Hades Chacha saw that scene in his eyes, and immediately sneered, and sneered: "You are dead." "

She smiled very disdainfully: "You still don't believe that you will die." "

"In the face of the ten true gods, you still dare to rush over, if you don't die, who will die?"

She couldn't help but laugh cruelly, as if she had seen the picture of Ye Tian's death, and kept laughing.

And at this moment, Ye Tian had already rushed into the ranks of the ten true gods, and burst out with incomparably brilliant golden light and killing intent all over his body!

He went straight towards the nearest golden-bodied Arhat, and the momentum was magnificent.

The golden-bodied Arhat originally didn't take Ye Tian in his eyes, but after feeling the terrifying aura emanating from Ye Tian's body, his face also underwent a wonderful and drastic change.

He looked at Ye Tian with some horror.

Without waiting for him to regain his senses, Ye Tian, who rushed to the front of the golden-bodied Arhat, suddenly raised his fists and shouted:

"Martial Dao Dacheng, Golden Bone and Silver Armor!"

Seeing Ye Tian's strong momentum, the golden-bodied arhat felt a trace of fear in his heart, but he also subconsciously raised his fists against Ye Tian.

The surrounding true gods saw that since the golden-bodied Arhat had already made a move, they all lost the consciousness of wanting to make a move against Ye Tian, but instead stood by with a calm expression, looking at Ye Tian coldly.

Obviously, in the eyes of the true gods, where did they need their strength to defeat Ye Tian, that golden-bodied Arhat was enough.

Next second!

The fists of the two men collided violently with each other.

Immediately after, the surrounding true gods were stunned to see that Ye Tian slammed the golden-bodied Arhat to the ground, shattering his fists!


This scene not only made the true gods feel dumbfounded, but also shocked Hades Chacha.

Hades Chacha originally thought that Ye Tian would definitely not be the opponent of the true gods in the face of the true gods. But at this moment...

A golden-bodied Arhat was so easily subdued by Ye Tian, and his fists turned into a blur of flesh and blood!

Dou Shengfu Buddha said angrily: "Stop me!"

Where would Ye Tian put the fighting victory Buddha in this world in his eyes, smiled disdainfully, and stomped on the head of the arhat.

"Ding! Destroy a purple-pupiled horse demon and get 3,000 merit points and 100,000 catties of gold!"

Host: Ye Tian.

Cultivation: a product of God.

Merit: 3900/10000.

Exercises: Maoshan Eighteen Needles, Maoshan Fu Gong Technique, Maoshan Dao Technique, Maoshan Medical Technique.

Magical powers: Three flavors of real fire, shrinking into inches.

Skill: Martial arts masterpiece, the power of ten thousand jun.

Attributes: Gold bone and silver armor.

When Ye Tian heard that there were 3,000 merit points, he immediately became full of smiles, and then rushed to the Dou Victory Buddha.

"You're looking for death!"

Dou Shengfu was furious, and waved the golden hoop stick in his hand, which was only one person tall just now, and suddenly turned into a huge object, and the person stood in front of the golden hoop stick, just like an ant standing in front of a person.

All the true gods gasped, they didn't expect that the Fighting Buddha would suddenly erupt in such a big rage.

"Hmph. "

Ye Tian sneered: "It's just a demon turned into a fight to defeat the Buddha, do you really think that you are very powerful, as strong as in "Journey to the West"??"

He burst out with a shout, burst out with ten thousand powers, and rushed towards the golden hoop stick that was smashed head-on!

"This guy, can't you find death?!"

Hades Cha Cha looked at that scene in horror.

That's the Ruyi Golden Hoop Stick, the golden hoop stick of a true god, the golden hoop rod used to defeat the Buddha!

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