
At this time, everyone was in an uproar and silence, completely unaware of what was happening.

And Ye Tian gently took the frightened Ren Tingting in his arms and whispered comfort.

Some of the brave people had now regained their consciousness and looked tremblingly into the pit.

It's okay not to look at it, but when I saw it, I instantly collapsed on the ground!

I saw that Xu Dashuai, who was still extremely arrogant, seemed to have turned into a puddle of flesh at this time, his flesh and blood were blurred, and he couldn't see his original appearance at all!

If it weren't for the bloodstained Shuai Mansion on his body, no one would believe that he would be Xu Dashuai himself!

"The woman who dares to touch me, look for death!"

Ye Tian said coldly, as if the air around him was extremely cool, and it was extremely cold.

And at this moment, more than a dozen figures rushed in at the door again, everyone was in a suit and leather shoes, full of murderous spirit!

Ye Tian recognized the identities of several people at a glance, it was the blood clan vampire Edward and his thirteen internal guards!

"Mr. Ye, what's wrong!"

Edward's figure was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, he had already come to Ye Tian's approach, and asked respectfully.

Ye Tian, on the other hand, pointed to the pit in front of him disdainfully, and said coldly:

"It's nothing, that bald head came to make trouble, and I killed him!"

Xu Dashuaiyin's corruption, evil spirit, and a bloody disaster will soon occur, in Ye Tian's eyes, he is already a dead man!

However, this guy didn't know the current affairs and took the initiative to come to the door to provoke trouble.

For such a person, how could Ye Tian be merciful and let him do it?

"Got it!"

Edward instantly understood the reason for the matter, and then looked coldly at these soldiers with an uproar on their faces with a group of internal guards, and said gloomily:

"Since you're here to find trouble, let's all stay!"


After speaking, the thirteen internal guards instantly waved their claws, and in the blink of an eye, they were scattered around a group of soldiers, showing a state of affairs surrounded by evil!

"Don't! Other! Don't kill us! We surrender! "

"Xu Dashuai forced us to come! We don't want to! "

"Please! Don't kill us! Don't kill us! "


Xu Dashuai was carried away by anger and completely forgot about being knocked unconscious last night, but these soldiers remembered it clearly in their hearts.

Originally, he was ordered by Xu Dashuai to come, and everyone was already muttering in their hearts, but because of the other party's obscenity, they could only give in!

But now seeing this situation, how dare you be arrogant?

What if you have a gun in your hand?

Isn't it like a burning stick in front of them!

Immediately, the soldiers threw their spears on the ground one by one, and kept kowtowing and begging for mercy, each crying bitterly, and their bowels were about to repent.

"Brother Ye, otherwise, forget it!"

Ren Tingting looked at the crying of the nearly 100 soldiers, and couldn't help but feel a little entangled and pity in her heart.

And Ye Tian understood what the other party meant, after all, this was the Ren family's territory, if he rashly killed so many soldiers, he was afraid that he would defile this place.

And the outside of the courtyard was also surrounded by other people and wealthy people in the provincial capital at this time, all of them were very excited to look at the environment in front of them.

He himself could completely ignore these things, but for the sake of the Ren family's status and connections in the provincial capital in the future, Ye Tian knew that he could not do this again.

"I can go around you without dying!"

Ye Tian gently pushed away Edward in front of him, and immediately walked to the front of the group, and said in a deep voice:

"But it is also an indisputable fact that you and the marshal came to Renfu to pick quarrels and provoke trouble! Cut off one of your hands, and go away! "

"Yes! Be! "

If the soldiers were amnesty, they kept kowtowing and thanking them, for fear that this Ye Tian would regret it!

I believe no one will be unclear about the importance of a life or a hand!

Isn't Xu Dashuai, who was slapped into meat puree, a living example?

At that moment, the soldiers still hesitated, grabbed their other hand with one hand, and broke it fiercely.





The sound of brittle bones resounded in Ren's manor, Ren Tingting covered her mouth with her hands and watched all this, already frightened by the situation in front of her!

And those family members, maids, and microscopic villagers all frowned in unison, and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Seeing those soldiers breaking and breaking their hands one after another, I couldn't help but feel inexplicable pain!



As one hand was broken, the soldiers gritted their teeth, bowed in the direction of Ye Tian, and quickly withdrew from the Renfu Manor, not daring to linger for half a minute.

At this time, Ye Tian looked at the villagers who were watching the excitement at the door with a smile, and said:

"What happened in Renfu today made everyone laugh! Ren Mansion is still the same as before, welcoming the arrival of friends! But if someone wants to stir up trouble, we will do our best to accompany them! "


As soon as Ye Tian's voice fell, Edward and the other fourteen Blood Clan vampires also stood in front of him.

The aura of slaughter is like the front!


The onlookers gasped in unison, and their hearts were already full of turmoil...

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