At the current train station, people come and go, and the young man has a demonic aura attached to him, and it is very likely that he is haunted by monsters.

If you attack to heal the other party, I'm afraid that it will attract the revenge of the monster and cause riots and trouble.

It was precisely because of this that Ye Tiancai left a golden needle on the young man's body, and after he ran away, he would pursue him!

"Hey, why is there everyone now, the world is difficult!"

The food stall owner stood up helplessly and angrily, patted the dirt on his body, and said with a sigh.

"Xiao Ming!"

At this moment, an obese middle-aged man ran over from the crowd, immediately looked left and right, and shouted loudly.

"Is that beggar just now your relative, fatty!"

When the stall owner saw the middle-aged fat man running closer, he instantly grabbed the other party's sleeve and didn't let go.

The reason why the stall owner has such a judgment is because the middle-aged fat man and the young man who ran away just now are wearing exactly the same style of clothes.

The blue silk robe, even the lines and embroidery patterns are the same.

Seeing the food stall owner grabbing himself, the middle-aged man immediately asked anxiously:

"Boss, have you seen my son? I heard his voice just now!"

"Fuck, you're embarrassed to say that your son robbed me of five fritters and injured me, I must report to the police today and arrest your father and son!"

"Don't, don't report to the official, I'm here to find my son, otherwise he will die!"

Saying this, the middle-aged man took out two pieces of ocean from his arms and handed them to the food stall owner.

Seeing this, the other party instantly changed his smiling face, hurriedly took Dayang over, and said with a sneer:

"Hmph, count you as an acquaintance, get out of here, don't let your crazy son out again!"

After speaking, the stall owner let go of the hand that was holding on to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man took out a pocket compass from his cuff, muttered something softly in his mouth, and then instantly looked at the position where the young man ran away just now, shook his head and said:

"Stinky boy, I'll see how far you can run!"

After speaking, the middle-aged man immediately ran out of the crowd quickly according to the direction of the lock.

The speed is completely unaffected by its obesity.

"It's kind of interesting!"

Looking at this sudden scene, Ye Tian put down the chopsticks in his hand, and immediately threw a piece of ocean into the arms of the food stall owner.

With a twist of footsteps, he disappeared into the crowd in the blink of an eye.

"Hehe, it's really shit luck today!"

He lost five fritters and earned three oceans, and the owner of the food stall was already happy.

As for why Ye Tian and the middle-aged man slipped away so quickly, for him, he didn't care at all!


"You're here!"


After Xiang Wuji settled down the family's affairs, he set off for several days and came to a desolate town.

As soon as he stepped into an ancient mansion, a mellow voice came and fell into Xiang Wuji's ears.

"I don't know if the head of the Xiang family came to me from afar, what's the matter?"

With the sound of the voice again, a figure in a black robe who could not see clearly walked out.

Seeing Xiang Wuji standing in front of him with a serious face, he sneered at the corner of his mouth:

"A dignified martial arts family, a family that has been inherited for thousands of years in the Yin and Yang world, was actually bullied by a kid from Maoshan, it's a bit interesting!"

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm not here to tell you these this time, I want to tell you that the conditions you gave me, I agreed!"

"Oh, yes, yes!

The black-robed man gently slapped his palms, and then threw a paper bag into Xiang Wuji's hand, and said leisurely:

"Take this to Ling Lang and his grandson, and it won't be long before their strength will be restored again!"

"Thank you!"

Xiang Wuji didn't twist either, put the paper bag into his arms, then looked at the black-robed man, and said in a deep voice:

"Now that I've joined you, I hope you can use your power to help me avenge me!"


The black-robed man smiled and continued:

"Revenge will be avenged, but not now!"


"As the saying goes, it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge!"

The black-robed man was very surprised when he saw Xiang Wuji, but let him slowly open his mouth and continue:

"The force behind Ye Tian is by no means as simple as you think, the top level of the alliance has noticed this now, and several elders even want to incorporate it into the alliance. In short, the matter of revenge, I advise you not to think about it for the time being!"

"Then what's the use of me joining your alliance!"

"I can't say that, not letting you touch Ye Tian for the time being is the instruction of the alliance's top management, but it doesn't mean that it will always be like this! And now that the alliance is constantly growing, you can't delay the alliance's future plans because of your personal grudges!

Believe me, it won't be long before the entire Huaxia cultivation world will fall into the hands of the alliance, and when the time comes, won't it be easy for you to deal with Ye Tian and the Hua family?"

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