
Now Ye Tian and the Ren family didn't even pay attention to the warlords, and with a wave of their hands, they slapped that Xu Dashuai into a mashed meat!

Who would dare to provoke such an existence?

How do you compare to the soldiers with spears?

The other party would rather break his arm than fight back!

You are unarmed, and you dare to provoke each other?

Besides, Ye Tian then dealt with zombies and vampires for the provincial city three times in a row, and his reputation was very good.

And Ren Tingting is also approachable, knowledgeable, and has no superiority at all.

Compared with the warlords who came to the provincial capital to loot the people's money, the other party is not a little better.

You can only make friends with such people, how can you take the initiative to provoke them!

"Ha, where did Dr. Ye say, of course we are friends between you and Miss Ren!"

"Yes, Doctor Ye, since these warlords came to this provincial capital, they have made this place a miasma, and now you have helped us get rid of them, we are grateful that it is too late for you!"

"Yes, Doctor Ye, Miss Ren, in the future, you will do what you say in the provincial capital, we are convinced!"


Listening to everyone's words and my praise, Ye Tian smiled, then waved his hand lightly and said:

"Yes, we're all friends. There's nothing to do today, let's disperse, we still have to deal with some private matters here, so I won't leave you alone! "

Bang la blah.

Bang la blah.

As soon as they heard Ye Tian say this, everyone still had half a minute to stay and watch the excitement.

They all dispersed for a while, and the originally noisy gate of Renfu became the same as before.

"Edward, you can take someone to deal with this place!"

Seeing everyone leaving, Ye Tian raised his hand and pointed to the deep pit on the ground and the flesh mud covered with blood, Xu Dashuai, and instructed Edward.

"Yes, master!"

Then, Ye Tian stretched lazily, turned his head to look at Ren Tingting, and said with a smile:

"Since this Xu Dashuai is looking for death by himself, then now I should also go to the Dashuai's Mansion to solve the remaining three little ghosts! You cook at home and wait for me to come back! "

"Well, Brother Ye, be careful!"

Ren Tingting nodded virtuously, grabbed Ye Tian's hands and instructed with concern.

"Don't worry!"

Ye Tian touched Ren Tingting's cheek dotingly, and then her figure turned into a white shadow, and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes in the blink of an eye.


At this time, the Marshal's Mansion seemed to have become a pot of porridge.

Xu Dashuai came to provoke Ye Tian and turned it into a pulp, and now everyone in the provincial capital knows about it.

The housekeepers and maids who had been left in the mansion heard about it now, and they all began to pack their bags, steal the jewels of the Shuai Mansion, and prepare to leave.

"Fuck! What the hell is going on! Can anyone tell me what the hell is going on! "

In the room, Adjutant Li, who was covered in bandages, couldn't help but curse loudly when he heard the noisy sound coming from outside the door.

I had heard about the gathering of soldiers in the Shuaifu just now.

Why is this Shuai Mansion chaotic again!

No matter how loudly he cursed, the outside of the house was still running non-stop, people coming and going, and no one seemed to pay attention to his shouting and inquiry.


Just as Adjutant Li was shouting and making a fuss, the door of the room was slowly pushed open.

I saw a familiar figure strolling in front of me, and that person was none other than the third aunt who had an affair with him.

The room was dimly lit, and Adjutant Li could only roughly recognize the appearance of the third aunt, but he didn't notice the other party's angry face and scarlet eyes at all.

"Fuck, you still fucking remember Lao Tzu, don't you! If you really ignore Lao Tzu when you're pregnant, right? Tell you, the baby in your belly may still be mine! "

"Fuck! Why are you still stunned! Tell me what's going on outside! Why is it so messy! "

"Grass, what the hell are you talking about! Dumb! Lao Tzu really wants to pump you! "


However, no matter how Adjutant Li cursed loudly, the third aunt still did not make a single answer.

Instead, he slowly walked towards Adjutant Li, muttering something in his mouth.

"You fucking you! What does it smell like on your body, why does it stink so much! Ay? No, how did your belly get so big! It shouldn't be! "

Now that the third aunt had already come closer, Adjutant Li instantly smelled a foul smell coming from the other party's body, which was very unpleasant.

Not only that, but the slender waist that was still held yesterday has now become a big belly that looks like eight months pregnant, which is really weird!

Just when Adjutant Li was shocked, the third aunt's stomach began to squirm.

Then, under the gaze of the other party, the stomach slowly opened open, and it was bloody.

And in that abdominal cavity, there was a little baby covered in blood and full of fangs!

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