"Oh my God, why did you suddenly come back to life?"

The first Mao fell not lightly at this time, how could he know that this newly developed Maoshan magic weapon would not have any effect on the bronze armored corpse!


Without waiting for the first Mao to think a lot, the bronze armored corpse roared again, and the silhouettes around him flashed, like a huge cannonball, rushing towards the first Mao!

If you are hit by this bronze armored corpse again, I am afraid that the bones in my body will fall apart in an instant!

Thinking of this, First Mao immediately picked up the civilization staff beside him and smashed it to the ground.


A burst of smoke flew up, and the bronze armored corpse that had rushed to the front was instantly stunned, and he couldn't find the figure of the first mao.

And Ye Tian saw it from the top of the tall tree, after the first Mao released the smoke, he quickly ran behind the bronze armored corpse, took out an improved version of the money sword from his arms, and stabbed it fiercely at the opponent's vest!


However, the bronze armored corpse's body was extremely hard, and although it was an improved version of the money sword, it broke off in an instant after touching the bronze armored corpse's body.

First Mao only felt the pain of the tiger's mouth, and in the next second, he took out a lot of corpse talismans and pasted them towards the bronze armored corpse again!

"Humph! I don't believe that this corpse charm won't work! "

First Mao cursed and quickly dodged back.




Everything was contrary to what Yi Mao had thought, when the corpse talisman fell on the back of the bronze armored corpse, black flames rose in the blink of an eye, and then the corpse qi around the bronze armored corpse leaked out.

In an instant, those corpse charms turned into ashes and scattered in the air.

"Damn, aren't you afraid of the corpse charm?"

The first Mao was shocked, thinking about getting some magic weapons again.

But when he found that he was shocked by the bronze armor corpse just now, many magic weapons were also scattered on the ground.

At this time, there is nothing left in my arms!


The first Mao's successive attacks made the bronze armored corpse angry, and the strong bloodthirsty desire stimulated its copper armored corpse's instinct!

I could only hear a roar, but this time, it suddenly flashed in front of the first mao!

This time, the first Mao didn't even have a chance to dodge, and without waiting for any thoughts, he felt a sharp pain in his arms!


The first Mao screamed!

At this time, the bronze armored corpse had firmly grasped the arm of the first mao and grabbed it in the air.

The domineering corpse poison was swimming in the blood of the first mao at an extremely fast speed at this time, and the first mao only felt unbearable pain all over his body, but he couldn't exert the strength to struggle.

Looking at the bronze armored corpse that had opened its bloody mouth in front of him, the first Mao actually cried out and begged for mercy:

"Big brother, let me go! I don't dare! I don't dare anymore! "


However, how could the bronze armored corpse pay attention to the first Mao's begging for mercy.

In the next second, the bronze armored corpse bit down on the neck of First Mao, and a steady stream of blood was constantly flowing into the body of the bronze armored corpse.



At this time, the corpse qi on the bronze armored corpse's body began to swell again, and even the metallic luster on the skin returned to its previous appearance.


First Mao's consciousness is gradually disappearing, and the scene in front of him is getting darker and darker.


At this moment, a golden light instantly exploded on the back of the bronze armored corpse.

The bronze armored corpse that was frantically sucking the first grass of blood was blown out, and even the first grass that was clung to it also fell to the ground at this time.

"Yes ... It's you! "

First Mao was on the verge of death at this time, he looked at the man in white who appeared in front of him, and said in disbelief.

Ye Tian!

It could have been him!

The strong desire to survive was already full of Yi Mao's mind at this time, he endured the damage caused by the corpse poison to himself, and hurriedly crawled in the direction of Ye Tian, shouting weakly:

"Help me! Save me! Please, help me! "

"If you do too much injustice, you will kill yourself, you have today, it is your own cause and effect!"

Who knows, Ye Tian didn't pay attention to himself at all, but left a sentence lightly, turned around and walked towards the place where the bronze armor corpse collapsed.

"But... Damn it... "

First Mao was resentful in his heart, but to no avail, with full of anger and reluctance to this world, he slowly closed his eyes.

First Mao, die!

On the other side, Ye Tian had already rushed to the front of the bronze armored corpse at this time, his palm was like the wind, and he was full of strength!

With a slap of the palm, the chest of the bronze armored corpse instantly sank.

In an instant, the corpse gas leaked out, and the whole body clicked!

"What's going on!"

At this moment, the door of the Ghost Sealing Library was knocked open again, and Wang Hui rushed in with Zhuge Ming and Zhuge Hua.

That Zhuge Kongping was still in a coma at this time because he was fascinated by the first Mao's talisman wine.

Looking at the first Mao whose face was covered with blood on the ground, and then looking at Ye Tian who was fighting with the bronze armored corpse on the other side, Wang Hui and the others at this time instantly understood what was going on!

couldn't help but feel anxious, Wang Hui was anxious, and shouted loudly at Ye Tian:

"Ye Daoyou, I'm here to help you!"

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