant is considered a qualified person.

The stronger the strength of the cultivator's realm, the stronger the spiritual objects that are summoned.

Although it is not the person who assesses the person who fights in person, according to the strength of the spiritual object, you can also judge the cultivation realm of the person who is assessed.

The magic competition is to draw lots to decide the two to face each other, and combine the skills and techniques to compete with each other.

Such three rounds of competition have lasted for many years, and Hua Yanyan and others also listened to it as if they were going through the motions, and did not say anything.

"Okay, the assessment rules have been said, next, please start the first round of assessment, talisman drawing!"

"Wait a minute!"

Just when Hua Manjiang was about to start the first round of assessment, Xiang Kunlun, who had been sitting on the guest seat, stood up.

His son Xiang Dingtian also followed and stood behind him, like a sturdy bodyguard.

Xiang Kunlun's sudden move surprised everyone present, and Hua Manjiang also frowned, not knowing what this Kunlun was going to do.

However, because of the face of the two great families, he asked:

"Brother Xiang, is there something wrong with you?"

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