Nowadays, this Kaixing Hotel, although it is not officially opened, is also very lively because of the celebration banquet held by the Yamen here.

It's just that this liveliness is in the eyes of others, and in the eyes of Ye Tian, Ah Zi and Lin Jiu, the degree of yin energy here is much higher than this liveliness!

"Mr. Ye, let's talk about this yin matter later, the supervisor and they are all waiting for you in the banquet hall!"

Although Miao Wei knew that there were evil ghosts in this hotel, and the yin qi was strong, after all, there were still so many yamen leaders in it.

Besides, if you dare to tell them that there are ghosts here, I am afraid that it will also cause a riot!

After all, this Kaixing Hotel was built by Boss Huo's group, and for various reasons, there are many relationships behind the scenes.

If one is not handled properly, I am afraid that it will cause unnecessary trouble.

At that time, Ye Tian and the others naturally didn't care, but Miao Wei and he would definitely be implicated in this matter.

"Alright, I understand your worries! We'll talk about it later! "

"Thank you Mr. Ye, thank you Mr. Ye!"

Miao Wei was overjoyed, and hurriedly led the way in front and guided the three of them into the hotel.

As soon as you enter the Kaixing Hotel, you will be greeted by a thick yin atmosphere.

I can't help but shiver.

Lin Feng frowned when he saw this, his cultivation was not high, but he felt a little uncomfortable in the face of such a strong yin qi beside him.

However, seeing that Ye Tian and Ah Zi didn't do anything, they didn't say anything, and followed them towards the banquet hall on the top floor.

"Mr. Ye, this is it!"

As soon as I reached the top floor, I heard the sound of lively conversation coming from the banquet hall.

As soon as the door was opened, there was a bright light, and everyone was wearing suits and dresses, chatting enthusiastically.

Seeing Miao Wei and the others coming in, two middle-aged men in suits walked over quickly.

The two are Director Sun, the leader of the Yamen, and Boss Huo, the big boss of the hotel.


Seeing that Director Sun appeared, Lin Feng couldn't help but purse his lips and turned his head to the side, unwilling to deal with them.

Miao Wei was a little surprised, and secretly asked if this Lin Feng had a grudge against his supervisor.

Then, the sound of the two approaching was heard.

"Presumably these two are Mr. Ye Tian and Miss Ah Zi, I am the director of this yamen, thank you for your contribution to the stability and prosperity of our city!

If you hadn't helped in time, I'm afraid that not only many people would have been persecuted because of the drugs that were lost abroad! "

"It's a trivial matter, don't worry about it!"

Ye Tian nodded with a smile and shook hands with Director Sun and Boss Huo.

Lin Feng turned his head unhappily and walked directly to the side, seemingly unwilling to talk to the other party at all.

Director Sun was a little embarrassed, so he had to smile and say:

"This Lin Feng and I used to be colleagues, but I had a weird temper and offended my boss and colleagues, so I was sent to Dongpingzhou as a catcher!"

"I see, that strange guy has such a big reaction when he sees you, Director!"

Miao Wei suddenly realized and opened his mouth to narrate.

After some talking, Ye Tian walked up to Boss Huo and asked:

"Boss Huo, did you find anyone to see feng shui before the start of construction of your hotel?"

In Ye Tian's view, before the start of any major project, the developer must first find someone to be able to understand feng shui, and then choose an auspicious day to break ground.

Now this hotel has been built, but the yin and yang in the position of feng shui are reversed, but the evil spirit rises instantly.

For such a situation, Ye Tian was indeed a little puzzled.

"Of course, I specially asked a feng shui master to investigate this place, is there anything wrong? Mr. Ye? "

Although few people know the inside story of the Jiuju faction transporting drugs, as a good friend of the director of the Yamen Sun, Boss Huo still knows some of the inside stories more or less.

Therefore, he also knew that this Ye Tian and Ah Zi were not ordinary people, they were very powerful monks.

So after hearing the other party's words, Boss Huo instantly realized that there might be a serious problem, so he hurriedly asked.

"You have this hotel..."


Just when Ye Tian opened his mouth to tell the other party the truth, suddenly a miserable woman's cry came from outside the banquet hall!

For a moment, everyone was attracted by this cry and looked out of the banquet hall one after another!

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