Xiang Kunlun's sudden blockade surprised everyone present.

Not only was Hua Manjiang's face a little ugly on the school ground, but even Hua Mantian, Hua Linglong and others in the audience also frowned.

Only Hua Manlou still looked at everything in front of him with a calm attitude, as if Xiang Kunlun's sudden shouting had nothing to do with the assessment conference held by the Hua family today.

Ye Tian sat at the table, looking at the direction of Xiang Kunlun, and there was already a trace of suspicion in his heart.

In the face of Hua Manjiang's inquiry, Xiang Kunlun first made an apologetic move, and then pointed to his son Xiang Dingtian behind him, and said with a smile:

"Brother Hua, don't get me wrong, I want to let Tian'er go on the field and learn from each other with the heirs of the Hua family, I don't know if I will be rewarded for this thin face?"

"This... "

Hearing Xiang Kunlun's explanation, Hua Manjiang had some doubts in his heart, but in front of so many families and wealthy businessmen, Hua Manjiang couldn't refute the other party's face in public, so he had to refuse and said:

"Brother Xiang's mind understands that today is our Hua family's assessment and competition conference, and there has never been a precedent for outsiders to participate in it. "

"Hey, Brother Hua doesn't need to say that, we're here to compete, and we're not smashing the field, so much worry!"

As he spoke, Xiang Kunlun first nodded slightly to the people around him, then looked at Hua Manjiang, and continued:

"Every year, your own people learn from each other, and the competition is all the skills of the Hua family, what if you fight the enemy in the future?

I asked Tian'er to join your assessment, I also want to see what Tian'er's current strength is, and besides, it can also add an opportunity for these children to exercise, and they can compete with people from other families, which is also a good thing!"

"Makes sense ... "

"Makes sense ... "

"Yes, it's really not interesting to watch the Hua family learn from each other every year!"

At this time, the inner door and branches of the Hua family did not respond, and those gentry and wealthy families who were invited by Hua Manjiang all nodded again and again, agreeing with Kunlun's opinion.

Hua Mantian and Hua Linglong looked at Hua Manjiang and didn't say anything, just waiting for his decision.

"Since that's the case, then I'll make an exception and let Ling Gongzi also come to the stage to have a discussion!"

Finally, after weighing some things, Hua Manjiang agreed to Xiang Kunlun's request.

Xiang Kunlun nodded with satisfaction, and then glanced at the angel behind him.

The other party understood, and immediately walked to the queue of the heirs of the inner door, standing at the end.

"Okay, this assessment has officially begun, the first rune is drawn, the time limit is one stick of incense, and the successful drawing of twenty exorcism talismans is considered qualified!"

With Hua Mantian's order, everyone walked to their respective desks, picked up the brush and yellow rune paper in their hands, and began to draw the exorcism talisman.

For a while, the entire school was silent, everyone was immersed in drawing talismans, and beads of sweat appeared on everyone's foreheads.

And Xiang Dingtian, who had just joined the assessment, had been standing in the corner and had not drawn talismans like others.

Hua Manjiang didn't say much about this situation.

After all, the Xiang family is different from other Yin and Yang families, what they practice is martial arts, and Yin and Yang techniques have never been studied.

Therefore, in this first round of assessment, Xiang Dingtian did not participate by default.

"Look at Yanyan's girl, she is much calmer than this time last year, and she has drawn two exorcism talismans in a while!"

"That's right, I heard that she is now the peak cultivation of the Sixth Rank Earth Master, and I believe that it won't be long before she can advance to the Heavenly Master realm!"

Hua Linglong and Hua Mantian were talking to each other, Hua Manjiang was listening on the side, and he was also very happy in his heart, and pointed to the direction of Hua Yingwen and Hua Yingwu over there, and said with a smile:

"The two brothers English and Yingwu are also good, third brother, it seems that you usually do your best in the cultivation of the two of them!"

"Hey, my two sons are very stupid, they just advanced to the realm of the five-grade earth master some time ago, but fortunately, the two children are diligent and willing to endure hardships, and I have nothing to say!"

"Okay, third brother, don't sigh all day long, I see that English and heroism are good, if you don't like it, go back and be my son, I want it!"

"You girl, who told you that I don't like my son anymore, if you don't marry in the future, I'll let the two of them give you a pension, haha!"

"Big brother, third brother, he cursed me!"

Hua Linglong's cheeks puffed up when she heard this, and she pointed at Hua Mantian angrily and complained to Hua Manjiang.

And Hua Manjiang shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly, as if he was accustomed to the fight between these two younger siblings.

Ye Tian watched a few people talking, and then looked at Huamanlou who was sitting alone in the distance, the other party's expression was always so serious, giving people a feeling that no one should enter.

If you don't know the truth, you would never have thought that he and the people in front of him would be brothers!

"Hey, what do you want?"

At this moment, all of a sudden, Ye Tian felt that someone patted him on the shoulder, and looked back, if it wasn't that Shenxiao who appeared again, who would it be?

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