
At this time, everyone was surprised.

Xu Dashuai's three aunts and wives quickly ran to the front, helped Xu Dashuai who had been unconscious up, and called nervously.

And Adjutant Li was also a little surprised, but now he saw that the person who shot was Edward, but he didn't know what to do.

Edward was a Westerner, and he also had a certain status and financial resources in the business community of Haizhou City.

Nowadays, there are constant wars in China, and many places have the secession and concessions of the Western powers.

It can be said that the status of foreigners in China is sometimes higher than that of natives.

If you rashly have a conflict with the other party, you are afraid that it will attract retaliation from the other country.

The weapons of these soldiers may be useful in warlord warfare, but if they encounter advanced weapons from the West, they are afraid that they will not be opponents at all.

But now the person who is beaten is the handsome man of himself and others, and he is the master of this Xu Mansion.

I couldn't swallow this breath, Adjutant Li walked up to Edward in one step, first glared angrily in the direction of Ye Tian, and then looked at Edward, and asked with some displeasure:

"Mr. Edward, you are doing this to stand up for this Ye Tian, right?"


Edward sneered disdainfully, then stood respectfully beside Ye Tian and said loudly:

"Mr. Ye is the distinguished guest of our Rothschild family, and he is also the distinguished guest of my Edward, just with you rabble, and also cooperate with Mr. Ye as an enemy? It's a joke! "

After speaking, Edward bowed deeply to Ye Tian, and then said solemnly:

"Mr. Ye, these people don't work for you to do it yourself, can you do it for you?"

"It's good!"

Ye Tian glanced at Edward approvingly, while Ren Tingting beside him covered her mouth, her eyes wide open, and she couldn't believe that this was true.

"Since this guy wants to stand up for his handsome man so much, break his limbs and be a waster!"


Edward agreed with great respect, and then stepped forward, patting his palm lightly.

A crisp sound was heard, and Adjutant Li's right arm instantly hung down on his chest, and there was no reaction.


Accompanied by Adjutant Li's scream, the next second, three more crisp sounds spread throughout the courtyard.

I saw that Adjutant Li's hands and feet showed a strange twist, and he was lying on the ground at this time, shouting and howling angrily.

And the third aunt, who had an adulterous affair with Adjutant Li, watched all this in shock, but she didn't dare to step forward, for fear that the next one to suffer would be herself.


There was a deathly silence.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, no one would have believed that what had just happened would be true!

What kind of master is this Edward, who can abolish Adjutant Li's limbs in just a few seconds, it's terrifying!

"You ... Fucking shoot! Shoot! Kill him! Kill them! "

Adjutant Li was now in extreme pain, trembling all over, and yelling at the soldiers like crazy.

What had just happened was so shocking that the soldiers were dumbfounded.

didn't know that he had raised the gun and aimed it at Ye Tian and Ren Tingting.

At this time, hearing Adjutant Li's reprimand, everyone was shocked, and then they came back to their senses one after another, ready to pull the trigger in their hands.

"What? How could you not listen to the call! "

"What's wrong with me? I can't even press the gun! "

"Hell yes! Hell yes! "

Although they received the order from Adjutant Li to shoot, all the soldiers held the spears in their hands at this time, but they couldn't press the trigger in their hands no matter what.

This strange move caused everyone present to be surprised and didn't know why.

Even Ren Tingting, who was beside Ye Tian, looked at all this in surprise, and couldn't help but look at Ye Tian, but found that the other party was still calm and smiling.

A smile appeared on Edward's face, and then he glanced at the willow branch in the corner of the yard.

On the willow tree, a long red skirt hung down the branches, but it was Yue Qiluo who looked down with a smile on her face, and her ten fingers kept swaying.

The red light was like a silk thread wrapped around the body of every soldier in the mansion, and it was Yue Qiluo who controlled them from shooting!

Except for Ye Tian and Edward, no one could see Yue Qiluo on the willow tree, which was why everyone was so surprised, but puzzled!

"Bastard, shoot! Shoot! "

Seeing that the soldiers did not listen to his orders but looked at each other in horror, Adjutant Li was extremely angry, shouting and scolding loudly.

"That's a lot of nonsense!"

Yue Qiluo muttered dissatisfiedly, and saw pieces of paper falling in the air, like snowflakes covering the top, overwhelmingly pressing towards Adjutant Li's body!

This time, Yue Qiluo did not hide his spells, but let everyone see the scene where Adjutant Li was being suppressed by paper people!

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