On the other side, Ye Tian had already brought the souls of those who had died in vain back to the yang world and helped them repair their remnants.

Soon, everything returned to calm.

Ah Zi stood beside Ye Tian and said with some displeasure: "Master, I don't want to stay in this world anymore. "

"Those fools are very disrespectful to their masters, and it's ridiculous. "

Ye Tian was still thinking about the matter of Taishan Mansion Jun, which was a lot of experience.

Kill a purple-eyed demon at will, and you can get a full 3,000 merit points.

In this regard, how could Ye Tian not be moved?

He shook his head and said, "Ah Zi, don't worry, I still have some things." "


Of course, it was impossible for Ah Zi not to listen to Ye Tian's words, and nodded obediently.

Just when Ye Tian didn't know how to find the Taishan Mansion Monarch, suddenly, a terrifying aura descended in front of him!

"Huh?" Ye Tian looked at the owner of the aura, and saw that the other party was more than three meters long and holding a mountain-opening axe.

The aura realm that erupted was exactly the same as that white-haired old man.

This made Ye Tian's mood a little excited, you know, after returning to the original world, there will never be so many merit points to get anymore!

He looked at the giant like a starving ghost sees food.

And not only that, in the blink of an eye, the powerful aura of the Nine Purple Pupil Great Demons appeared here one after another!

These monsters in Ye Tian's eyes, the true gods in the eyes of the world, some are wearing robes and reciting Buddhist scriptures, some are holding Buddha dust with a calm face, and some are golden-bodied arhats, glaring at Ye Tian angrily.

Everyone's breath is extremely strong!

Before they could speak, a voice that Ye Tian was very familiar with sounded out:

"Ye Tian, you will definitely die!"

Ye Tian raised his eyes and saw Hades Chacha standing in the sky, looking at him coldly, his eyes were full of joy.

He couldn't help but laugh and said, "As the king of the underworld, you actually committed yourself to the top of Kunlun Mountain to beg the gods to kill me?"

"If your soulless brother had knowledge, he would probably have swelled your face, right?"

Hades Cha Cha said angrily: "Ye Tian, you don't have to humiliate me anymore, you yourself will definitely die anyway, why do you have to chatter!"

A figure attracted Ye Tian's attention.

The man had a golden rod in his hand, and he was clothed in a robe, and he was chanting words.

"Monkey King?"

Ye Tian smiled, he didn't expect to be able to meet the Monkey King of the Buddha in this world where various plots are mixed.

"Ann dare to call me by my name?"

Dou Shengfo looked at Ye Tian coldly and said, "It's just a small human being, where did you get so daring?"

Ye Tian said with a smile: "It is worthy of fighting to defeat the Buddha, and his temper is really exactly the same as recorded in Journey to the West." "

Hades Chacha looked at Ye Tian puzzled, thinking that Ye Tian could still laugh, he was really looking for death.

She couldn't help but laugh sarcastically: "Ye Tian, if I were you, I would quickly write a suicide note, what do you say?"

Ye Tian didn't pay attention to Hades Chacha, but looked at the rest of the true gods, and said with a smile:

"Since you're all here, let's go up together, let's not waste time. "

As he spoke, he revealed the terrifying situation of a god.

In my heart, I was excited.

Ten purple-pupiled demons with 30,000 merit points can make him directly become a four-rank god realm powerhouse!

How could he not be excited?!

This kind of opportunity is not something that can be easily encountered in the original world!

"Dare to be so arrogant!"

"Hmph, I really don't know who gave you the confidence to dare to shout in front of me and others. "

"Death to the poor road!"

"Amitabha, it's been a long time since the poor monk has seen such an arrogant human being, it's really ridiculous. "

The angry shouts and laughter of the gods rang out one after another, but before they could say more, Ye Tian's figure suddenly disappeared on the spot!

I saw it turn into a golden light and rush towards them with extreme ferocity!

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