Indeed, according to the plot that was played in the movie, this bronze armored corpse will indeed be subdued by Zhuge Kongping.

But the complexity of this world is too varied, and who can guarantee that it will follow the original plot?

Ye Tian was looking forward to Kong Ping's miss, so that he could justifiably destroy him!

Wouldn't it be a fool to put a lot of merit worth?

So, the two reached an opinion in an instant, and Ye Tian followed Zhuge Kongping and Zhuge Hua out of the ghost library, and quickly ran into the house.

After all, this Xishuangbanna bronze armored corpse is extremely domineering, if you don't prepare more magic weapons, if you miss, won't you be wiped out by Ye Tian?

Thinking of this, Zhuge Kongping couldn't wait to bring out all the magic weapons he could use, and stuffed four boxes full of them.

And the royal Taoist who found Zhuge Kongping to catch zombies said that he was injured and needed to go back to heal, so he took a step first.

"Dad, is this Xishuangbanna bronze armored corpse so powerful? Why are you going to make such a fuss? "

Zhuge Ming looked at the four boxes in front of him slowly, and couldn't help frowning.

And Zhuge Kongping glared at him angrily, and said angrily:

"You know a fart, this Xishuangbanna bronze armored corpse is not an ordinary zombie, the guy is not prepared, if something goes wrong, your father and I can't cry!"

After speaking, Zhuge Kongping turned his head to look at Ye Tian, revealing a wry smile:

"You're right, Ye Daoyou!"


Ye Tian was helpless, the character of Zhuge Kongping's hunting collection really hasn't changed.

The previous night makeup picture of Concubine Yang almost forgot about the death of her son, but now her mind is full of the existence of the bronze armored corpse of Xishuangbanna!

"Hurry up, let's each have a flat burden, let's go now!"

"Huh? I'm going too? "

Seeing that Zhuge Kongping threw a flat burden to himself, Zhuge Ming was very surprised.

Seeing this, Zhuge Kongping slapped him directly on the head and reprimanded:

"Nonsense, Ye Daoyou is a distinguished guest, can you let the distinguished guest carry something! Let you go, what so much nonsense! "

"Yes, yes!"

Zhuge Ming was aggrieved in his heart, but thinking of the presence of his father and Ye Tian, the panic in his heart about the bronze armored corpse of Xishuangbanna was not so big.

"Husband, Daochang Ye, I just calculated a hexagram for you, there is no problem with this trip, don't worry!"

"Hehe, it's still my wife's best! Rest assured, we'll be back soon! "

Zhuge Kongping threw a gentle look at Wang Hui, then shouted Ye Tian and Zhuge Ming, and ran out of the courtyard quickly.

"Alright, girl, don't look at it!"

At this time, Wang Hui noticed Zhuge Hua nervously looking at the figure of the three people walking away outside the door, shook his head and said:

"He's not suitable for you, it's better for you to break this thought as soon as possible!"

"Mother! What are you talking about! "

When Zhuge Hua heard this, the red glow flew instantly, but she quickly frowned and asked:

"Mother, why do you say that he is not suitable for me, don't you want me to marry out sooner?"

"That Ye Tian's destiny is indescribably precious, and his future achievements are even more limitless. But the blessings and misfortunes depend on, and the blessings and misfortunes lurk, whether it is a blessing or a curse, my mother can't tell clearly.

For your future life, my mother must find a stable future for you, so I will let you break this thought as soon as possible! "

"But, but...

Zhuge Hua knew her mother Wang Hui's ability, but she finally fell in love with a man in her heart and was unwilling to give up.

"Okay, Hugh is mentioning this matter, my mother will do this for the sake of your lifelong peace, if you insist on going your own way, Hugh will blame my mother for not being emotional!"

"Don't, don't, mother, I understand, I understand."

Seeing that Wang Hui was really angry, Zhuge Hua knew about his affairs with Ye Tian, and there must be no hope.

At that moment, he could only feel bitter water in his heart, bit his lips tightly, and two lines of tears slowly flowed down his cheeks.

"Hey, silly boy."

Wang Hui has experienced Zhuge Hua's age and knows the sadness in her heart.

I hugged it tightly in my arms in distress, and for a while, it was quiet.


Ye Tian and Zhuge Kongping, father and son, were hurrying towards the direction in which the bronze armored corpse of Xishuangbanna appeared as Wang Daochang said at this time.

At this time, in a dense forest outside the city.

A coffin tightly wrapped in a rope and exuding a thick corpse smell was parked aside.

"Sure enough, this Xishuangbanna bronze armor corpse is indeed not ordinary!"

At this time, a figure approached, looking at the coffin that had been removed, and the real body of the bronze armored corpse presented in it, couldn't help but admire.

If Zhuge Kongping was here, he would be surprised.

Because this person is the king who is looking for himself to catch zombies.

"That's right, just this rich corpse qi is not ordinary!"

At this moment, another middle-aged man in a black lama's robe approached.

This person's name is Asba, a Buddhist practitioner of the Black Sect, a branch of Tibetan Lamaism, and he also has a dojo in a nearby town.

"That is, this zombie is not only full of corpse gas, but also ugly, and there is no need to say that it is mildew!"

Another smug voice came, and Wang Mian grinned and walked closer, holding a bamboo tube full of blood in his hand.

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