At this time, the Xishuangbanna bronze armored corpse was still in a sealed state, without any consciousness.

Looking at the ground sprinkled with glutinous rice all around, as well as the coffin nails on the bronze armored corpse and the willow branches hanging from the top of his head, the first Mao felt very disdainful.

"Zhuge Kongping, this guy, has been separated from the Zhuge family for so many years, and he doesn't know how to innovate in magic! still using these messy, stale and rotten grain techniques, it's really backward! "

With that, the first Mao began to kick the glutinous rice under his feet, and pulled out the willow branches hanging from the top of the bronze corpse.

", what the hell!"


Just as the first Mao began to gradually destroy the sealing measures laid by Zhuge Kongping, the body of the bronze armored corpse shook instantly.

And the first Mao also discovered this situation in time, and immediately took out a pocket gossip mirror from his pocket.

Then with a slight break, a round hoop extended out from the side of the pocket gossip mirror.

It's not big, it's not too small, and it's just right on the head of the bronze armored corpse.


A golden light burst out from the pocket gossip mirror in an instant, shining on the face of the bronze armored corpse.

The bronze armored corpse, which was still a little moving, stopped shaking at this moment, and then returned to its original quiet appearance.

"Hehe, I'll just say, it's still my improved version of the gossip mirror that is easy to use, Zhuge Kongping's things, what kind of stuff!"

After speaking, the first mao with excitement in his eyes seemed to see a delicious food in front of him.

Carefully looking at this burly, but ugly-looking bronze armored corpse, he couldn't help but admire:

"Obediently, don't look at this guy ugly, but this fame and strength are not small at all!"

Immediately afterwards, the first Mao carried the bronze armored corpse behind him and began to walk towards the outside of the Ghost Sealing Vault step by step.

"Grandma, this bronze armored corpse is really heavy enough, I should have recruited someone to drive in the town and wait for me, why are you so tired!"

First Mao gritted his teeth and walked forward with the bronze armored corpse on his back, while constantly whispering and scolding.

But he didn't notice that the bronze armored corpse behind him had begun to slowly change.

Let's go.

Let's go.

"What sound?"

Listening to the strange voice behind him, First Mao immediately looked back, but he didn't find anything unusual.

Then he frowned, and hurriedly carried the bronze armored corpse on his back and continued to move forward.

Only by transporting this bronze armored corpse away as soon as possible can it not be discovered by Zhuge Kongping.

After the seal of the bronze armored corpse was broken, the corpse qi around it began to grow slowly.

Even with the special pocket gossip mirror developed by the first Mao, it is useless.

Under the continuous illumination of the moonlight, the lychee wood coffin nails pierced into the bronze armored corpse had begun to gradually fall off at this time.

And the strange sound that the first Mao heard just now was full of the sound of the coffin nails falling to the ground.

"Damn, why is it getting heavier!"

As he got closer and closer to the gate of the Ghost Sealing Library, First Mao only felt that the bronze armored corpse on his body was getting heavier and heavier.

And not only that, but even the corpse qi coming from behind him is slowly increasing.

Afraid that the pocket gossip mirror would not last too long, First Mao hurriedly erected the bronze armored corpse on the wall, preparing to add more magic weapons developed by himself to trap the other party.

"Hey, what is this?"

At this time, the first Mao finally noticed the coffin nails that fell on the ground.

He curiously picked up one of the coffin nails, looked at it carefully, frowned, and said:

"Coffin nails made of lychee wood? I'll just say, Zhuge Kongping will only play these backward tricks, boring! "

Pouting disdainfully, First Mao took out a strange-shaped silver magic weapon from his arms, and there were very strange runes engraved on it.

Seeing this, the first Mao prepared to add this silver magic weapon to the body of the bronze armored corpse.


But who knows, just as the first Mao was about to apply the magic weapon with a smile on his face, the bronze armored corpse that was still quiet with his eyes closed instantly let out a roar.

Then a majestic corpse qi burst out, and the two scarlet eyes also burst out with terrifying and fierce light!

"What's going on?"

First Mao didn't expect such a thing to happen, how could the good bronze armored corpse suddenly wake up.

At that moment, he hurriedly pressed the special magic weapon in his hand on the top of the bronze armored corpse's head, but in the next second, the magic weapon broke out with a loud bang.

Then the first Mao only felt an explosive force in front of him, and without any reaction, he was blown out and fell to the ground.


As the first Mao fell to the ground, the bronze armored corpse at this time instantly broke free from the corpse rope on his body, and with a thick corpse gas in his mouth, he rushed towards the direction of the first Mao.

Now that the seal has been broken, the most primitive bloodthirsty desire of the bronze armored corpse has also exploded at the same time.

The first Mao that was close at hand bore the brunt and became the favorite blood food of the bronze armored corpse!

On a tall tree outside the Ghost Sealing Library, Ye Tian stood quietly on the branch, looking at everything that was happening below, and did not make any reaction.

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