The next day, an unimaginable news occurred in the city.

That is, the five-star hotel Kaixing Hotel, which is located in the center of the city and is about to open, suddenly announced its permanent closure!

Not only that, Huo's Group also issued a statement informing that the city's largest funeral parlor would be built here, which caused an uproar among the citizens.

A funeral parlor in a prime location in the heart of the city is something that no one wants to believe is true.

In this regard, the outside world has speculated about what happened to make the Huo Group make such a decision.

In the face of many doubts from the outside world, Huo's "660" group only has four words to describe this matter, that is, "no comment"!

"Master, it seems that Boss Huo still has some brains!"

Looking at the news broadcast on TV, Ah Zi smiled and said to Ye Tian on the side.

"That place was inhabitable in the first place, and any money was very small compared to life. Boss Huo has been in the business world for many years, but he just wants to enjoy life in the future!

Instead of continuing to run the hotel in fear, it is better to build a funeral parlor instead, although it is ruined, but it is avoided! "

"Well, that's true!"

Ah Zi smiled, then turned off the TV and asked Ye Tian:

"Master, what should we do next? Do you want to go to the 444 convenience store? "

"Don't worry, it's never too late to go again in the evening!"

Ye Tian waved his hand indifferently, looked at the noisy street outside the window, and said with a smile:

"Let's go, the weather is so good, let's go out for a walk and get some fresh air!"

"Good! Master! "

Hearing Ye Tian say this, Ah Zi instantly laughed.

Since coming to this parallel world, Ah Zi has gradually become accustomed to the lifestyle here, and she can't put down those clothes that look very good.

Seeing that Ye Tian was going to take him out shopping, Ah Zi readily agreed, and hurriedly picked up the change in his hand and counted it, already having a small abacus in his heart.

"Okay, you still have to keep the money, whatever you want to buy, I'll pay for you!"

"Haha, then thank you master!"

Ah Zi laughed when she heard this, and instantly ran close to him and gave him a big hug.

"Such a big person, still like a little girl!"

Ye Tian glanced at Ah Zi dotingly, and remembered the former appearance of Ren Tingting and Hua Yanyan in his mind.

If the two of them followed him to this parallel world, I wonder if they would be as happy as this Ah Zi?


Lively street crowds surge, and there is a noisy and cheerful scene everywhere.

Although Ah Zi is an ancient, he is a zombie who has lived for 2,000 years.

But she also has a girl's heart and likes beautiful things.

After some shopping, Ah Zi bought more than a dozen clothes, and did not forget to pick out a few clothes that fit Hua Yanyan and Ren Tingting's figures, and kept them to take them back later.

In this regard, Ye Tian could only smile helplessly and did not say much.

After all, the age difference between the two worlds is a bit big, even if these clothes are given to Ren Tingting and Hua Yanyan, they don't dare to wear them out...

At this time, looking at Ah Zi, who was full of energy and had no intention of leaving the mall, Ye Tian regretted it a little.

It seems that he thinks of Ah Zi simply, even if she is a zombie, she is also a woman.

Women, where are there those who don't like beautiful clothes, who don't feel love.

Seeing this, Ye Tian could only shake his head helplessly, turned around and handed the bags to the waiter, and said to Ah Zi:

"Ah Zi, you keep picking here, I'll go out to breathe, and I'll be back in a while!"


Ah Zi smiled sweetly, and between her eyebrows, she revealed a noble and beautiful temperament.

Even the waitress at the clothing store couldn't help but be envious.

However, just as Ye Tian was leaving the clothing store to hang out, a polite and handsome Western young man passed by the door of the clothing store.

At a casual glance, I was instantly attracted by Ah Zi's unique temperament and charm.

1.9 By virtue, the young man Fang did not continue to move forward, but turned around and walked into the clothing store, heading in the direction of Na Zi.

"So handsome!"

When the waitress saw the young man from the West walking into the store, her heart instantly became excited.

So he hurriedly greeted him and said with a happy face:

"Welcome, sir, how can I help you?"

"I'll just see for myself!"

The young man in the West smiled and waved his hand when he heard this, but his eyes were always fixed on Ah Zi who was not far away, and he immediately took a step and slowly walked towards the other party. _

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