Exorcist dragon clan, Ma family?

Listening to the shock of his father Zhuge Kongping beside him, Zhuge Ming was a little curious and surprised, and he didn't understand what the exorcist dragon clan in his father's mouth meant!

However, this was not the time to ask these questions, and I saw that the divine dragon summoned by the girl in front of me instantly rushed to the front of the bronze armored corpse of Xishuangbanna.

As if sensing the existence of the crisis, the bronze armored corpse instantly spewed corpse gas, and a mouthful of rich corpse qi turned into a flying snake, and instantly met the golden dragon in front of him.


There was an earth-shattering sound, and the entire ground seemed to shake violently.

Unexpectedly, the golden dragon that was still imposing just now was dissipated by the impact just now, and the bronze armored corpse also roared to the sky, and the corpse qi of the body showed a state of collapse.

The golden dragon dissipated, the spell backfired, and the girl spurted out a mouthful of blood from her mouth, and retreated a few steps.

"This girl from the Ma family is still shallow in cultivation, and she can't exert the full power of the divine dragon yet!"

Zhuge Kongping saw the reason at a glance on the side, and immediately shouted to Zhuge Ming beside him:

"Xiao Ming, that lock corpse net!"

"Yes! Father! "

Seeing this, Zhuge Ming immediately opened the box next to him and looked for the corpse net.


Seeing that the girl fell to the ground and was trying to adjust her breathing, Zhuge Kongping stepped forward, helped her up, and said with concern:

"The girl of the Ma family, you take a rest first, and this Xishuangbanna bronze armored corpse will be handed over to me!"


Although the girl was unwilling, she knew that her internal breath was disordered at this time, and she could not summon the talisman dragon again.


At this moment, the bronze armored corpse that had been knocked back a few steps erupted into a roar again.

The fierce battle just now made the bronze armored corpse need to suck blood as soon as possible to improve his strength.

Obviously, Zhuge Ming, who was weak among the three people in front of him, became his preferred target.

With a roar, the bronze armored corpse waved its sharp steel claws and rushed towards Zhuge Ming, who was looking for the corpse lock net.

"Mom, Dad, save me!"

Zhuge Ming was already anxious, but now he saw the bronze armored corpse rushing towards him, his legs were trembling, and he shouted for help.

"Xiao Ming!"

Zhuge Kongping was shocked when he saw this, and instantly formed a cumbersome handprint with his hands, and said loudly:

"Leave the word, open fire! Break! "


With Zhuge Kongping's shout, a red flame instantly rose from the ground in front of the bronze armored corpse, blocking the pace of the bronze armored corpse in front of him.


Seeing that the flames rose and blocked his way, the bronze armored corpse instantly opened its big mouth and spewed out a breath of corpse gas again.

The red flame was blown away by the corpse gas in the blink of an eye.

"Kun Zijue, Mound! Break! "

A roar came again, and the ground under Zhuge Ming's feet seemed to become as high as life.

Then he turned into a huge clay palm, grabbed Zhuge Ming's feet, and pulled him from the front to Zhuge Kongping's side.

"Dad, it's good to have you, I was scared to death!"

Seeing that the danger was turned into a disaster, Zhuge Ming's heart kept beating, and he tried his best to calm his mood at this time.


Seeing that the food in front of him was taken away in an instant, the anger stimulated the nerves of the bronze armored corpse.

At that moment, he didn't delay any longer, turned around and turned into a yin wind, and rushed towards Zhuge Kongping at great speed.

"Grandma's, it's really difficult!"

Zhuge Kongping saw that the momentum of the bronze armored corpse was undiminished, and his cuffs shook, and a peachwood sword appeared in his palm.


Zhuge Kongping's body was fat, but his posture was vigorous, and he rose two meters high in the air, and the peach wood sword made of hundred-year-old lightning wood was just above the eyebrows of the bronze armored corpse.


The sound of metal striking came, and Zhuge Kongping only felt that the tiger's mouth in his right hand was trembling, and the peachwood sword was even more cracked.

Immediately, he jumped up, quickly took out three corpse suppression talismans from his arms, and pasted them on the eyebrows, chest and back of the bronze armored corpse at an extremely fast speed.


As the corpse talisman fell, the bronze armored corpse instantly stopped moving and stood aside.

Seeing that the corpse talisman finally had an effect, Zhuge Kongping let out a sigh of relief and said with a scolding grin:

"Grandma, you're going crazy for me again!"

The girl on the side looked at Zhuge Kongping's superb skills, guessed his identity, and was about to step forward to thank him, when she saw that the three corpse suppression talismans on the bronze armored corpse instantly ignited a strange black flame.

"Zhuge senior, be careful!"

Listening to the girl's shout, Zhuge Kongping immediately turned around.

I saw that the bronze armored corpse that had been motionless was instantly angry again, and when he saw Zhuge Kongping in front of him, he immediately opened his bloody mouth and bit his fat neck.

"Damn it! Off the word, open fire! "

Zhuge Kongping gritted his teeth angrily to dodge, and then the bronze armored corpse's body ignited red flames again, enveloping it.

Seeing this, the girl also instantly flew out of a yellow talisman, hovered over the head of the bronze armored corpse, and shouted loudly:

"The edict of the dragon god, the god of fire wishes to borrow the law and punish the evil!"


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