"No, Mrs. Zhuge , you take Xiao Ming and Xiao Hua to stand aside and destroy this bronze armored corpse, it won't take a minute!"

Wang Hui volunteered, but was stopped by Ye Tian.

Perhaps in their opinion, this bronze armored corpse is extremely domineering, and it is really difficult to deal with with copper skin and iron bones!

Especially according to Zhuge Kongping, this bronze armored corpse is only afraid of the coffin nails of rooster blood and lychee firewood!

Now that these two things are not around, it is even more difficult to subdue this bronze armored corpse!

couldn't help but scold Wang Hui angrily, frowned and said:

"Damn, it's all the first thing that did the thing, and the harmful Ye Daoyou came to clean up the mess for us!"

Thinking of this, Wang Hui flew out directly of a talisman, and in an instant, it was attached to the body of the first grass.


In the next second, the first hair was instantly engulfed by the rune fire, like a fire man.

Pity this first mao, he didn't even have a chance to turn into a zombie, so he was burned to ashes by Wang Hui's talisman fire.

"Mother! Look! "

Zhuge Ming's excited voice called out to Wang Hui beside him, and the other party was puzzled and looked in the direction he was pointing.

But I was shocked instantly!

I saw that a moment had passed, and the bronze armored corpse at this time was completely devoid of human appearance!

No, it's a corpse!

I saw that Ye Tian's palm was like a hurricane, his fist was like a cannonball, and he didn't use the slightest mana, but he already had the protective qi around his body, and he beat the bronze armored corpse into an inhuman shape!



The sound of bones breaking came, and the limbs of the bronze armored corpse were already in an extremely distorted state.

And the head of the bronze armored corpse was even more deflated in half, and it looked as if it had been smashed into it with a punch!

"Mother, this Ye Dao Chang, did you use martial arts to beat zombies like this?"

Zhuge Hua covered her mouth, as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

And Zhuge Ming was even more shocked and speechless, how difficult this bronze armored corpse was to deal with, how strong it was, he clearly saw it in his eyes at the beginning.

Zhuge Kongping couldn't subdue him with all his might, and finally relied on the coffin nails he took out to temporarily surrender him!

But now it's good, Ye Tianyi's Dao method has not been used at all, just the power of martial arts, and he has already defeated the bronze armored corpse!

"I didn't expect Ye Daoyou's martial arts cultivation to be so high! Qi and blood are like rainbows, and Gang Qi is full, this is simply the existence of a martial arts master! "

As a member of the Yin and Yang family, Wang Hui naturally knew about the existence of the martial arts family.

In her original cognition, she thought that only the Xiang family would have such an outstanding martial arts talent, but what she didn't expect was that the Maoshan faction also produced a martial arts master-like master, which was simply amazing!


Although the bronze armored corpse can be restored all over its body, the speed of recovery is not comparable to the speed of Ye Tian's fist attack!

With a roar of pain and anger, one of the arms of the bronze armored corpse was directly dragged down by Ye Tian in an instant and thrown to the ground.


Although the strength of this Xishuangbanna bronze armored corpse has far exceeded the royal zombies encountered in the four-eyed humane place at that time, it seems that it already has the strength of the early stage of Mao Zhuang!

This is why this Xishuangbanna bronze armor corpse is so famous!

But even if it is stiff, for Ye Tian, who is a second-grade real person, he can't create the slightest pressure at all.

As the arm of the bronze corpse was thrown to the ground, it was engulfed by a cloud of golden flames in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, it disappeared from any existence.

The bronze armored corpse roared angrily, as if it had been enraged by Ye Tian's actions, waving another remaining twisted claw, and rushed towards Ye Tian again.

"Three... Samadhi is really hot! "

Although earlier, Ye Tian had already used True Qi to teach the first Mao, letting everyone know his cultivation of True Human Realm strength!

But what he didn't expect was that Ye Tian would be able to summon such a powerful Samadhi True Fire with a wave of his hand, instead of summoning it with talismans and seals!

To have such amazing magical powers, I am afraid that only the powerhouses of the Jindan Realm can do this!

Ye Tian, how old is he!

Could it be that it is already the existence of the Jindan Realm!

Bang bang bang!


Just when Wang Hui was extremely shocked, and Zhuge Ming and Zhuge Hua were extremely excited.

The rest of the hands and legs of the bronze armored corpse had also been burned by Ye Tian with the Samadhi True Fire at this time, and now the bronze armored corpse was like a meat ball.

Looking at this scene, Ye Tian snorted coldly and made a sound, and then another True Qi flew out from his fingertips, instantly penetrating the lower abdomen of the bronze armored corpse.


The bronze armored corpse screamed in pain, and in the next second, a black ball the size of a baby's fist slowly flew up from the lower abdomen of the bronze armored corpse and fell into Ye Tian's hands!

"You're worthless, die!"

Ye Tian put away the black beads, looked at the bronze armored corpse and muttered coldly.


In the eyes of the bronze armored corpse with incomparably angry and hateful eyes, the golden samadhi true fire ignited again in an instant.

In just one breath, the bronze armored corpse had already been burned, where was there still half a trace of existence?

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