"Ye Tian, what's the matter?"

Hua Manjiang was sitting next to Ye Tian, and when he saw him suddenly turn his head and look behind him, he felt a little curious, and asked.

"It's okay, it's okay!"

Ye Tian smiled and waved his hand, and immediately noticed that the other party really didn't notice the appearance of Shenxiao, and then he was relieved.

"Well, it's okay!"

Hua Manjiang nodded with a smile, turned his head again, and continued to look at the situation on the school field.

"Hee-hee, I say, they can't see me!

"Hmm. "

Since Hua Manjiang and a few people were around, Ye Tian couldn't talk to Shenxiao beside him, so he could only look at the other party with a frown, and motioned for her to find a place to watch quietly and not to cause trouble.

Shen Xiao understood the meaning in Ye Tian's eyes, and then stretched lazily, yawned and said:

"Hey, you can't chat with me, this first round of assessment is really boring, I'll find a place to rest for a while!"

After speaking, Shenxiao's figure turned, and he disappeared in front of Ye Tian's eyes in the blink of an eye.

Ye Tian was speechless, he didn't know where this fun-loving princess had gone, and he just begged her to fulfill her promise and return to the Netherworld after the assessment conference was over.

Time flies, and the deadline for a stick of incense has arrived in the blink of an eye.

Under Hua Manjiang's voice, everyone put down the brush in their hands.

Everyone's forehead or back is more or less oozing a lot of sweat.

The time-limited drawing of twenty exorcism talismans was indeed a difficult assessment for those of them who only had the cultivation of the earth master.

Consistent with what everyone expected at first, Hua Yanyan successfully completed twenty qualified exorcist talismans.

And Hua Manlou's two children, as well as Hua Mantian's two children, also successfully completed the regulations.

As for those branch heirs who came to participate in the competition, half of them failed the assessment and were eliminated.

This result was expected by everyone, so it was meaningless, and after a break, the second round of assessment began soon!

Bring the spirit into battle!

At this time, all the contestants present, as well as those gentry and wealthy families and branch families who came to watch, all showed expectant expressions on their faces.

Because the next thing that can be seen is the strength of the true yin and yang spells of the descendants.



With a sound of wind blowing, the temperature of the surrounding air seems to drop.

Then the thick yin qi began to spread in the ring of the school field, and an old monk with a kind face appeared in the school ring.

"A hundred years of cultivation!"

Ye Tian could recognize at a glance that this old monk's realm cultivation had exceeded a hundred years!

And Hua Manjiang looked at Ye Tian's somewhat surprised expression, and explained with a smile:

"I, the realm of a ghost servant, have been cultivating for one hundred and twenty years. Unless the Heavenly Master Realm cultivator was present, it was absolutely impossible to hurt him.

In his previous life, he used to be a high-ranking monk named Yizen Master, and he has been the one who has been there for the second round of assessment all these years!

A Zen character is upright and impartial, although he is my ghost servant, but he does not have a little tolerance and release of water for Yan Yan.

The demon spirit summoned by Yan Yan last year didn't even last five seconds, and was knocked out of the ring by that Zen. "

"I see, I see!"

Ye Tian nodded, it seems that this Zen master does have his own fairness.

Otherwise, it is impossible to let him come as the object of the second round of assessment, otherwise, he will definitely be questioned by other players.

"Lao Qu Yizen, I have seen all the heirs!"

Although that Zen master is a majestic yin power, his face is kind and gentle, and he is really a monk who has attained the Tao.

Seeing this, all the heirs of the Hua family also bowed to him, expressing their respect for themselves and others.

Only that Xiang Dingtian looked at each other with disdain, and the expression on his face was extremely contemptuous.

Immediately, he jumped forward, like a black bomb, and landed on the school ring in the blink of an eye.

"Uncle Hua, it's a pity that I didn't participate in the first round of assessment!

Xiang Dingtian's heavy voice exploded in everyone's ears like a thunderbolt, seeing this, Hua Manjiang was surprised, and then looked at Xiang Kunlun who was not far away.

Seeing that he nodded to himself with a smile on his face, he promised Xiang Dingtian and said:

"Yes, since you are a martial arts descendant and don't practice yin and yang techniques, I can change the rules! As long as you don't get knocked out of the ring by Yizen within a minute, you will be considered to have passed!"

"Okay, thank you Uncle Hua!"

Xiang Dingtian clasped his fists and saluted, then turned to look at a Zen master opposite, and said:


"Amitabha, Master Xiang, please make a move first!"

"In that case, then you're welcome!

Xiang Dingtian trembled, and then a stream of fierce qi and blood burst out, and his whole body seemed to be burning and smoking!

The yin qi that had originally permeated the ring was forced back by its qi and blood in the blink of an eye, and countless cracks continued to spread from under its feet.



For a while, Xiang Dingtian's bones were crackling and crisp.

In the blink of an eye, it had turned into a fierce hurricane and rushed towards a Zen mage in front of it!

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