
I saw that the talisman hovering above the head of the bronze armored corpse exploded in an instant, and then a fiery snake flew out and wrapped around the body of the bronze armored corpse.

It was intertwined with the fire summoned by Zhuge Kongping, spreading throughout the body of the bronze armored corpse.



The flames were smeared and roared.

The bronze armored corpse kept roaring and roaring, and the corpse qi around it was also pouring out, almost trying to extinguish the flames on its body.

"Daddy, he's going to put out the fire!"

Zhuge on the side looked carefully, although the two flames were added, but under the dark and rich corpse aura of the bronze armored corpse, they showed a tendency to collapse!

"This Xishuangbanna bronze armored corpse is really domineering!"

Seeing that the fire resistance techniques summoned by the two Yin and Yang families could not subdue the bronze armored corpse, Zhuge Kongping was both excited and worried in his heart.

At that moment, he shouted loudly at Zhuge Ming:

"Hurry up and find the corpse net, I'll take it first!"

After speaking, Zhuge Kongping raised the peachwood sword in his hand again and rushed towards the bronze armored corpse.

And the girl also calmed her chest at this time, and also raised the peachwood sword, and together with Zhuge Kongping, rushed forward.



Zhuge Kongping and the girl came out with their swords, and for a while they were inseparable from the bronze armored corpse.

After all, he had just broken the seal, and although he had sucked the blood of three cultivators, under the repeated battles, the actions of the bronze armored corpse were becoming more and more disadvantaged.


At this moment, Ye Tian's figure also came closer.

Seeing that a strange girl was working with Zhuge Kongping to deal with the bronze armored corpse of Xishuangbanna, I felt a little curious.

He immediately stood aside and asked:

"Brother Dao, do you need my help?"


Seeing that Ye Tian felt, Zhuge Kongping instantly shook his head and blocked loudly.

He believed that if Ye Tian made a move, he would definitely destroy this bronze armor corpse, and wouldn't the dream of collecting it for decades be shattered?

The girl frowned and looked in Ye Tian's direction, looking at Ye Tian curiously, I don't know why Zhuge Kongping didn't let this young man work together to suppress the bronze armored corpse.

Could it be because his cultivation is still shallow, and he is worried that something will happen!

"Alright then, call me anytime you have something!"

Since he promised Zhuge Kongping that he would not do it easily, Ye Tian stood aside, looked at Zhuge Ming who was still rummaging through the four big boxes, and asked:

"Xiao Ming, what are you looking for!"

"Find the lock corpse net, Senior Ye!"

Zhuge Ming lowered his head and frowned and kept searching, and finally, at the bottom of a box, he found the whereabouts of the locked corpse net!

At that moment, he picked up the lock corpse net and rushed to Zhuge Kongping, shouting loudly:

"Dad, lock the corpse net, I found it!"

"Okay, get it quickly!"

At this time, the momentum of the bronze armored corpse has been weakened and weakened under the joint suppression of Zhuge Kongping and the girl.

flew up at the moment, directly snatched the lock corpse net in Xiao Ming's hand, threw one end to the girl, and shouted loudly:

"Miss Ma, do me a favor!"


The girl agreed, and immediately grabbed one end of the corpse net, and Zhuge Kongping showed a situation of encirclement, and in the blink of an eye, it fell from the sky, covering the Xishuangbanna bronze armored corpse that roared angrily on the ground.


Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

In an instant, the net of corpses was covered with the body of the bronze armored corpse.

Then, there was a burst of stabbing sound from the body of the bronze armored corpse, and for a while, scorching smoke was everywhere.



A scream came from the mouth of the bronze armored corpse, and as he continued to struggle, the bundle of corpse ropes was now tightly bound to the bronze armored corpse.

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

It was like a firecracker hanging on its body, and the corpse qi of the bronze armored corpse was dispersing at a rapid speed, and thick smoke was billowing out.

Seeing this, Zhuge Kongping instantly took out several corpse suppression talismans from his arms and pasted them on the body of the bronze armored corpse.



It was as if small holes had been opened in the body of the bronze armored corpse, and the corpse qi was like a speeding black snake, swarming out.

And the momentum of the bronze armored corpse is also weakening at a rapid pace.

"Grandma's, Lao Tzu's corpse lock net is made of black dog blood, rooster blood and various secret techniques, just to deal with your bronze armored corpse, it can be regarded as handy today!"

Zhuge Kongping saw that the corpse net finally had an effect, and he couldn't help but be triumphant on the side.

The girl of the Ma family on the side was becoming more and more pale, and beads of sweat the size of beans began to slide down from her forehead.

The girl knew that her arm had just been injured by the bronze armored corpse, and at this time the corpse had been poisoned, and if she didn't get rid of the poison in time, she was afraid that she would also become a zombie.


Ye Tian noticed the girl's strange appearance on the side, and immediately turned around, and held the girl in his arms before she passed out.

"What are you doing!"

Seeing Ye Tian suddenly hugging herself, the girl was instantly startled, and was about to ask angrily.

Seeing the golden light in Ye Tian's hand, several golden needles pierced the wound on his arm in the blink of an eye, and the slow warm current began to pour into his body.

"Don't move! This corpse poison is very domineering! "

The Xishuangbanna bronze armor corpse is a hundred-year-old zombie, although it is not as powerful as the zombie Ah Zi, but the toxicity of its corpse poison is not comparable to that of ordinary zombies!

As he spoke, Ye Tian once again turned white, and a handful of white glutinous rice was instantly applied to the girl's wound!



Black smoke rose everywhere, corpse qi flew, the girl was sweating profusely, her silver teeth were clenched, but she did not let out a single scream.

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