It is worthy of being the heir of a family with martial arts such as yin and yang, a majestic sound of qi and blood, instantly changing to do several red matching, and galloping forward.

Master Yizen's originally calm expression instantly became serious, and he immediately folded his palms together and recited the Buddha's name.


In an instant, the palm of Xiang Dingtian slapped straight on the word "swastika" condensed by black yin qi in front of a Zen master, and the sound was amazing.

Strands of monstrous qi and blood were facing against the rich yin qi, as if two mutually exclusive and extremely powerful formations had been formed in the entire ring, shocking the four seats.

"Xiang Dingtian's martial arts cultivation is really powerful, he is already at the peak of his dark strength at a young age, fortunately, this family does not practice yin and yang techniques, otherwise with their fierce martial arts cultivation combined with advanced yin and yang techniques, I am afraid that they will have to constantly suppress a group of yin and yang families or cultivation factions!"

Hua Linglong looked at the confrontation between Xiang Dingtian and Master Yizen on the stage, and couldn't help but admire.

In today's world, whether it is yin and yang time, or cultivation schools such as Maoshan and Longhu Mountain, they do not attach so much importance to the practice of martial arts!

Because martial arts practice is extremely hard and bumpy, it is also a huge test of the body's endurance!

Therefore, the monks would rather be obsessed with the Tao than get in touch with the martial arts.

When Hua Mantian heard Hua Linglong's sigh, he couldn't help but nod and said:

"Yes, this martial arts double cultivation is indeed even more difficult, this family uses martial arts to enter yin and yang, as if it is already a very powerful character!"

Listening to the conversation between his younger brother and sister, Hua Manjiang also showed an expression of approval, then looked at Ye Tian and asked:

"Ye Tian, I heard Yan Yan say that you also like martial arts, I don't know what you think of this top-notch strength!"

"He... Not bad!"

Ye Tian looked at Xiang Dingtian, who was attacking frantically on the stage, and said a few words with a smile.

Seeing this, Hua Manjiang didn't say anything more, looking at Ye Tian's indifferent expression, he thought that he was contemptuous of the Xiang family's yin and yang martial arts, so he was embarrassed to say anything more.


At this time, there was a loud noise in the ring again, and unexpectedly, the Zen master seemed to have been forced to retreat to the edge of the ring.

Panting heavily, your yin qi is also constantly tilting.

"Old fellow, your strength is indeed extraordinary, but I'm not afraid!"

Xiang Dingtian became more and more courageous the more he fought, and the qi and blood around his body turned into countless red lights, enveloping his whole body.

At this time, to a Zen master, he was like a small sun appearing in front of him.

Without attacking at all, he had already done great damage to his soul body and Yin power.

"Master Xiang's martial arts cultivation, the old man admires, now the time has come, Master Xiang, you have passed!"

"I haven't played enough!"

Faced with the words of a Zen master, Xiang Dingtian didn't pay attention to it at all.

I saw him raise his hand high, and the red qi and blood turned into a match and began to condense in his palm!

In the blink of an eye, a long knife condensed from blood appeared in Xiang Dingtian's palm, full of fierceness and righteousness!

"Xiang Dingtian! It's time, it's time for you to step down!"

What everyone didn't expect was that the one-minute assessment time had arrived, and that Dingtian didn't even go to the ring, but used the Yin Yang Martial Arts again!

Turning into a blood-colored long knife with qi and blood, I want to fight against a Zen master again!

Hua Manjiang could see that although this Zen master had not suffered any major damage for the time being, this heaven-topping martial arts qi and blood were as majestic as the sea!

If the battle continues, whoever loses and who wins is already a trick!

Thinking of this, Hua Manjiang stood up instantly, pointed at Xiang Dingtian on the stage, and reprimanded loudly.

"Uncle Hua, this has just aroused interest, if you step down like this, wouldn't it be too disappointing!"

Xiang Dingtian didn't pay attention to Hua Manjiang's rebuke at all, but used the true qi of his whole body to pour into the blood-colored long knife, and said angrily towards a Zen master:

"Old man, if you have the ability, I'll fight with the master for another three hundred rounds!"

"That's enough, you stop it!"

Hua Manjiang couldn't stand it anymore and the people of this family were getting an inch again and again, only to see him jump in the air a few times, and then he came to the ring in an instant.

Seeing that Xiang Dingtian was still in a position that refused to give up, he said in a deep voice:

"Xiang Dingtian, today is the time for the assessment of the heirs of our Hua family, not a place for you to go wild at will! If you want to continue to entangle for no reason, I don't mind sending you out of the ring in person!"

"Brother Hua, why are you so angry!"

Seeing Hua Manjiang appear in the ring in person, Xiang Kunlun, who had not spoken at this time, stood up, walked slowly in the direction of the ring, and said with a sneer:

"My son is a martial idiot, he wants to fight with all his strength when he meets an opponent, this is his temper and character, you are an elder, why fight with a junior?"

"This Xiang Kunlun, it's really shameless!"

Hua Linglong and Hua Mantian looked at this scene and couldn't help but scold.

And Hua Manlou always sat in the viewing seat on the other side, calmly watching all this, as if what happened today had nothing to do with him.

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