"This yin girl, everything you did to the Hua family today, Hua Manjiang has remembered it in his heart. But now that you have taken the souls of these people, you will definitely be questioned and punished when you return to the underworld!

Today's events are all grievances between my Hua family and the Xiang family, you really shouldn't be implicated in it, girl, you better put the souls of those people back into their bodies and leave quickly!

As for the rest of the things, with so many people from our Hua family here, Xiang Kunlun will definitely not be allowed to succeed!"

Obviously, everything that happened just now was also seen in Hua Manjiang's eyes.

For what Shenxiao did, Hua Manjiang was grateful.

But everything Kunlun said just now, if Shenxiao was really held accountable by the underworld today for taking away so many people's souls, he and the others would be shameless at all!

In any case, we can't let the disaster of the Hua family and the Xiang family implicate Shenxiao!

"Don't worry, it's okay!

Seeing Hua Manjiang's suggestion to herself, Shenxiao waved her hand indifferently, and immediately turned around and pointed at Xiang Kunlun, cursing loudly:

"Old guy, now that you have no back hands to prepare, I see how rampant you are! Ye Tian, go over, beat him half to death!"


Ye Tian agreed, and immediately said no more, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a flash of shadow, and instantly appeared in front of Xiang Kunlun.


Xiang Kunlun was startled, and was about to get up to dodge, but he didn't expect that his speed was as slow as an old turtle crawling in the eyes of the other party.

As soon as he got up, he was instantly clamped by a huge force on his shoulders, and then the world was spinning in front of him.

Suddenly, I felt as if my whole body had been hit hard.

In the next second, just like his son Xiang Dingtian, he was smashed into the floor, and there was no power to fight back.


Seeing this, Shenxiao clapped her hands happily.

And Hua Manjiang quickly ran to the front and said to Ye Tian:

"Ye Tian, you can't continue to do it anymore! This Kunlun is the most important son of the Xiang family's head Xiang Wuji, and today their father and son were seriously injured by you, and they have already paid the price for what they did!

If there is a fatality, I am afraid that the two major yin and yang families of the Xiang family and the Hua family will become mortal enemies, and the Hua family will not know how many people will be killed or injured because of this!"

"Okay, then help them hand them over to Uncle Hua to deal with!"

Ye Tian also understood Hua Manjiangkou's concerns, so he didn't do it again at the moment, and let go of Xiang Kunlun, who was trampled underfoot.

"Mix... Bastard... "

At this time, Xiang Kunlun was seriously injured and his breath was weak, although he could clearly hear and see everything that was happening around him, but he did not have half the strength to stand up and continue to fight with the other party.

"Old thing, it's all this time, and you're still so arrogant!"

At this time, Hua Yanyan, who had been standing not far away, saw that Xiang Kunlun was still not giving up, and cursed her father Hua Manjiang and Ye Tian, and couldn't help but be angry in her heart.

When you run closer, you have to step on that Kunlun's body a few times to get rid of the hatred in your heart!

"Bold! Dare to hurt the descendants of my family! Get out of here!"

However, just when Hua Yanyan raised her foot and was about to step on it, suddenly a man's voice appeared in the ring.

In the next second, I saw a black gas fly out of the void in an instant, hitting Hua Yanyan's body.

Hua Yanyan was shocked, and just as she wanted to dodge, she saw a golden wall of fire more than two meters high suddenly rise in front of her!

That black qi was stopped by the golden wall of fire in an instant, and it dissipated after a moment.

"It's okay, Yanyan!"

Listening to the familiar voice in my ears, I looked at the golden wall of fire in front of me!

Hua Yanyan knew that the person who saved herself just now was her favorite man--- Ye Tian!

"Three... Samadhi is really hot!"

But Hua Manjiang and the others were shocked by this golden wall of fire in front of them!

This is not the true fire of samadhi and what it is!

What kind of cultivation realm is Ye Tian, and he can use the Samadhi True Fire so superbly, it is simply breathtaking!


Ye Tian saw that Hua Yanyan was fine, and immediately raised his hand and waved, and the wall of fire of the Samadhi True Fire disappeared into his cuffs in the blink of an eye.

At this time, a burly middle-aged man wearing a silver display stand and holding a spear appeared out of thin air in the ring!

The man was domineering, his face was hideous, and his eyes were the size of copper bells, exuding a terrifying light.

The middle-aged man looked at Ye Tian in front of him, and then at Xiang Kunlun and Xiang Dingtian lying on the ground, and then pointed his spear at him, and said angrily:

"Is it that you injured the descendants of my Xiang family and destroyed the Terracotta Division Transit Envoy Token that I personally gave him!"

"Old... Ancestor... You... "

The middle-aged man's voice, as well as the domineering figure, Xiang Kunlun was very excited in his heart, and he kept shouting.

And Ye Tian guessed the identity of the other party from the words in the middle-aged man's mouth, frowned and said:

"You are Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu!"

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