"Brother Xiang, I call you brother, it is a respect for you and the entire Xiang family, please take your son and step down!"

Now that there are so many eyes looking at the situation happening in front of him at this time, Hua Manjiang can't tear his face apart, so he can only straighten his posture and point to the audience.

Seeing this, Xiang Kunlun smiled coldly, then looked at Xiang Dingtian behind him, and said:

"Tian'er, since the masters of the family have said to let us go down, then let's not spend it here!

"Yes, Dad!"

Xiang Dingtian nodded in agreement, and then immediately took the blood qi long knife in his hand and put it down.

But to everyone's surprise, as soon as the sky-high long knife was put down, a black light instantly appeared on the ring.

The black light was like lightning, and it instantly shone on the body of a Zen master.

Before the other party had time to react, it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

And that black light turned into a dark green token and fell into Xiang Dingtian's hands.


Hua Manjiang recognized the token in Dingtian's hand at a glance and shouted loudly!

He didn't expect that this top heaven turned out to be an underworld, and the token in his hand was a symbol that marked his identity!

His ghost servant was taken away by a late-born back with a Yin Token, which made Hua Manjiang see that not only did he lose face, but also lost the face of the entire Hua family in front of so many audiences.

For a while, not only Hua Manjiang, but also Hua Mantian, Hua Linglong, and Hua Yanyan and others, who had been standing under the stage, all rushed into the ring and looked at the two of the Xiang family angrily!

And Ye Tian also followed, and in the blink of an eye, he was already standing behind Hua Manjiang.

"Xiang Dingtian, release my ghost servant!"

"Oh my God, what are you doing here!"

Seeing that Hua Manjiang seemed to be angry, Xiang Kunlun made an angry expression and looked at Xiang Dingtian behind him, and said angrily:

"Do you know that this ghost servant Yizen has followed Brother Hua for many years and has a deep relationship, how can you use the Yin Token to take him away!"

However, in the face of Xiang Kunlun's reprimand, Xiang Dingtian didn't pay attention to it at all, as if he had an indifferent expression.

Hua Yanyan has a straightforward temper, although the Zen master is the ghost servant of her father Hua Manjiang, but she has a very deep relationship with her.

Now seeing that the soul of a Zen master was taken away, he immediately rushed through the crowd and stood directly in front of Xiang Dingtian, and said loudly:

"Xiang Dingtian, you bastard, let Uncle Yizen out for me!"

"That's right, Xiang Dingtian, if you don't release my eldest brother's ghost servant today, don't even think about leaving here!"

"Xiang Dingtian, there are so many people in our Hua family here today, I see if you let it go or not!"

Seeing that Hua Mantian and Hua Linglong also began to accuse Xiang Dingtian angrily, Hua Manlou, who had been silent, stood up, came to the front of everyone in a few steps, and said:

"Big brother, you can also see that the kid of this family is a nether, and in the face of the ghosts scattered outside and have never entered the underworld, his action is also reasonable!"

"Second brother, are you helping the Xiang family do the right thing with the eldest brother!"

Hua Mantian didn't expect that Hua Manlou would speak for the Xiang family at this time, which made everyone unexpected.

And Hua Manlou listened to the reprimand of the third brother Hua Mantian, put on a serious expression, and said in a deep voice:

"I'm one thing to say, third, pay attention to your attitude!"

"Shut up!"

Seeing that the smell of gunpowder in front of him was getting stronger and stronger, and those gentry who were invited to watch the assessment began to be frightened, Hua Manjiang suppressed his anger and said angrily:

"Xiang Dingtian, let go of Zen, leave here, today's incident should have never happened!"


Even in the face of so many people's accusations, Xiang Dingtian still had a cold expression and said:

"Uncle Hua, it is an immutable law in the world for ghosts to enter the underworld and reincarnation, and you have violated the law of Yin Si by privately accepting ghosts as ghost servants!

As the operator of the Terracotta Division, I personally handled this matter for you, and sent that old ghost into the underworld, why didn't you thank me, but drove me away!"


Although Hua Linglong was a woman, she couldn't help but scold in the face of Xiang Dingtian's words.

It is actually a very common thing for cultivators in the world to accept the ghosts that stay in the yang world as ghost servants.

Not only the yin and yang time of the Hua family, but even many major cultivation schools also have the situation of accepting ghost servants.

For this kind of thing, the underworld has always been acquiescing!

As long as these ghosts don't cause harm to the world, the underworld will turn one eye open and one eye closed, and nothing will happen!

Unexpectedly, this Dingtian actually used the identity of the Yin and the laws of this underworld to forcibly take away the ghost servant of Huamanjiang, a Zen mage!

If Hua Manjiang doesn't solve this matter today, I'm afraid that he will lose face in front of the Hua family branches and the Jinling gentry.

At that time, not only will this ghost servant not be protected, but even the qualifications of the heir of the Hua family will likely be deprived by his father personally!

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