"It's Judy's voice!"

Listening to the woman's voice coming from outside the banquet hall, Boss Huo instantly shouted.

Judy was his secretary and his lover.

Now hearing her screams, how could Boss Huo sit still, and hurriedly rushed out of the banquet hall.

The others and a group of security guards also went out one after another, running in the direction from which the voice came.

"Master, do you need to do it?"

Ah Zi was extremely sensitive to Yin Qi, although he had never seen anything happen.

But I have already guessed the answer in my heart, it must be the evil ghosts of the hotel who are haunting and endangering the living beings.

"There are too many people here, let's go!"

Ye Tian shook his head slightly, and then walked out of the banquet hall quickly.

Lin Feng and Miao Wei also hurriedly ran out with Ye Tian at this time, especially Lin Feng, what he was most worried about was the evil ghosts making trouble.

This hotel has a strong yin atmosphere, and it is obvious that there is more than one evil ghost, if all of them appear, I am afraid that the guests here will suffer!

Soon, several people came to the front of the crowd.

This is the women's bathroom on the top floor, and the sound of Judy screaming is also coming from inside.

"Hurry up, crash away!"

At this time, one security guard after another desperately slammed into the closed women's toilet door.

But to everyone's surprise, no matter how desperately the security guards banged, the door of the women's toilet remained untouched.

The security guards covered their swollen arms one by one and couldn't help but mumble.

"A bunch of rice buckets!"

Boss Huo glared at the security guards angrily, hurriedly came to the front of the women's toilet, and hurriedly asked through the door:

"Judy, Judy, how's your side? Are you okay? Judy! Judy! "

"Boss Huo, let me come!"

At this time, Miao Wei walked closer and pulled Boss Huo aside, and said:

"I'm a fast catcher, I'm in good shape, leave the matter of hitting the door to me!"

"Okay, then please!"

Boss Huo nodded when he heard this, stepped aside, and looked anxiously at the door of the women's toilet.

"Master, there is a lot of yin behind this door!"

Ah Zi approached Ye Tian and whispered in his ear.

"Yes, I know!"

Ye Tian nodded when he heard this, and didn't say anything more, but looked at the door of the women's toilet in front of him with him, and understood everything in his heart.

The scene that happened in front of me is the same as the plot of the movie "Caught by a Ghost".

The same yin-filled hotel, the same women's toilet screaming!

If you don't guess wrong, the door of the women's toilet is about to open, and the woman who comes out is Boss Huo's secretary, Judy!

It's just that at this time, Judy is no longer a human, but a slave of the Dongying ghost king Tanaka Daisa!

They want to complete their mission here and kill ninety-nine humans so that they can be reincarnated!

Now that you know the cause and origin of the matter, if you want to destroy the other party, it's just a matter of time.

After all, there are still a lot of guests here, in case the ghost comes out, I am afraid that there will be casualties, and the gains outweigh the losses.

"Hey, hey!"

Miao Wei kept shaking his hands, with an eager expression, ready to prepare!

However, just as he was fully equipped and smashed the door of the women's bathroom open.

A surprising scene happened, the door of the women's toilet was opened, and with it, a young and beautiful woman with a smile full of charm.

Of course, the woman was the same as Judy in front of everyone, and there was no difference.

But in the eyes of Ye Tian, Ah Zi and Lin Feng, there was another terrifying face.

"Hey, why are you all gathered here, what's going on?"

Judy pretended to be unaware, looked at the guests around her with a curious expression, and asked suspiciously.

"Judy, are you alright! You screamed so loudly just now! "

Boss Huo walked closer very distressed, looked at Judy in front of him, and hurriedly held the other party's hands and asked.

"It's okay, I accidentally touched the power switch just now, and it was electrified!"

Judy explained with a relaxed face, and the rest of the people were relieved to see Judy like this again, and walked towards the banquet hall while talking.

Judy didn't notice that at this time, the eyes of three people had already noticed her.

"Ye Daoyou, what should I do next?"

Although Lin Feng was older than Ye Tian, his cultivation was far inferior to him, so he didn't dare to decide on the disposal of the matter without authorization, but handed over the right to speak to Ye Tian.

"Don't worry, there are too many people here, I'll do it later!"

Ye Tian smiled, turned his head to look in the direction of the women's toilet with a strong yin atmosphere, and then walked towards the banquet hall again with a relaxed face.

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