"Yo-heh. This is to be rough with me! "

Yue Qiluo saw that now this ghost fetus is controlling the mother's body, and it is planning to swallow itself!

Sure enough, the two maids showed evil smiles one after another, staring at Yue Qiluo with a pair of eyes, and said with a sneer:

"Hehe, I was going to do it again at night, but I didn't expect that now a ghost took the initiative to send it to the door, just to give our brothers a tooth sacrifice!"

"Yes, yes, I've been hungry for a long time, and I've been hungry for a long time!"

Unlike the other three ghost fetuses, these two ghost fetuses suffered the tragic death of their mothers before they were born.

Now the source of nutrients needed has been cut off, and he can only rely on his own control of the mother body to obtain blood food to replenish his strength.

Looking at a ghost like Yue Qiluo in front of him, how could the two ghost fetuses endure it?

"Want to eat me? You don't weigh your own strength! "

Yue Qiluo smiled, and then the ghost aura in his body began to gradually emanate.

Originally, the faces of the two maids were still full of joy, but what followed turned into surprised expressions.

"Hell... Ghost King! "

The two maids couldn't help but take two steps back, and they couldn't imagine that what appeared in front of them would be a ghost king!

"You're not stupid!"

Yue Qiluo obeyed Ye Tian's orders and couldn't act rashly, of course, what this rule refers to is a living person!

Now the two maids have long since died, and their souls have been devoured by these two ghost fetuses.

It can be said that any restriction does not exist at all for Yue Qiluo at this time.

With a faint smile, two pieces of paper flew out of Yue Qiluo's body in an instant, and in an instant, they were attached to the two maids' bodies!



Two muffled sounds exploded, and the two paper figures erupted with great power in the blink of an eye.

The two ghost fetuses may really have terrifying strength, but that's only for ordinary imps.

Now this Yue Qiluo is a ghost king with a thousand-year-old cultivation of Taoism!

With just two ghost fetuses, they can't enter Yue Qiluo's vision at all.

At that moment, I saw that the bodies of the two maids were constantly squirming, and the originally bulging lower abdomen began to expand rapidly.



In an instant, the lower abdomen of the two maids exploded like watermelons.

Then two bloody, vicious babies rolled out of their wombs and fell to the ground.



As the babies landed, a miserable cry came from their mouths.

However, two more pieces of paper flew down, and in an instant, they suppressed the cries and ghosts of the two little ghosts.

With another flicker, the figures of the two little ghosts disappeared into the paper man and returned to Yue Qiluo's cuffs.

"That's it!"

Clapping his hands easily, Yue Qiluo smiled sweetly, and immediately stopped caring about the two bloody corpses, and left the room in the blink of an eye, leaving the Shuai Mansion.

"Big lady! Slow down! "

"Second lady! You wait for me! "

"Third lady! Don't run so fast, watch out for the baby in your belly! "


Not long after Yue Qiluo left, anxious figures chased after each other from all around the Great Marshal's Mansion.

The two little ghosts were taken away by that Yue Qiluo, and the five ghosts were in the same breath, so it was naturally impossible to sit idly by.

However, at this time, the little ghost has turned into a ghost fetus and entered the mother's body, and now he can only control the bodies of the three ladies and run towards this room.

The three ladies are extremely fast, how can they still have the delicate body on weekdays when they run?

The maids and the family couldn't catch up with the three of them at all, and even Xu Dashuai was so shocked that he kept running after him, for fear that something would go wrong.


At this time, everyone caught up with Mrs. Sanwei and came to the front of this door.

I saw Mrs. Sanwei standing straight at the door of the room and did not enter.

The maid and the housekeepers, all panting, came to the front, and just as they were about to ask what had happened, they saw two bloody corpses in the room.

The next scream came instantly, and some timid maids had already passed out on the spot.

"Madame! Ladies! What are you doing here? "

Xu Dashuai didn't expect the three ladies to run here, and he was very shocked in his heart.

You have to know that you have occupied the two maids, but it is secret, and not many people know.

Moreover, the other two threw themselves into the well, and they were also ordered by Xu Dashuai to block the news and not spread it indiscriminately.

How did these three ladies know about this place?

couldn't help but have a huge question mark in Xu Dashuai's heart!




However, in the face of Xu Dashuai's concern and inquiry, the three ladies did not have any answer.

Instead, he looked at the two bloody corpses in front of him with a solemn and extremely angry face, and kept panting.

"Oops, how did it come to this?"

Xu Dashuai wanted to explain something more, but now that he saw that the two corpses that were originally good had become like this, he couldn't help but be startled and hurriedly hid back!

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