"What's wrong? Someone came to the door again? "

Seeing Zhuge Hua trotting all the way, Zhuge Kongping was shocked, thinking that someone had come to the door to seek revenge, so he hurriedly asked.

"No, ... No... "

Because of running far all the way, Zhuge Hua only felt out of breath, and the words reached the side of his throat, but he couldn't speak.

This time Zhuge Kongping was in a hurry, he was at a loss for his feet, and he didn't know what to do.

"Don't worry, speak slowly!"

Seeing this, Ye Tian walked closer with a smile and gently brushed Zhuge Hua's back.

Zhuge Hua instantly felt a warm current pouring into her body from her back, and the feeling of tiredness and tightness just now disappeared in an instant.

Looking at it again, Ye Tianzheng used his hand to soothe the breath in his body, and for a while, Hongxia flew up, and said with some twist:

"Thank you... Thank you! "

"You're welcome!"

Ye Tian smiled and stood aside again.

Zhuge Kongping saw that his daughter's breath was evenly breathed, and hurriedly asked:

"Hurry up, what's wrong!"

"Dad, the royal people are looking for you to catch ghosts! You're in business! "

"Catching ghosts?"

Zhuge Kongping was stunned for a moment, and then let out a sigh.

"Damn, I'm scared to death by you! But what is this royal man looking for me to hunt ghosts for? Can't he catch it himself? "

"Who knows, Dad, if you go and see!"

Zhuge Hua pouted and muttered, but her eyes looked in the direction of Ye Tian from time to time.

Zhuge Kongping didn't know why Wang Daoren was looking for him, but Ye Tian knew it very well.

It seems that the bronze armor corpse of Xishuangbanna is about to appear!

Although Zhuge Kongping is full of suspicions, but there is a business to the door, how can there be a reason to reject it?

This royal can't subdue that ghost, it seems to be a hard stubble.

couldn't help but laugh out loud on Zhuge Kongping's lips, thinking that a new member could be added to the Ghost Sealing Library, and he felt beautiful.

"Ye Daoyou, I can come here if I have some things to do, let Xiaohua introduce it to you here!"

After speaking, Zhuge Kongping turned to look at Zhuge Hua and said solemnly:

"Xiaohua, introduce the origin of these ghosts to Ye Daoyou, don't snub the distinguished guests, you know?"

"Yes, Dad."

As soon as he heard that he could be alone with Ye Tian, Zhuge Hua lowered his head shyly, for fear that others would see his little daughter's posture.

And Ye Tian pretended not to know anything, and said:

"Brother Dao doesn't have to mind, if you have something to do, go and get busy!"

"Okay, go and go back, go and go back!"

With that, Zhuge Kongping trotted all the way and rushed out of the ghost sealing library.

Seeing her father walk away, Zhuge Hua raised her head a little embarrassed, looked at Ye Tian, who was extraordinary, and slammed the deer in her heart, and said with some embarrassment:

"Ye... Daoist Ye, where did my father introduce you just now! "

"Well, speaking of this sleeping zombie!"

"Oh, then I'll tell you about the origins of the following ones."

Zhuge Hua tried her best to calm down her admiration and explained the origin of other ghosts to Ye Tian.

And Ye Tian is not in a hurry, anyway, the plot has already begun, and he is waiting for further advancement at this time.

The time spent alone is always very short, and after a while, Zhuge Kongping's figure reappeared in the ghost vault.

Seeing her father come back, Zhuge Hua felt a little lost in her heart.

After all, he was a little familiar with Ye Tian just now, but Zhuge Kongping's return disrupted all this.

"Ye Daoyou, it's a good thing, it's a good thing!"

At this time, Zhuge Kongping's fat cheeks seemed to be smiling, looking at Ye Tian in front, he hurriedly ran to the front and said happily.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Tian asked knowingly.

"It turns out that the royal people are not looking for me to catch ghosts, but to catch zombies! A Xishuangbanna bronze armored corpse! "

"Xishuangbanna bronze armor corpse?"

Seeing the suspicion on Ye Tian's face, Zhuge Kongping hurriedly explained:

"Three hundred years ago, there was an extraordinary and domineering zombie in our area, named Xishuangbanna Bronze Armored Corpse, which can be said to have shocked the spiritual fantasy world!

Later, for some reason, the bronze armor corpse of Xishuangbanna disappeared, and after I moved to this Baili Town, in fact, it was to find this rare zombie!

Not only can I expand my ghost library, but also make me famous in the spiritual fantasy world, hahaha! It's beautiful! It's beautiful! "

"I see!"

Ye Tian put on a look of sudden realization, and then asked:

"Do you need my help?"

"No, no, I should be able to deal with this bronze armored corpse, but it's okay for Ye Daoyou to go with me, but you can help me testify!"

"Okay, I'll go with you!"

Ye Tian knew that Zhuge Kongping's curiosity would not wipe out this Xishuangbanna bronze armor corpse, so he added:

"But if you can't subdue this bronze corpse, I'll destroy it! lest they cause trouble for you in the future! "

"Definitely can be subdued, definitely can be subdued!"

Hearing Ye Tian say that he wanted to destroy the bronze armor corpse of Xishuangbanna, Zhuge Kongping kept shaking his head and waving his hands.

I finally came across this rare zombie, how could it be wiped out?

When the time comes, how will you expand the ghost vault?

How to become famous in the psychic world?

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