Seeing this Dongying ghost reappear, Zhao Yan knew that he had encountered a difficult opponent today!

As soon as the words fell, the golden needle suspended in the air shone again!

Immediately afterward, it kept shuttling in the air, and the rich Gang Qi tumbled out.

All the Dongying ghosts were destroyed again, and they dissipated in mid-air.

"Good girl, that Ye Tian is really so powerful?"

Zhao Yan looked at this scene and was a little dumbfounded!

Ye Tian wiped out all the Dongying Powerful Ghosts with just one golden needle, although it was temporary, it was also amazing enough!

Seeing this, Lin Feng shook his head, hurriedly looked at Zhao Yan, and said:

"These ghosts are a little difficult, and they will be resurrected again after a while! I'm afraid that their situation is related to the women's toilet on the top floor of the Kaixing Hotel! "

"What's that? Kaixing Hotel! Isn't it still open for business? "

As the soul ferryman of the city, Zhao Yan also likes to go shopping in his spare time.

For this five-star hotel that is about to open in the city, Zhao Yan has already heard of it!

"Let's explain this to you later, let's go to the hotel first, Ye Daoyou and Ah Zi girl have already taken the first step!"

As he spoke, Lin Feng jumped into the air, grabbed the golden needle that was still glowing, and ran towards the direction of Kaixing Hotel.

"Grandma's, what a nuisance!"

Zhao Yan scolded angrily in his mouth, since this matter has happened, there is no reason not to care.

In case these powerful ghosts come out and kill living beings, I am afraid that I will also be punished by the underworld!

Ye Tian?

This man who impressed him extremely much, Zhao Yan didn't want to see him, but there was no way!

Instead of being entangled with these Dongying ghosts who can constantly be resurrected, it is better to take the initiative to attack more happily, and you can also minimize the damage!

Seeing that Lin Feng's figure had run away, Zhao Yan chased after him without saying a word, shouting as he ran:

"Wait for me, why are you running so fast!"


Asura Demon Realm, at this time, Ye Tian and Ah Zi seemed to be in the underworld.

There is an eerie ghost aura everywhere, and there is magma under your feet that is constantly tumbling, and from time to time, one or two imps will jump out of it, blocking the path of the two.

"It's a little disgusting and uncomfortable here!"

Ah Zi looked around, looking at the scattered human corpses and the boiling lava, and slowly frowned,

"It's okay, when we destroy the corpse of the demon king, we can break this demon world and return to the hotel!"

Ye Tian didn't think so, although the yin atmosphere here was pressing, there was a crisis everywhere.

But for Ye Tian and Ah Zi, it was a pediatric trick.

What is so strange about the enchantment space formed by the condensation of the resentment of a group of Dongying ghosts who don't know the height of the sky!

"Eight Grid Tooth Road!"

Just as the two of them were walking farther and farther, there was an angry roar all around.

A group of powerful ghosts with the same appearance as the Dongying ghosts encountered outside appeared one after another, and appeared in front of Ye Tian and Ah Zi with hideous faces.

The ghosts of Dongying condensed red evil qi and pitch-black ghost qi, and the two qi condensed and intertwined, adding a touch of terrifying color!

"Huaxia pig, you dare to trespass on the territory of Your Excellency Dazuo, do you know what crime to be guilty of?"

"Osa's territory? Joke! "

Ye Tian glanced at these Dongying ghosts with hideous faces with disdain, and a true Qi gushed out from his fingertips, and then instantly pierced the head of that Dongying ghost, bursting open, turning into a blood mist!

"This is Huaxia, the territory of our Chinese people, and the barbarians dare to be presumptuous here, it's simply beyond their means!"


In an instant, Ah Zi's figure was like a purple light, speeding out.

In the next second, one after another corpse qi turned into sharp swords, instantly piercing the chests of all the Dongying ghosts and exploding!

In just a few breaths, the fierce and monstrous Dongying ghost just now completely turned into nothing!

Ye Tian could see that the Dongying Powerful Ghost that he had killed in this Asura Demon Realm Enchantment Space now was afraid that he would never have a chance to return to the sun again!

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