The golden crow is hidden, and the jade rabbit is rising one by one, and it is now evening.

The most lively place in the provincial capital tonight is Xu Dashuai's newly purchased mansion.

Now it's full of friends and crowds.

In the courtyard, more than 20 large round tables were already full one after another.

Xu Dashuai was wearing a big red flower on his chest, and his eyebrows were dancing happily.

And the other three aunts and wives behind him, although they were happy on the surface, their eyes were full of resentment.

No way, there is only one handsome, but there are four in the lady.

Thirty years, a good youth, how can there be no boredom in the heart?

At this time, Adjutant Li, Xu Dashuai's adjutant, walked over from the side of the courtyard.

When passing by the third aunt's side, he pinched the third aunt's ass vigorously without leaving a trace, making the other party frown, but there was a lot of laughter.

"Sister, what's wrong? Do you have any happy things in mind? "

"No, nothing."

The third aunt was too hurriedly to cover up, but her eyes involuntarily looked at the Adjutant Li who had just walked by her side.

"Dashuai, it will be an auspicious time in a while, and now the people with heads and faces in this provincial city have come to congratulate you, Dashuai, you are really majestic!"


Listening to Adjutant Li's praise, Xu Dashuai couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and his chin unconsciously raised a few points.

"But I don't seem to see that Miss Ren appear, is the invitation not delivered?"

"How can you be, Dashuai, Miss Ren's invitation was personally delivered to her, and now you are the master of this provincial city, she is just the vice president of the Chamber of Commerce, how dare not come? There must be some delay on the road, so I'll be there in a while! "

"Hey, it's a pity, it's a pity, it's good that the fourth aunt I'm going to marry is Miss Ren!"

Xu Dashuai shook his head with some disappointment, and Ren Tingting's dignified and virtuous, gentle and beautiful side appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help but reverie.

In fact, after occupying the generation, Xu Dashuai has already set his sights on Ren Tingting.

It's just that the Ren family has a lot of power in the provincial capital, and they also control many commercial organizations, and they are the vice president of the Chamber of Commerce, and their status is very important.

Xu Dashuai can not take the mayor of the town in his eyes, but he must not despise this giant in the business world of the provincial city!

As a warlord, he has hundreds of people under his command who follow him to eat and get military salaries.

To fight a war is to burn money!

Whoever has more money can continue to expand his power and occupy more territory.

Therefore, in order not to stiffen the relationship with these business giants, and in order to better share the benefits from them, Xu Dashuai could only endure and suppress his desire to possess Ren Tingting in the bottom of his heart.

"Dashuai, Miss Ren is not married yet, and Dashuai you are in the prime of life, I believe that it will not take long for Miss Ren to find out that Dashuai is good, and when the time comes, marry you and be your fifth aunt, wouldn't it be a happy thing!"

"Haha, well said! You can say that again! "

"It's just..."

"Huh? Just what? "

Hearing that Adjutant Li was a little inclined to speak, Xu Dashuai's face became a little unhappy, and he glared at the other party in an instant.

"Dashuai, I've heard these days that Miss Ren actually has a fiancé, and she is also a Maoshan Taoist! It seems to be called something... Ye Tian! "

"Fiancé? Maoshan Taoist? "

Xu Dashuai was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter, and said very disdainfully:

"A mere Maoshan Taoist priest also wants to rob a woman with Ben Shuai? He's tired of being crooked, isn't he? "

"Dashuai, do you know, it is said that this Ye Tian is the apprentice of a master in Maoshan, some time ago there were zombies in this provincial city, and it was this Ye Tian and his master who subdued it! Many of the people in the provincial capital saw the scene at that time, and they admired this Ye Tian master and apprentice very much! "

"Zombies? What a bullshit zombie! Lao Tzu has been fighting for so many years, and he has never seen a zombie! "

Xu Dashuai's rude temperament was exposed at this time, and then he pointed to the soldiers in the courtyard with spears and scattered in the corner, and couldn't help showing off:

"Look, look! Which of Lao Tzu's soldiers is not a dragon and a tiger, and his strength is extraordinary! Don't say if there are zombies in this world, even if there are zombies, Lao Tzu can also take them to kill it with cannons and spears!

Can a mere stinky Taoist of the Maoshan faction be as powerful as my artillery? angered Lao Tzu, turned around and directly led the troops to kill Maoshan and wiped out their Maoshan faction! "

"Yes, yes, the handsome and heroic, the handsome and the heroic, how could that Ye Tian be the opponent of the big handsome! Hey! "

Seeing this, Adjutant Li knelt down and licked again, and then did not forget to look back at the third aunt not far away, and a touch of evil appeared on his face.


"This wedding banquet is quite lively!"

At this time, Ren Tingting was wearing a blue evening dress, holding Ye Tian's arm, and had already appeared at the door of Xu Dashuai's house.

Ren Tingting has a delicate figure and exquisite appearance, while Ye Tian has an extraordinary temperament and a dignified appearance.

Like a pair of golden boys and girls, they appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

If everyone doesn't know, they will think that the two of them are the protagonists tonight!

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