"Not bad, not bad!"

Although the reward of this Tanaka Daisa is only so little, but it adds up to a lot, but it can be promoted to a higher cultivation!

When the time comes, I don't know how much Chi You's soul will be worth in rewards!



Just when Ye Tian was a little happy in his heart, suddenly the entire space began to shake violently!

The magma beneath the feet around it exploded as if it was about to tumble out of the ground!

Ye Tian knew that with the complete elimination of this leader, Tanaka Daisa!

At this time, this enchantment space is also on the verge of collapse!

"Ah Zi, let's get out quickly, this space is about to collapse!"

"Yes, master!"

Ah Zi nodded, followed Ye Tian, instantly turned into two streamers, and disappeared in place.


At this time, in the women's toilet of the Kaixing Hotel.

Lin Feng and Zhao Yan had already arrived here, looking at the thick yin qi that was permeating the surroundings, Zhao Yan was a little surprised.

"It's weird, there is such a gloomy place in this city, why don't I know it!"

"I guess it was wiped out by those Dongying ghosts, so you didn't notice it!"

Seeing this, Lin Feng opened his mouth to explain.

Then he took out a compass from his bosom and carefully watched the changes in the pointer!


Lin Feng raised his hand and pointed at it, and it was the large mirror of the women's toilet in front of him.

Zhao Yan looked at this piece of glass that was full of yin qi, nodded and said:

"Amazing, there's even an enchantment space here, it's doing things right under my nose! Outrageous! "

As he spoke, Zhao Yan immediately pulled out the Soul Eater Gun on his waist and aimed it at the mirror!

"Stand back!"

"Ye Daoyou and Ah Zi girl should be among them, if you do this, you won't hurt them!"

"Hurt them? How can it be? "

Zhao Yan tilted his head and looked at the other party, with an expression that was too lazy to explain.

This Ye Tian's identity as a self-proclaimed person from the Junmen of Taishan Mansion and a descendant of the Maoshan faction was enough to make Zhao Yan feel overwhelmed!

What's more, he is also accompanied by a super top-level purple zombie Ah Zi!

In terms of the cultivation and strength of these two people, what damage does the Soul Eater Gun do to them?

Thinking of this, Zhao Yan no longer hesitated, looked at the huge mirror, and was about to pull the trigger!


However, at the moment when Zhao Yan was about to pull the trigger!

The entire mirror exploded in an instant, and gusts of yin wind whistled out, making Zhao Yan and Lin Feng hurriedly lean down and dodge!



I only heard a sound of wind blowing out and blowing in the ears of the two of them.

Endless shards of glass were scattered all over the ground, and as far as the eye could see, they were full of rich yin qi crystals.

"Zhao Yan, why are you here?"

After a long time, a voice came from behind him, which instantly attracted Zhao Yan's attention.

Sure enough, after he turned around, he saw Ye Tian and Ah Zi standing in front of him.

And the huge glass mirror was gone at this time, and some were just an empty wall.

"Ye Daoyou, have you taken care of this?"

Lin Feng was overjoyed when he saw Ye Tian and the others reappear, and hurriedly stepped forward to ask each other.

"Well, that's it!"

Ye Tian nodded, then looked at Zhao Yan and asked:

"What are you doing here, what I asked you to think about, how did you think about it!"


Zhao Yan was a little speechless, looked at Ye Tian's sharp gaze, and said helplessly:

"I'm the soul ferryman of this city, and such a big thing is happening here, I must come over to check it out! As for what you said, I have already reported it to Hades, and I haven't replied yet! "

"Well, time is running out, you can do it yourself!"

After speaking, Ye Tian no longer paid attention to Zhao Yan, but looked at Lin Feng, who was a little dazed when he listened to the conversation between the two of them, and continued:

"Although all the ghosts here have been eliminated, the feng shui of this big hotel is still a fierce place, and it cannot live or operate. How to talk to Boss Huo about this, it's up to you to do it! "

"Don't worry, Ye Daoyou, I will go to the senior officials of the yamen and persuade Boss Huo together!"

When Lin Feng heard this, he nodded hurriedly and replied sincerely.

Turning his head again, where were the figures of Ye Tian and Ah Zi, as if they had disappeared out of thin air, and disappeared without a trace.

"What about Ye Daoyou?"

"How do I know, it's gone, I thought it was a hell!"

Zhao Yan glanced at Lin Feng angrily, and immediately stopped paying attention to the other party, walked out of the hotel quickly, and returned to the underworld.

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