"Bastard... "

Xiang Wuji felt very angry at this time, looked at the black-robed man in front of him, and scolded angrily.

"Hehe, don't be so angry, since you joined our alliance, you will naturally get the corresponding reward, it's just that it's not now!"

Facing the powerful momentum emanating from Xiang Wuji's body, the black-robed man shook his hand slightly, and those rushing momentum disappeared.

He immediately sat down on the Taishi chair on the side, and said leisurely:

"Go back, An Sheng for a while, don't try to make some small moves to deal with Ye Tian and the Hua family, if you attract the other party's revenge and block the high-level plans, I can guarantee that your Xiang family will disappear from this world overnight!"

"You... "

Although the black-robed man said it with a smile when he spoke, to Xiang Wuji's ears, it was as if he had been blown into his neck by a cold wind, and he was chilling.

Xiang Wuji's eyes widened, he looked at the other party angrily, then shook it, and said in a deep voice:

"I can promise you not to touch Ye Tian and the Xiang family for the time being, but you also have to promise me that you must make them pay for the injuries of my two children!"

"Well, I believe it won't take long to be realized!"

"In that case, let's take my leave!"

With that, Xiang Wuji clasped his hands into fists and shouted, then turned around and walked out of the ancient mansion quickly.

"Hmph, Maoshan Yetian, it's a little interesting!"

The black-robed man slowly swayed on the Taishi's chair, looking at the starry sky, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth...


The words were divided into two ends, and the Xiang family had already quietly joined the Extreme Dao Alliance.

On the other side, according to the guidance of the golden needle, Ye Tian had already come to an abandoned mansion on the outskirts of the city at this time.

And the middle-aged man had already arrived in the mansion at this time.

"Xiao Ming!"

The middle-aged man was very anxious and shouted loudly in the courtyard, looking for his son's whereabouts.

And the young man did not seem to hear the cries of the middle-aged man at all, and there was no response.

Seeing that the houses around the house had been searched, but still no trace of his son had been found, he couldn't help frowning and said angrily:

"Damn, it clearly shows that it's here! Why is there no trace! If my wife is here, I will definitely be able to figure out where Xiao Ming is hiding!"

"This Daoist brother doesn't need to worry, I know where your son is hiding!"

Just when the middle-aged man was anxious and hesitating, Ye Tian's figure appeared in front of him.

Seeing that an unfamiliar face suddenly appeared, the middle-aged man first took a step back, and then with a little hostility, he asked:

"Who are you?"

"In Xiamao Mountain Yetian, I just found out that Ling Lang was entangled by monsters, so I chased here together!"

"Are you from the Maoshan faction?"

The middle-aged man didn't believe Ye Tian's identity, looked at the other party suspiciously, and did not introduce his identity.

"Of course!"

Ye Tian knew the middle-aged man's suspicions, but he didn't take them to heart, and immediately pointed to the dilapidated kitchen on the side, and said with a smile:

"Ling Lang is hiding there!"


Hearing Ye Tian say this, the middle-aged man looked at the pocket compass in his hand with suspicion, and said loudly:

"I searched there just now, but I didn't find Xiao Ming!"

"Just look at it!"

Ye Tian smiled, and then walked towards the kitchen.

Although the middle-aged man was still doubting the identity of the heir of the Ye Tianmao Mountain Sect at this time, he was worried about his son's situation, so he quickly followed.

As the two of them entered the dilapidated kitchen at the same time, Ye Tian's fingertips moved slightly, and a white True Qi turned into a match, instantly scattering the firewood piles scattered in the corners.

"It's really good!"

Looking at this scene, the middle-aged man was shocked, he couldn't believe that this young man in front of him, who looked like he could be his son, would actually play Zhenqi!

Master of the real world!

Could it really be the heir of the Maoshan faction!

Just when the middle-aged man was still shocked, Ye Tian slowly squatted down, lifted a big wooden board from the ground, and then a cellar appeared in front of the two.

"Ling Lang is here!"

"It's really Xiao Ming!"

The middle-aged man walked up suspiciously and looked down in the direction Ye Tian was pointing.

Although the cellar was a little dim, the middle-aged man could still recognize that the young man lying in the cellar was his son, Xiao Ming!

Seeing this, Ye Tian raised his hand and pointed, and another True Qi turned into a match, slowly pulling up the young man who had fallen in the cellar.

And that golden needle also quickly turned into a golden light and fell into Ye Tian's hands!

"You are really from the Maoshan faction!"

Although the speed of the golden needle was very fast, the middle-aged man also looked at it carefully.

He was extremely surprised to see Ye Tian save his child, and then bowed down to Ye Tian, and said with respect:

"Zhuge Kongping, the heir of the outer gate of the Zhuge family, has seen Ye Daoyou of the Maoshan faction!"

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