"You... You... What is it! Ghost! Hell! "

Seeing that the third aunt in front of him had become like this, Adjutant Li shouted loudly in shock, but who could notice what was happening in this room!

Now Adjutant Li's limbs are wrapped in gauze and bandages, and he can't move at all.

I could only watch the little baby show a cold smile, but there was no way at all.

"Boom... Truly... Eat... Eat... "

The little baby showed a greedy gaze, looked at Adjutant Li who was approaching, and kept muttering.

And the third aunt looked at Adjutant Li in front of her with a cold expression, and immediately moved, and the bloody intestines flew out in an instant.

Like a sturdy rattan, Adjutant Li's body was tightly entangled, unable to move.

"Leave me alone! Please! Leave me alone! Yes... "

Adjutant Li's plea for mercy did not win the slightest sympathy from the other party.

I saw that Adjutant Li was pulled close by his intestines in an instant, and then the little baby stretched out two sharp claws and grabbed Adjutant Li's head tightly.

Take a sip!

It bit on Adjutant Li's head in an instant, gurgling and sucking blood and brains!

Two of the five ghosts have been eliminated, and the remaining three imps can't sit still at all now.

If you don't suck the blood and brains of humans as soon as possible, I'm afraid that I don't know when I will be able to break out!

So, just when the big marshal's mansion was in chaos, the three little ghosts controlled the mother body and began to look for blood food.


The little ghost sucked blood food very quickly, and after a while, Adjutant Li set up a dried corpse.

And the little ghost licked his blood-covered hands unsatisfactorily, and said:

"Next! Next! Truly, abruptly! "


However, just as the third aunt was about to look for the next target again, suddenly the door was broken open in an instant.

I saw pieces of paper flying out in an instant and landing around the third aunt.


The little ghost had just finished sucking blood food, and now his strength had improved a little.

But when he saw this piece of paper person appear in front of him, he couldn't help but be shocked by the ghost aura on his body, and subconsciously took a few steps back!

This ghostly aura! It's too thick!

"Tut-tut, that's disgusting!"

A loli-like voice came, and I saw Yue Qiluo slowly walking in with his mouth and nose covered and frowning.

Looking at the appearance of the third aunt at this time, she couldn't help but shake her head and mutter.

"It's you! Who are you! "

"I'm not human!"

Yue Qiluo smiled playfully, and then his body moved, and a majestic ghostly aura burst out, instantly filling the surroundings of this room, and the wind gusted.

"Hell... The Ghost King... "

At this moment, the little ghost was dumbfounded, and the third aunt who was controlled by him immediately felt the coercion attacking, showing an extremely painful expression.

"Why do you want to spoil me!"

The little ghost is not stupid, the girl in front of him is a ghost king, and her strength is much higher than that of herself.

But even so, the imp couldn't help but question loudly, angry.

"Tut-tut, I'll do whatever my master tells me to do!"

Yue Qiluo shrugged his shoulders, an expression that didn't take the other party in his eyes at all.

Seeing this, the little ghost's originally murderous appearance instantly turned into a pitiful appearance, and then the third aunt also burst into tears, and cried at Yue Qiluo and said:

"Please, let me go, as long as you promise to let me go, I will immediately break away from this mother and never do anything bad again! Good no good? "

"Don't come with me!"

Yue Qiluo waved his hand disdainfully, and immediately several pieces of paper flew in unison, and in the blink of an eye, he surrounded the third aunt in the middle.

"You think I'm stupid? The internal organs of this mother have long been eaten by you, and the soul has been devoured by you, and now it is just a walking machine! You're gone? She's still alive! "


Seeing that Yue Qiluo had seen through his plan, the little ghost once again burst out with strong strength.

However, all of this was not a threat in Yue Qiluo's eyes.

Even if she didn't even move her hand, the paper people around her had already turned into snow and landed on the third aunt's body.

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!



Explosions and corrosive sounds came from the third aunt's body, and she was full of pain and wailing, but she had no power to fight back.


Suddenly, there was an explosion, and the third aunt of the mother, who was controlled by the little ghost, instantly turned into a quick minced meat and sprinkled all around the room.

And the blood-drenched imp was already wrapped in layers of paper figures, as if it had become a small mummy.

Seeing this, Yue Qiluo raised his hand and grabbed it, and the figure of the little ghost appeared in his hand, unable to move.

"Let's go, there are two more!"

Yue Qiluo smiled, and then swaggered out of the room, heading in the direction of the other two ladies who were being manipulated by the imp.

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