"Hello Miss Ren, Hello Dr. Ye!"

"Hello Miss Ren, Hello Dr. Ye!"


As Ye Tian and Ren Tingting slowly stepped into the house, everyone who was originally talking and laughing walked up to the front when they saw this, and Shi Li greeted him.

"Hello everyone, hello everyone!"

Ye Tian and Ren Tingting also returned the salute in unison, and even when they saw a familiar figure, they walked in front of them.

"Hello Mr. Ye, hello Miss Ren!"

The person who came was none other than Ye Tian's servant, the blood vampire Edward!

"Hello, Mr. Edward!"

Ren Tingting didn't know Edward's true identity, but she had cooperated with Edward's commercial company many times in the past few days and made a lot of profits.

Therefore, Ren Tingting was also very happy about Edward's initiative to say hello.

"Edward, long time no see, spirited!"

"Hehe, it's all Mr. Ye's care, Mr. Ye's care!"

Edward didn't dare to show too much of a servant's posture, so he pointed to a round table not far away, and said with a smile:

"I've got a place for you two early, please come with me!"


Ye Tian nodded approvingly, and then took Ren Tingting and sat on the seat reserved by Edward.

"Miss Ren, your arrival will make my Xu Mansion shine!"

Not long after Ye Tian and Ren Tingting took their seats, Xu Dashuai and Adjutant Li had already walked quickly to the front.

Ren Tingting's makeup tonight made Xu Dashuai's eyes shine, if it weren't for the scene and identity, Xu Dashuai couldn't help but want to step forward and kiss this beauty!

"Xu Dashuai, you are too polite!"

Seeing this, Ren Tingting immediately stood up and thanked the other party.

And Ye Tian also stood up, looking at Xu Dashuai's flattering appearance, but he was a little surprised in his heart.

It's not that Ye Tian was angry at Xu Dashuai's appearance of currying favor with Ren Tingting, but that he observed that there were five light-colored ghosts at the center of Xu Dashuai's eyebrows!

Although these five ghost qi are shallow, they are full of anger and resentment.

Obviously, this Xu Dashuai has been entangled by ghosts, and within five days, there will be a disaster of blood and light!

"This is...

Xu Dashuai looked at Ye Tian beside Ren Tingting, and couldn't help but snort coldly in his heart.

In his opinion, this guy must be the Ye Tian that Adjutant Li said.

White, pure, soft and weak, it looks like a little white face!

How can such a person be compared to himself? Although he doesn't want to fall out with people in the business world for the time being, he can't just let him go so easily.

"Dashuai, let me introduce you, this is my fiancé, Ye Tian!"

"Oh, it turns out that you are the well-known Ye Tianye Dao Chief!"

Xu Dashuai pretended to be surprised and shocked, and then pursed his lips disdainfully.

"I heard that Daoist Ye is a master disciple of the Maoshan faction, and it is not a problem to subdue demons and catch ghosts, but I don't know, if you encounter demons and monsters, is your Taoist skill powerful? Or my guns are terrible! "

Xu Dashuai's words were undoubtedly provoking Ye Tian, pretending to be ugly!

Hearing what the other party said, Edward on the side instantly became gloomy.

And Ren Tingting also frowned, on the contrary, Ye Tian smiled indifferently and said:

"I don't know who is powerful. But I want to say that you are full of ghosts, shallow yin and morality, and there will be a bloody disaster in less than five days! I advise you to prepare for the aftermath earlier, so as not to die ugly! "

From the very beginning of Xu Dashuai's appearance, Ye Tian could see the other party's disdain for himself and his coveting for Ren Tingting.

For such a person, Ye Tian naturally didn't have a good face to show him, even if the other party was already a warlord, but in Ye Tian's eyes, he was as small as an ant.


At this time, many people in the mansion showed shocked faces after hearing Ye Tian's words.

Xu Dashuai is a warlord, and he has hundreds of people under him.

No matter how advanced Ye Tian's Taoist skills are, can he protect Ren Tingting's safety, and get out of this heavily guarded, gun-ridden Xu Mansion?

Even if you escape, will you be able to escape from the gate of this provincial city?

"Bastard, you dare to fucking curse our handsome, I see if you are tired of being crooked!"

At this time, Adjutant Li's ability was exerted to the extreme, and before Xu Dashuai spoke, Adjutant Li shouted angrily.

In an instant, the hundreds of soldiers who had been standing in the corner of the courtyard early raised their guns one after another and aimed them in Ye Tian's direction.

For a while, the entire Xu Mansion was silent, and the strong smell of gunpowder had spread all over everyone's approach.

Ren Tingting was a little scared, grabbed Ye Tian's wrist tightly with both hands, and stepped back a little timidly.

"How? Brat? I'm scared! Dare me to kneel down for you, are you looking for death! "


Just when Xu Dashuai was arrogant and ready to humiliate Ye Tian.

Suddenly, a muffled sound spread throughout the house, and everyone didn't realize what was happening.

When he regained his attention, he already found that Xu Dashuai had been sunburned on the ground, and his face was covered with blood.

And Edward stood in front of Ye Tian with his fist, looking at Xu Dashuai, who was lying on the ground and falling into a coma, and said disdainfully:

"You want to move Mr. Ye! I think you're getting impatient! "

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