Incomparably strange scenes continued to appear, and at this time, the people in the courtyard of Xufu were all shocked and surprised!

Who would have thought that so many paper people appeared out of thin air, like snowflakes falling, and all of them covered Adjutant Li's body with incomparable precision.


In the next second, Xu Dashuai hadn't woken up yet, but the three aunts and wives fainted as if they were frightened!

Woo woo woo ...

Woo woo woo ...

At this time, Adjutant Li's whole body was tightly wrapped in the paper man, and he couldn't move at all.

Only two nostrils were left panting heavily, trying to make a sound, but there was no way to get out.



Now that everyone sees this, how can anyone not know what is going on?

It must have been Ye Tian who cast a wonderful spell that stunned Xu Dashuai, trapped Adjutant Li, and made it impossible for so many soldiers to shoot!

At this moment, everyone's respect and awe for Ye Tian in their hearts reached a new height!

Ye Tian, who doesn't even care about the warlord, who dares to provoke him?

"Ye Tian, otherwise forget it!"

Seeing that the atmosphere at this time had become so tense, Ren Tingting hurriedly grabbed Ye Tian's hand and persuaded in a low voice.

Ye Tian was helpless, so he had no choice but to nod in response, and then glanced coldly at those soldiers, and said in a deep voice:

"This Xu Dashuai is full of ghosts, bad luck is coming, and there will be a bloody disaster in less than five days! You people, decide for yourself whether to go or stay! "


Now these soldiers looked at Ye Tian again, as if they had seen a fairy.

Listening to the other party's words, everyone nodded in unison, convinced.

Seeing this, Ye Tian glanced back at Adjutant Li, who was still struggling on the ground, and Xu Dashuai, who was unconscious, and said disdainfully:

"If you do too much injustice, you will kill yourself!"

After speaking, Ye Tian took Ren Tingting's little hand, and left the Xu Mansion under the gaze of everyone.

And Edward didn't linger any longer, turned around and left here, disappearing.


With the departure of Ye Tian and the others, the tense sense of oppression in the courtyard disappeared.

And the soldiers seemed to be able to move freely at last, and they no longer felt any more controlled.

Bang la blah.

Now that a wedding banquet has become like this, the guests have all left one after another, no longer staying.

And those soldiers are you look at me, I look at you, gathered in groups of three or five, as if discussing the matter of leaving.

"Bastard! Bastard! Someone! Someone! "

Yue Qiluo had quietly urged Ye Tian and Ren Tingting to leave at this time, and the paper man on Adjutant Li's body also lost his mana in an instant and turned into useless waste paper.

Now Adjutant Li was in unbearable pain and kept scolding.

Some of the soldiers didn't ask, but others remembered the old days, helped them up, and carried them into the room quickly.

As for that Xu Dashuai, everyone is afraid that he will really be as Ye Tian said, there will be a disaster of blood light!

Therefore, everyone felt extremely unlucky, and no one dared to step forward to help them and put them aside.

Only the three aunts, after waking up, saw that Xu Dashuai had no one to care, so they helped him up.

And the fourth aunt who was waiting in the new house and was about to marry Xu Dashuai was quickly pulled out of the room by the wealthy businessman's father and fled from the Xu Mansion.

Ye Tian is now like an omnipotent immortal in the hearts of these villagers in the provincial capital, and no one will not believe what he said!

This wealthy businessman originally planned to marry his daughter to Xu Dashuai, so that he could use the other party's power to further expand his commercial industry.

But now that he heard that the other party would have a bloody disaster in a few days, how could he be willing to marry his daughter to her and be a widow in the future?

A good wedding banquet was reduced to a joke at the beginning of Xu Dashuai's domineering appearance.

It seems that this matter will soon become a topic of discussion after dinner!

The affairs of the Xu Mansion will not be listed for the time being.

At this time, Ye Tian and Ren Tingting had already returned to Ren's mansion in the carriage.

After receiving Ye Tian's orders, Edward did not follow, but returned to Rothschild Manor.

Yue Qiluo, on the other hand, took the lead and returned to Ren's mansion earlier, as if nothing had happened.

"Sir, Miss, you two are back!"

Xiaoru returned to her hometown earlier because of something in her hometown, and now she is the only personal maid by Ren Tingting's side, Yue Qiluo.

Seeing Yue Qiluo coming forward, Ren Tingting frowned, and then instantly grabbed the other party's wrist and asked in a low voice:

"Yue Qiluo, the person who used the paper man in the Dashuai Mansion just now, isn't it you!"


Yue Qiluo was very shocked, she never thought that the first thing Ren Tingting would do after she came back was to ask about it.

And Ye Tian was also quite surprised, it stands to reason that Yue Qiluo hid his figure just now, except for himself and Edward, no one else can see it.

Why did Ren Tingting suddenly suspect this?

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