It was still two complete corpses this morning, why is it now a blur of flesh and blood, and a tattered lower abdomen.

The guts flowed all over the floor, and the whole room was filled with a strong smell of blood!

Many people were so frightened when they saw this scene.

Xu Dashuai was forced to be calm, but because of the continuous war, he had a certain immunity to this kind of thing.

But even so, seeing this strange scene, Xu Dashuai's heart couldn't help but be clouded!


The three ladies didn't speak, just stared at the two corpses in front of them.

After a long time, he snorted coldly.

Then he turned around and left the place in an instant, everyone's face full of anger.

"Handsome! The three ladies are gone, what should I do here! "

Now that the three ladies have left, Xu Dashuai is still immersed in shock and can't extricate himself.

Hearing the family's inquiry, Xu Dashuai reacted, and then couldn't help but slap the family in the face, and said angrily:

"Fuck! How do you say! Burn this place to me! Bad luck! "


The family was aggrieved, but they didn't dare to say anything, so they immediately led people to start packing up firewood and preparing to burn down the house.

"Strange ... Odd... How so! "

Xu Dashuai was very worried, and he didn't know why this corpse had changed, and why the reaction of the three ladies was so abnormal.

All kinds of signs pressed in his heart, making Xu Dashuai involuntarily think of what Ye Tian said last night.

Could it be that he really has a bloody disaster?

Or is Ye Tian secretly casting a spell to make a hindrance from it?

For a while, two kinds of speculations filled Xu Dashuai's mind.

He couldn't help but curse angrily, and then found a soldier and commanded loudly:

"Let the troops assemble, his grandmother's, I have to go to Renfu to find that Ye Tian to settle accounts!"

"Handsome... It's a little hard to do... Soldier... "


Without waiting for the soldier to finish speaking, Xu Dashuai slapped the other party in the face firmly.

"Fuck! Let you go! What such nonsense! Get as many people as you want! Lao Tzu can still be afraid of that Maoshan Taoist priest? "

"Yes! Subordinates obey! "

The soldier did not dare to slack off, and immediately straightened up to make a sound, and then ran out of the courtyard with a quick step.

On this side, Xu Dashuai has begun to gather the remaining troops and prepare to open the Ren Mansion.

On the other side, after Yue Qiluo captured the two little ghosts, he had also returned to the Renfu compound at this time.

"Master, I'm back!"

Yue Qiluo came to Ren Tingting and Ye Tian's side with a smile on his face, and looked at the door, at this time, Ye Tian was standing beside a middle-aged man, and his face instantly showed relief.

The middle-aged man Ren Tingting didn't know him, but the piece of paper attached to his body, Yue Qiluo, was very familiar.

I saw that the other party respectfully took out a golden Buddha from the package and handed it to Ye Tian, his face was full of respect.

"I see...

After Ye Tian took the Golden Buddha, his face instantly showed a puzzled expression.

And after Yue Qiluo saw the golden Buddha, his face showed a trace of displeasure and disgust.

"Buddhist magic weapon, what a strong mana!"

As a ghost king, Yue Qiluo has a strong sensitivity and rejection of the magic weapons of Buddhism and Taoism.

Although this golden Buddha does not pose any threat to himself, he also feels uncomfortable looking at it!

"Brother Ye, is there anything special about this Golden Buddha?"

After the middle-aged man left, Ren Tingting looked at Ye Tian suspiciously.

Ye Tian smiled slightly, and then explained:

"This golden Buddha is a Buddhist magic weapon, which is used to suppress the ghost seal!"

"The master is right, I found five little ghosts in that Ren Mansion, and all of them have turned into ghost fetuses. Two of them have been captured by me because of the death of their mothers! "

Seeing this, Yue Qiluo raised his hand and waved, and saw two babies with blurred flesh and blood instantly appear in the hall.


Although she had encountered a lot of strange things, but suddenly saw two such fierce and terrifying imps, Ren Tingting still involuntarily retreated, not daring to look directly.

"Yue Qiluo, you girl...

Ye Tian glared at Yue Qiluo speechlessly, then softly comforted Ren Tingting beside him, and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, I'm here, it's okay!"


"You guys, let us go! Otherwise, my three brothers won't let you go! "

"Yes, we are gods! It is a god to be worshiped by all beings! Annoying us, it will cost you dearly! "

The two little ghosts were angry, and when they saw Ye Tian and the three of them in front, they kept shouting.

However, for Ye Tian, the clamor of these two little ghosts was just the sound of a dog barking.

Immediately, two True Qi flew out in an instant, hitting the chests of the two little ghosts.



With two muffled sounds, I saw that the aura around the two little ghosts was sealed into their bodies in the blink of an eye.

The original rampant appearance no longer exists, and in its place, there is a painful and uncomfortable expression!

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