"Xiang Kunlun, you bastard!"

Hua Mantian looked at the hundreds of black-clothed people standing on the wall, holding the explosives in their arms, and couldn't help but curse angrily!

If these people set fire up the explosives and throw them into the school yard, they might be able to escape, but those branches and inner sect descendants with very low cultivation are afraid that they will die on the spot!

Looking at all this, Xiang Kunlun laughed and said angrily:

"How about it? I'm afraid! If you have the ability, let's try it together, whether it is your casualties or ours that are the casualties!"

Xiang Kunlun is an innate great master, and just explosives are nothing to him.

Although he was punched by Ye Tianjie, he still has strong strength!

The only thing he was worried about now was Xiang Dingtian, who was trampled under Ye Tian's feet.

Otherwise, he had just ordered his men in black to throw out explosives, and he could have escaped by taking advantage of the chaos.

"Xiang Kunlun, do you have to make everyone die?"

Looking at the many black-clothed people on the wall, Hua Manjiang's face was solemn, and he immediately approached and asked coldly.

"Hmph! Hua Manjiang! Why don't you tell me this! Now that everyone has torn their faces, there is nothing to say!"

Xiang Kunlun patted the dust on his body, glared at Hua Manjiang and Ye Tian angrily, and said in a deep voice:

"Boy, you have a kind, old man, I have been walking the rivers and lakes for many years, but I didn't expect to fall into your hands today! But don't be complacent! Even if you have a half-step innate ability, can you rescue so many people from the Hua family in an instant!"


Ye Tian ignored Xiang Kunlun, and the soles of his feet were still firmly stepping on Xiang Dingtian's body under him, without any movement.

Looking at this, looking at the inner doors and branch heirs around him who were very flustered, Hua Manjiang looked at Ye Tian and Shenxiao and said:

"Ye Tian, thank you and this girl for your help today, but I can't joke with the lives of so many people in the Hua family!

"Hua Manjiang, do you think that if you just let my son go, I will give up?


To be honest, originally Ye Tian wanted to listen to Hua Manjiang's suggestion and return Xiang Dingtian to his father Xiang Kunlun.

After all, this is a matter between the Hua family and the Xiang family, and it is not good for me to get involved too much.

After all, this also implicates the lives of so many Hua family heirs, even if he has the cultivation of the real human realm and the supernatural power of shrinking the ground into inches.

It is also impossible to save everyone present at the moment when all the explosives are thrown.

But Ye Tian didn't expect that this Kunlun didn't know what to do, and he didn't want to stop there, which made Ye Tian feel extremely angry.

"No! I can't hold it anymore!"

Just when Ye Tian was about to ask Xiang Kunlun for an explanation, Shenxiao, who had been standing behind Ye Tian without making a sound, suddenly shouted, and immediately transferred directly to Ye Tian's body, pointing at Xiang Kunlun and shouting loudly:

"Old thing, I originally promised Ye Tian that I would no longer take care of your affairs! But now it seems that you are really not a thing, you have to force your aunt and grandmother to do it!"


Ye Tian didn't expect that Shenxiao would once again disobey his own persuasion and jump out.

Xiang Kunlun's face was grim, and listening to Shenxiao's reprimand, a bad premonition rose in his heart.


Without waiting for any explanation, he stretched out his arm and pointed to the sky, and immediately shouted.

At the same time, one after another ethereal souls flew out of the bodies of those black-clothed people in an instant and fell into the palms of Shenxiao.




As the souls flew out, the black-clothed people who were still standing on the wall waiting for Xiang Kunlun's orders all fell down in unison and fell to the ground.

Anyone can see that the souls of these black-clothed people have been taken away by Shenxiao, and it is absolutely impossible to wake up!

"You... You... What did you do!"

Xiang Kunlun couldn't believe that the situation that was very favorable to him just now had undergone a shocking reversal.

He trembled and looked around at the man in black who had fallen to the ground for a week, and said angrily:

"As a netherworld of the underworld, you have taken the souls of so many people, aren't you afraid of being held accountable by the underworld!"

The life span of mortals, birth, old age, sickness and death are all recorded in the book of life and death in the underworld, and everyone has their own destiny.

As an underworld underworld, you must not interfere in the life and death of human beings, this is an iron law!

But now Shen Xiao has deprived hundreds of black-clothed people of their souls in an instant with his position as a yin, which is not only unbelievable in Xiang Kunlun's opinion.

Even Ye Tian, who was also a shadow of the underworld, was shocked!

"Auntie, what do I want to do, it's not your turn to take care of me!"

Shenxiao glanced at Xiang Kunlun with disdain, then turned around and stuck out his tongue at Ye Tian, and said with a smile:

"Hee-hee, how's it going?

"You... "

Ye Tian didn't know how to comment on Shenxiao's behavior, this guy was indeed helping himself and others, but he also caused a lot of trouble!

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