Woo woo woo ...

Woo woo woo ...

As the ghosts were eliminated on the spot, the entire space reverberated with the sound of ghosts crying and roaring.

In the distance, on a clearing in the distance, several terrifying blood-red rays of light burst out in an instant!

Streams of yin qi rose into the sky, and countless ghosts seemed to be summoned, and the wind rushed away in the direction from which the light came!

"Master, that may be the territory of the big sa in their mouth!"

"Well, you stay still for a while, and I'll take care of the rest!"

"Yes, master!"

Ah Zi didn't say anything more when he heard this, and silently retreated behind Ye Tian.

And Ye Tian's idea is also very simple, that is, to destroy the soul of this powerful ghost Dazuo, break his corpse, and get the system reward!

You must know that there are not many opportunities to open the Xuanmen of this heaven and earth, and take advantage of this limited time, there are not many opportunities to improve your strength?

At that time, maybe when he returns to the main world, he will already be in the realm of the Seven Rank True Person!

I'm afraid that when Senior Brother Ninth Uncle sees him like this, he will be so shocked that his jaw will fall to the ground!


In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian had already jumped to the glowing ground.

And Ah Zi fell on the side of the corner, quietly observing everything in front of him!



With a loud sound, the clearing began to shake violently, and cracks poured out in an instant.

Immediately afterward, I saw a golden corpse pouring out of the ground in an instant.

In a half-kneeling posture, it was presented in front of Ye Tian.


As the corpse appeared, the air around it seemed to be distorted, and the humming sound continued.

Countless Dongying ghosts let out fierce roars, one by one turning into blood-red light, and disappeared into the golden corpse.



The golden corpse shone brightly, and Ye Tian stood aside and watched all this quietly, as if he was enjoying some interesting picture.


A loud bang came instantly, and I saw that the golden dried corpse suddenly burst open!

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man wearing a Dongying military uniform and holding a Japanese knife appeared in front of Ye Tian menacingly.

This person is the big Zuo in the mouth of those Dongying ghosts.

The ruler of this space, Daisa Tanaka!


Tanaka Dazuo glared at Ye Tian in front of him angrily, and roared angrily:

"Our Imperial Army is doing a major reincarnation event here, why are you meddling?"


Ye Tian couldn't help but seem to be laughing angrily, looked at the Tanaka Dazuo, shook his head and said:

"You killed people in our Huaxia and indulged in evil deeds, and now you actually say that I am nosy, you are really divine logic!"

"Yaga! This land of China originally belonged to our Yamato nation and belonged to His Majesty the Emperor! You, the pig, are doing my good thing here, and I will never let you go! "

After speaking, that Tanaka Osa instantly opened his bloody mouth, and endless suction came instantly!

All the yin qi around it was inhaled into his mouth, and suddenly his entire body became several times larger, looking down at Ye Tian, with a feeling of looking down at the world.

"Boy, this is my territory, this is my territory, since you are here to die, then I don't mind giving you a ride!"

"Then try it!"

Ye Tian was unmoved, he still looked extremely relaxed, looking at Tanaka Dazuo in front of him!

"Suffer death, China pig!"

Tanaka Osa is full of anger, and the killing intent is strong!

The sword in his hand swept the boundless yin qi, and he slashed down angrily, and there was a burst of detonation sounds, shocking people's souls!


However, the next scene that happened instantly made Tanaka Osa dumbfounded!

I saw that the knife in his hand was pinched straight by Ye Tian's two fingers, everything was so natural and unexpected!

Surrounded by murderous aura, the blood is soaring to the sky!

Even if you haven't even gotten close to an enemy, you can already deal damage to them!

However, it is unbelievable that such a powerful sword was caught by Ye Tian lightly like this!

"How... How can it be! "

Tanaka Osa clenched the sword with both hands, looked at Ye Tian with a shocked look, and shouted in his mouth.

"I thought you had a lot of skills, but that's it!"

Ye Tian looked up at each other, his fingertips moved slightly!

In an instant, the sharp sword instantly turned into countless fragments and scattered all over the ground!

And the hands of Osa Tanaka exploded into two clouds of blood mist in the blink of an eye, and they were in pain!

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