After listening to everything Wang Hui described, Zhuge Kong was so remorseful that he seemed to cry.

finally subdued the Xishuangbanna bronze armored corpse, but who knew that it was messed up and released by the first boy.

In the end, he was suppressed and eliminated by Ye Tian, and he didn't even leave a single scumbag!

Finally got some fame in the psychic world, and now I'm afraid everyone has to see their own jokes.

"Wipe your snot, look at your unlucky look! This time, you have to thank Ye Daoyou, without him, our family would be over! "

"Yes, yes! Ahh "

Zhuge Kongping nodded again and again when he heard this, then looked at Ye Tian, and said gratefully:

"Ye Daoyou, this time it is really thanks to you that our family survived!"

"It's not in the way, it's just that the corpse pill of the bronze armor corpse was taken by me, and I also ask Zhuge Daoyou, don't mind!"

"What are these words! You saved the lives of our family, not to mention the corpse pill of the bronze armor corpse, even all my belongings are okay for you! "

"Well, it's come to this, you better have a good rest!"

This incident can be regarded as a lesson in Zhuge Kongping's heart, and I believe that if he acts in the future, he will not be as reckless as in the past.

After staying for another two days, seeing that Zhuge Kongping's typhoid fever had become lighter, it was time for Ye Tian to say goodbye to Zhuge and his family.

Although Zhuge Kongping, Wang Hui and others tried their best to stay for a longer time, Ye Tian still politely declined, said goodbye to everyone, and went to the provincial capital where Ren Tingting was located.

After another day and a night of hurrying, Ye Tian had already arrived at the gate of the provincial capital.

However, the change at the city gate made Ye Tian a little surprised, and he saw that many soldiers in military uniforms were busy working at the city gate.

Holding a big red lantern and hanging it high in many places, even on the city gate tower, there is a big "Xi" word, as if to welcome the bride.

"Doctor Ye, you're back!"

Just when Ye Tian was a little stunned, a middle-aged man ran over quickly at the city gate.

Ye Tian saw that this person was Captain Cao of the provincial security team.

Seeing him greeting himself, Ye Tian nodded slightly and said:

"Captain Cao hasn't seen you for a long time, this provincial city hasn't returned for a long time, is there anything joyful?"

"That's what you say!"

When Captain Cao heard Ye Tian's inquiry, he pointed to the group of soldiers standing at the gate of the city not far away and explained.

It turned out that not long after Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan left the provincial capital, a warlord lived in the provincial capital with a group of people.

In these years, the warlords divided the territory and occupied the city as the king!

Warlords with a little bit of strength will run their own territory!

Obviously, the warlord took a good look at the environment of the provincial capital and took possession of it.

For this situation, everyone can only accept it silently, and dare not have half of the complaint and resistance.

The warlord who newly moved into the provincial capital was surnamed Xu, known as Xu Dashuai, and he was a big bald head.

After living in the provincial capital, he fell in love with the daughter of a wealthy local merchant and prepared to marry her as his fourth aunt's wife.

And the wedding date is tonight!

Since he is the king of this provincial city, how can he handle happy events in a hurry.

As a result, the entire provincial capital was filled with a festive and lively atmosphere, and lights were displayed everywhere.

In order to celebrate Xu Dashuai winning the fourth aunt!

"I see!"

After listening to Captain Cao's explanation, Ye Tian also had some understanding of this matter.

"Hehe, Doctor Ye, go back to Ren's Mansion earlier, these days you are not here, that Miss Ren has lost a lot of weight!"

"Okay, I'll invite you to drink another day!"

"Well said, a word is decided!"

After learning about what was happening in the provincial capital, Ye Tian said goodbye to Captain Cao and walked quickly towards the mansion.

Reunited after a long absence, it is overflowing with affection.

After Ren Tingting saw Ye Tian appear, she was first surprised, and then extremely excited.

And the maid incarnated by Yue Qiluo made a grimace at Ye Tian without being big or small, and left the room very interestingly, no longer lingering.

"Brother Ye, it's good that you're back, but I didn't get to see Sister Hua, and I'm a little disappointed."

In her arms, Ren Tingting enjoyed the warmth in Ye Tian's arms at this time and sighed.

Ye Tian, on the other hand, smiled and stroked Ren Tingting's pink cheeks, and said with a smile:

"It's okay, it won't be long before we can see Yan Yan again. But you, when will you go back to Maoshan with me and let the master and his old man preside over the marriage contract for us? "

"Listen ... Listen to you. "

When Ren Tingting heard what Ye Tian said, she was shy like a kitten, her cheeks were crimson, and she didn't dare to look directly at Ye Tian's eyes.

"Okay, after the Mountain Gate General's affairs of the Extreme Dao Alliance are dealt with, I will take you back to Maoshan!"

"Well, good!"

Ren Tingting raised her head when she heard this, lightly tapped Ye Tian's cheek, and then said:

"Xu Dashuai is marrying the fourth aunt tonight, as the vice president of the Chamber of Commerce, I need to go to congratulate, can you accompany me!"

"No problem!"

Ye Tian agreed dotingly, caressing Ren Tingting's pink cheeks, for a while, infinitely sweet...

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