"Ding! Kill a zombie and get 2,000 merit points and 1,500 oceans! "

Host: Ye Tian

Cultivation for: Sanpin real person

Merit: 430/2000

Exercises: Maoshan Eighteen Needles, Maoshan Fu Gong Technique, Maoshan Dao Technique, Maoshan Medical Technique

Divine power: Samadhi true fire, shrinking the ground into inches

Skill: Martial arts mastery, the power of ten thousand jun

Attributes: Gold bone and silver armor


With a heavy breath, Ye Tian instantly felt that the true qi in the dantian was even more full.

I didn't expect that a bronze armored corpse at the early level of Mao Zombie would have so many merits worth 2,000 points, and in just a few minutes, Ye Tian had already broken through the second-grade real person and successfully advanced to the third-grade real person!


The sudden change in the momentum of Ye Tian's body surprised Wang Hui not far away.

But soon, that momentum disappeared, and Ye Tian, who was standing in front of the three of them at this time, seemed to have returned to his usual ordinary appearance, and he couldn't see any cultivation and strength.

"Mother, what is the black ball in Daoist Ye's hand?"

Seeing Zhuge Ming whispering in his ear, Wang Hui opened his mouth to explain:

"That's the corpse pill!"

"Corpse pill?"

"That's right, it's the corpse pill. Zombies who advance to the strength above Mao Zombie will produce a corpse pill in their bodies! This corpse pill contains the great energy of zombies.

If a cultivator obtains the corpse pill, he can refine it and use it to improve his cultivation. If you want to come to this Ye Daoyou, it should be this plan! "

Wang Hui was amazed by Ye Tian's super strength, and at the same time, he was shocked at the speed of this bronze armored corpse's advancement.

She didn't expect that this bronze armored corpse would break through to the cultivation level of Mao Zhuang after sucking the blood of several monks one after another!

If Ye Tian hadn't been present today, it would have been difficult for him to surrender just by himself and that drunk Zhuge Kongping!

Maybe the entire Zhuge family will be slaughtered by the bronze armor corpse!

"That's it!"

Ye Tian held the corpse pill, and with a slight flick, the corpse pill disappeared.

As Wang Hui said, the corpse pill can indeed be used by cultivators to refine it, and after removing its corpse poison, it can be used to improve their own cultivation.

But who is Ye Tian?

A cultivator with the strongest system!

Relying on merit points, you can soar all the way and advance to a higher cultivation realm.

It's just a hairy zombie pill, Ye Tian hasn't paid attention to it yet.

And the reason why he accepted this corpse pill was for his own corpse slave, Ah Zi!

Now Ah Zi's cultivation seems to have the strength of the peak of stiffness, and it seems that there is not much distance from advancing to the top zombie in the world.

Gifting this corpse pill to Ah Zi will definitely help him improve his strength!

If Ah Zi can successfully advance to the strength of the Zombie, I am afraid that there will be no one in this world's cultivation power who will be her opponent!

"Thank you, master!"

At this time, in Ye Tian's mind, Ah Zi's gentle voice came.

The corpse pill full of energy had already fallen into the hands of Ah Zi in the spirit servant space at this time.

"Well, refine well and improve your cultivation!"

"Yes, master!"

In his mind, after finishing his instructions with Ah Zi, Ye Tian walked up to Wang Hui with a smile and said:

"Mrs. Zhuge , this bronze armored corpse has been completely solved, and there will be no other omissions!"

"This time, thanks to Ye Daochang's timely action, this crisis was resolved, Wang Hui, on behalf of the Zhuge family, thanked Ye Daoyou for his rescue!"

"Where, where, just a small effort!"

"Hey, it's all this No. 1 fuss! He deserved to end up in such a field! "

Thinking that everything that happened tonight was because of the first grass, Wang Hui felt angry, and immediately waited for Zhuge Ming and Zhuge Hua resentfully, and commanded loudly:

"Go! That cold water wakes up your father! It's heartless to still be sleeping after such a big thing happens! "

"Mother... Daddy's still sick! "

"Let you go! Do you want to be beaten? "

"Yes, yes!"

Seeing that Wang Hui was really angry, Zhuge Ming and Zhuge Hua dared to hesitate for half a minute.

Without saying a word, he ran out of the ghost vault and did what Wang Hui told him.

And Ye Tian felt a little sympathy for Zhuge Kongping in his heart, and accompanied by Wang Hui, he slowly walked out of the ghost sealing library.


"Ahh Ahh "

On the bed, Zhuge Kongping kept sneezing, trembling all over.

looked at Zhuge Ming and Zhuge Hua with a pair of resentful eyes, but he didn't dare to complain.

Without him, just because Wang Hui was also standing by the bed.

The reason why Zhuge Kongping was unconscious was mainly because of the bad luck of the bronze armor corpse and the first Mao Fu wine.

How can a dozen buckets of cold water in a row wake it up?

In desperation, Ye Tian couldn't bear to be constantly watered by the cold water, so he could only get up and apply needles, and use Zhenqi and golden needles to remove the medicinal properties of the talisman wine in his body.

In addition, the bronze armor corpse has been eliminated, and the bad luck on Zhuge Kongping's body has begun to gradually dissipate at this time.

Now he seems to be seriously ill with typhoid fever, and listening to Wang Hui finish the matter as it is, he is full of regret in his heart.

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