

At this time, the entire ring was silent, and there was only the sound of the rubble touching brought by Xiang Dingtian's gentle movement.

Looking at all this, Hua Manjiang looked at Ye Tian in disbelief and said loudly:

"You are a half-step innate martial arts cultivator, how is it possible!"

"What's impossible?"

Ye Tian shrugged his shoulders and shook his head in reply.

And Hua Manjiang and the others were extremely surprised to look at the strong aura displayed on Ye Tian's body, and they were so shocked that they didn't know what to say!

This Ye Tian, how many identities he still has, everyone doesn't know!

"Big brother, you've found a treasure!"

Looking at everything that happened, Hua Linglong gently came to Hua Manjiang's ear and whispered.

"Hey, well deserved!"

Shenxiao was subdued by Ye Tian when he saw Xiang Dingtian's move, clapped his hands happily, and kept laughing.

And Xiang Kunlun was furious, the momentum of his whole body was rising rapidly, and streams of golden qi rushed out of his body, condensing on Xiang Kunlun's fists!

"Ye Tian, you hurt me, I want your dog life today!"

"Oops, Xiang Kunlun is an innate great grandmaster!"

Hua Manjiang recognized the Kunlun martial arts cultivation at a glance, and immediately became worried about Ye Tian.

Martial arts, bright energy, dark energy, and transformation energy, this is the cultivation of martial arts for the realm of the day after tomorrow.

And once you step into the innate realm, you will achieve the name of a martial arts master!

Innate Great Master! Gang Qi is released, and the air swallows mountains and rivers!

Crush the mountains with one punch!

Break the long river with one palm!

It's so powerful, it's rare!

Half-step congenital, after all, is a cultivation that has never really stepped into the innate realm!

Once you meet a true innate great master, the result can be imagined!

"Innate Great Grandmaster, I'm not afraid!"

Although Ye Tian's martial arts cultivation is no match for Xiang Kunlun, it is a half-step innate realm!

But his Taoist cultivation has reached the realm of a real person!

There are also gold and silver armor, samadhi true fire, shrinking the ground into inches and other attributes of the blessing!

Just a martial arts innate great master, Ye Tian didn't pay attention to it at all.

As he spoke, Ye Tian disappeared in front of Xiang Kunlun's eyes in the blink of an eye.

As soon as he appeared again, he had already come behind the other party, and with a bang, it was really surging!

Xiang Kunlun only felt that his back was injured by an unbearable force, and his heart ached!

The protective qi around his body was even more shattered by the true qi that burst out from the other party!

Like Xiang Dingtian, with just one move, he was also knocked down by the other party and fell heavily to the ground!


As the ground was smashed out of a deep pit, Xiang Kunlun's whole body exuded a golden qi, but the whole person had already been lying down in the pit, panting with difficulty.

"Innate Great Grandmaster, that's it!"

"Damn! bastard!"

Although he was knocked down by Ye Tian's punch, Xiang Dingtian was also in the realm of an innate great master after all, and it was absolutely impossible for him to be unconscious like his son Xiang Dingtian.

With a loud scolding, Xiang Kunlun slowly stood up from the deep pit.

His eyes shone with a terrifying fierce light, and he looked around and shouted angrily:

"Hua Manlou! You bastard! How long the hell are you going to hide before you do it! Aren't you going to take your heir! Get out of here!"


Although Hua Manjiang was very angry about Hua Manlou's favoritism towards the Xiang family in recent days, he didn't expect that his second brother Hua Manlou would collude with outsiders to seize his heir!

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes were looking around, where was the whereabouts of Hua Manlou and his two children!

Everyone was amazed at Ye Tian's strength just now, but they didn't notice when the three of Hua Manlou disappeared in front of everyone's eyes!

"How could the second brother be like this!"

"You still call him second brother! You guy, you dare to take the position of the eldest brother's heir, and collude with outsiders, it's extremely hateful!"

"Xiang Kunlun, you came today to help Hua Manlou and seek to seize the position of my family's heir?"

In the face of the betrayal of his relatives, Hua Manjiang still couldn't believe that his second brother Hua Manlou would do such a thing, so he walked to the side of the deep pit, looked at Xiang Kun in the pit, and said angrily.

"How is it!"

Xiang Kunlun laughed coldly, and immediately raised his hand to Ye Tian and the Shenxiao standing beside him, and said angrily:

"But I didn't count the appearance of these two aliens and the coward Hua Manlou retreated! But don't be complacent, although I can't kill you people today, but you don't want to leave this place easily!"

As he spoke, Xiang Kunlun held his head high, looked at the sky, and instantly shouted!

"Get it all out of here!"

Brush Brush Brush!

Brush Brush Brush!

With Xiang Kunlun's loud shout, one by one, the black-clothed people who were dressed in black and couldn't see their faces stood on the city wall above the school field in the blink of an eye.

At a glance, there are as many as 100 people in the black!

These black-clothed people, each holding a bundle of explosives in their arms, stood on the wall, and just waited for that Kunlun to give an order, they could instantly ignite all the explosives and throw them into the school grounds!

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