"That's it? Is it worthy to call oneself a god? "

Seeing that the two little ghosts had lost the ability to shout, Ye Tian smiled disdainfully, and then another True Qi flew out, instantly turning into two white matches, binding them to his body, unable to move.

"Brother Ye... They're terrifying! "

Ren Tingting looked at the two little ghosts with fierce faces timidly, and couldn't help muttering.

Yue Qiluo, on the other hand, was relaxed and natural, and said to Ye Tian:

"Master, these five little ghosts seem to be quite small, this golden Buddha contains supreme mana, think that the mage who refined this golden Buddha in the first place must also be a master!"

"That's right, these five little ghosts are indeed not small, they are the evil gods of the Five Ghost Dao!"

"Huh? They really are gods! "

"How is that possible? How could God be like this! "

Seeing that Ren Tingting was surprised, Ye Tian smiled, and then explained:

"According to legend, the White Lotus Sect preached in the human world, and the Five Ghost Sect was derived into a branch of the White Lotus Sect, which was worshiped by a large number of believers! These five ghosts are these five little ghosts and evil spirits! That's what they call an evil god! "

"It's really unbelievable that there would be people who worship evil spirits as gods!"

"That's true! In those years, there were constant wars, natural disasters and man-made disasters, and many ignorant villagers pinned their hopes on the evil spirits and begged for their protection! Over time, it has developed into a considerable force! "

But what's the use? It's not that it has been suppressed and sealed by the masters of the Buddhist family, it's really rubbish! "

"Just your mouth!"


Yue Qiluo was reprimanded by Ye Tian, and immediately grimaced and stopped speaking.

And Ren Tingting suddenly realized, and sincerely admired:

"It's strange to have such a ridiculous and grotesque thing in this event! Brother Ye, you know so much! "

"It's okay, it's okay!"

Ye Tian nodded and smiled, because only he understood that the reason why he understood the origin of these five imps so clearly was because he had watched a movie in his previous life - "Fierce Ghost Cannibal Fetus"!

All kinds of coincidences and the occurrence of things have now confirmed this, and the plot of the movie has unfolded, but there are some differences from the original plot!

"Master, these five little ghosts are in the same spirit, and now I have caught these two little ghosts, I am afraid that the other three little ghosts will not give up!"

"So what, I said it, this is the fate and calamity of the Great Shuaifu, I don't want to wade into this troubled water! Moreover, the other three imps have turned into ghost fetuses, and it is when their vitality is weak, they want to take revenge? I'm afraid they don't have the guts! "

Ye Tian waved his hand, showing that he didn't care, and continued:

"It's still the same sentence, when Xu Dashuai dies, I will shoot when I will!"

Thinking of the evil face, ghostly and corrupt Xu Dashuai, Ye Tian did not have a good feeling.

If you really help this kind of person, you are harming yourself!


Yue Qiluo nodded to show that he understood what Ye Tian meant, and then flashed again and disappeared.

Ren Tingting, on the other hand, was a little worried about the situation of the other people in the Great Shuai Mansion, but seeing that Ye Tian already had an idea in his heart, he didn't say anything more.

And Ye Tian was staring at the little ghost on the ground, and immediately two flames of samadhi true fire flew out, completely devouring them in an instant!



A miserable roar came, and the two imps were reduced to ashes in the blink of an eye.

And the familiar system prompt sound also sounded in Ye Tian's mind again.

"Ding! Kill a ghost and get 300 merit points! 300 pieces of ocean! "

"Ding! Kill a ghost and get 300 merit points! 300 pieces of ocean! "

Host: Ye Tian

Cultivation for: Sanpin real person

Merit: 1030/2000

Exercises: Maoshan Eighteen Needles, Maoshan Fu Gong Technique, Maoshan Dao Technique, Maoshan Medical Technique

Divine power: Samadhi true fire, shrinking the ground into inches

Skill: Martial arts mastery, the power of ten thousand jun

Attributes: Gold bone and silver armor

"Fuck! Ye Tian! Get out of here! "

On this side, Ye Tian had just eliminated the two little ghosts, and on the other side, he heard a loud and angry scolding from the entrance of the courtyard!

As soon as I heard it, I knew that this voice belonged to the warlord Xu Dashuai!



With the influx of soldiers armed with spears, Xu Dashuai rushed in with a fierce face.

Where have the housekeepers and maids in the house seen such a situation, and they are so frightened that they hide aside and dare not speak.

And Ren Tingting frowned, and without waiting for Ye Tian to make a move, she stepped forward and pointed at Xu Dashuai, who was approaching, and said angrily:

"Xu Dashuai! You've trespassed on my Renfu Manor! What are you doing! "

"Get out, I don't have time to talk to you! Fuck off! "

However, where would Xu Dashuai, who was full of resentment, be frightened by Ren Tingting's words!

At the moment, he was carried away by anger, and he instantly picked up his palm and slapped it fiercely towards Ren Tingting's cheek!


However, just when everyone thought that Ren Tingting would be knocked to the ground by Xu Dashuai, suddenly a loud bang came!

I saw that the figure where Xu Dashuai was no longer there, and instead of it, there was a huge pit!

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